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  • Jul 3, 2008, 02:21 PM
    Due Date is a thing of the past!
    Well guys, rankrank is still with child!! Yep, as of today, I am 40 weeks and 2 days! I'm barely 1 cm dialated and 70 % effaced. I really, really, really don't want to be induced. The doctors are giving me till Monday and then they are going to begin talking about induction. One concern I have is that on all of my ultrasounds the due date showed to be around July 5th/7th but the doctors never officially changed it from the original July 1st date. Anyway... any advice, tips on ways to help me at least progress more? I've been walking but I just get tired out so quick... sex just seems so, UG, right now... help ladies! :D
  • Jul 3, 2008, 02:25 PM
    No sex, no walking. Just enjoy your rest because once the baby comes, you isn't getting any (rest)
  • Jul 3, 2008, 02:27 PM
    Thanks tickle! See... that's sort of how I feel. I just feel like kicking back and relaxing but doc says "walk, walk, walk" which is understandable... but GA!!
  • Jul 3, 2008, 02:27 PM
    Its weird I was only thinking about you an hour ago, ill cross everything for you and enjoy the peace while you can ;) lots of hugs xxxxx
  • Jul 3, 2008, 02:27 PM
    Walking and sex are good natural ways to induce labor. If that tires you out, it's okay. Don't worry about an induction. Pitocin is monitored VERY closely and they will start you on the very lowest dose and slowly increase the dose until you are having good regularly timed contractions.

    Induction is not as bad as you think. I induce ladies virtually on a daily basis.
  • Jul 3, 2008, 02:36 PM

    Originally Posted by curlybenswife
    Its weird i was only thinking about you an hour ago, ill cross everything for you and enjoy the peace while you can ;) lots of hugs xxxxx

    Awwww, thanks CBW!! Warm fuzzies and hugs to you too! :) hehe!
  • Jul 3, 2008, 02:37 PM

    Originally Posted by J_9
    Walking and sex are good natural ways to induce labor. If that tires you out, it's okay. Don't worry about an induction. Pitocin is monitored VERY closely and they will start you on the very lowest dose and slowly increase the dose until you are having good regularly timed contractions.

    Induction is not as bad as you think. I induce ladies virtually on a daily basis.

    Thanks J! This makes me feel much better about the possibility :) :) :) :) :)
  • Jul 3, 2008, 03:48 PM
    Been there, done that, my son was four days past his due date, which is normal. I was ready to rip him out myself, and they were talking about induction. I had to go in for a non-strees test (J9, is that right?) and that afternoon I went into labor.

    Don't stress, he/she will come when it's time. If they induce, well, they're the docs, they know what they are doing.

    Relax, rest, because before long you won't be getting much sleep. Peace and quiet is a good thing before the chaos. :)
  • Jul 3, 2008, 04:51 PM
    You can always have someone drive you down a very bumpy road... that seemed to work back in the day!
  • Jul 3, 2008, 05:07 PM

    Originally Posted by rankrank55
    Well guys, rankrank is still with child!!!! Yep, as of today, I am 40 weeks and 2 days! I'm barely 1 cm dialated and 70 % effaced. I really, really, really don't want to be induced. The doctors are giving me till Monday and then they are going to begin talking about induction. One concern I have is that on all of my ultrasounds the due date showed to be around July 5th/7th but the doctors never officially changed it from the original July 1st date. Anyways.......any advice, tips on ways to help me at least progress more? I've been walking but I just get tired out so just seems so, UG, right ladies!! :D

    I've heard that spicy food is supposed to help. My first son was late too and big. My doctor wanted to induce too, but when he found out how big, he said c-section. Not to scare you, but I think for me it was the better way to go.
  • Jul 3, 2008, 07:42 PM
    Thanks bunches, all of you! :)
  • Jul 3, 2008, 07:53 PM
    Girl, you better keep us posted. I am SOOOOOOOOO excited for you!
  • Jul 3, 2008, 09:15 PM
    Rank oh my goodness :p
    Baby's going to be here before you know it!
    I'll be thinking of you!
  • Jul 4, 2008, 05:53 AM

    Originally Posted by rankrank55
    Well guys, rankrank is still with child!!!! Yep, as of today, I am 40 weeks and 2 days! I'm barely 1 cm dialated and 70 % effaced. I really, really, really don't want to be induced. The doctors are giving me till Monday and then they are going to begin talking about induction. One concern I have is that on all of my ultrasounds the due date showed to be around July 5th/7th but the doctors never officially changed it from the original July 1st date. Anyways.......any advice, tips on ways to help me at least progress more? I've been walking but I just get tired out so just seems so, UG, right ladies!! :D

    I'd ask them as to why the difference in dates... usually they would change to be closer to the scan dates, which would give you a bit more time. Hopefully, if they are just going to talk about possible induction, they will still give you another week before setting a date. There are a number of ways you could try to get things going, but nothing will work well if your body isn't ready for it. There are very good reasons for inductions, but as J_9 said, they have become very common place... and not all reasons are truly medically warranted.
  • Jul 4, 2008, 06:00 AM

    Originally Posted by DoulaLC
    and not all reasons are truly medically warranted.

    Isn't that the truth!!

    We had, notice I said HAD, a doctor in our hospital who did inductions for convenience... either her's or the patient's. There can be some bad outcomes with inductions, but it's really not the norm.

    Keep in mind, whether induced or not, you may or may not have a natural vaginal delivery. It all depends on that little girl of yours, whether she can tolerate the rigors of labor, as well as your body and whether you dilate properly during the proper time frame.

    Whatever the outcome may be, vag or section, you have carried this one to term. This is the one that we have been waiting for for the past what, 2 years almost now?

    The easy part is getting that baby in there, the hard part is getting it out. :p

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