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  • Feb 9, 2008, 09:46 PM
    Is the safest sex abstanance?
    I don't think so, NO teens will commit to something and they don't have the right to. Nobody should force that on teens, they don't know what they want and I think they should learn from there mistakes. That's my opinion, what's yours?
  • Feb 9, 2008, 10:13 PM
    I don't think so either, for a start, it's not sex!

    It is the best way to stop STIs, STDs, unwanted pregnancies and a whole host of emotional issues!

    No matter what you do teenagers will have sex, it's what their bodies are screaming at them to do! I feel a greater weight needs to be placed on education and education about contraception, although a lot of countries / states / parents go against this as it's seen as on-par with abortion.

    And no, you're right, you can't force someone not to do something. It'll force them to do one of two things; either want it even more or become a sexual recluse!
  • Feb 9, 2008, 10:19 PM
    Yes, and that's another thing, there NOT going to stop having sex because it's what they crave. And they teachers should provide more information about it and stop trying to prevent sex. Just make it understood.
  • Feb 9, 2008, 10:34 PM
    I went to a Catholic school where the sex education was pitiful and had (naive) Catholic parents. I was never taught what a condom was or any form of protection for that matter and thus, as is human nature, I decided to find it all out for myself. (As, I might add, most of my classmates were doing!)

    So it's no surprise I was having sexual contact with girls at age 15 and full blown sex by the time I was 16.

    Now I'm not saying I would have abstained if someone would have explained the ins and outs of sex (excuse the pun) to me... but maybe I would have had the knowledge to make some more informed choices!
  • Feb 9, 2008, 11:07 PM
    Yes, the safest sex is abstinence. No STDs, no babies, no worries. Sublimate!
  • Feb 10, 2008, 12:31 AM

    Originally Posted by allroadsleadtojamaica
    I don't think so, NO teens will commit to something and they don't have the right to. Nobody should force that on teens, they don't know what they want and I think they should learn from there mistakes. That's my opinion, what's yours?

    First of all, you need to brush up on your English grammar and spelling so that you can put together a coherent sentence.

    To answer your question... Abstinence is NOT sex... that's the reason it is safe.
  • Feb 10, 2008, 12:38 PM

    Originally Posted by iroc99
    First of all, you need to brush up on your English grammar and spelling so that you can put together a coherent sentence.

  • Feb 10, 2008, 12:44 PM
    Comment on Wondergirl's post
    This is a great and truthful answer!
  • Feb 10, 2008, 02:49 PM
    There are several important issue, first abstinence should be taught as the best method for teens, since most are not emotionally ready for the results of sex. And by doing this, you will not stop all, but you will stop some from making some serious mistakes.

    Then other methods, but also the reulst of having sex should all be taught.
    We get far too many older people here that still thing that pulling out is a birth contol method. So learning what not to do, but also being reinforced that just not doing it, is also the best option.
  • Feb 10, 2008, 08:15 PM

    I said, "Bio or soc teachers who assign their students to carry around an egg or a Baby-Think-It-Over for a week or two get a rude awakening about parental responsibilities." I meant the students, not the teachers, get the rude awakening.
  • Feb 10, 2008, 09:16 PM
    How can we expect our children to understand sex when they can not even spell the words to make up a complete sentence. I am from an older generation and sex was not as rampant among teens as it is now. I think this lead to another fact, divorce was not so rampant among newly marrieds as it is now.
  • Feb 10, 2008, 09:44 PM
    So many teens these days are having sex. The best method IS abstinence. For one thing, teens don't have the kind of morals they once had. A lot are pressured into having sex. Why have sex in high school? Because it makes you cooler? Popular? It will make you know more about life? Because you think that if you have sex you're going to be an adult? All of that just isn't true what so ever. It is so sad to see so many teens these days being so promiscuous and having so many babies out of wedlock. I guess some teen's parents don't instill the morals that my mother instilled to me. When I was in middle school, I stayed abstinent as all my friends started having sex in eight grade. By the time high school rolled around, most of them had babies before they graduated and some had STD's. The best form of birth control is ABSTINENCE. If you don't have sex, you won't get an STD, and you won't have a baby as a teen. Teens need to wait until they are emotionally and financially stable enough to bring a child into this world.

    As of "NO teens committing to something", I completely disagree. I committed to being abstinent throughout high school. I knew that the consequences of having sex was getting pregnant, getting an STD, or a bad rep. I don't think you have to commit an action to know the consequences. I think it is wrong how teens act like they don't know what's right and wrong anymore. This subject is just incredibly sad.
  • Apr 27, 2008, 02:09 AM
    Comment on justcurious55's post
    As Bored said "Where are you getting your stats from?"
  • Apr 27, 2008, 02:19 AM
    Dramatic is un understatement. Have you even thought that through? With all of the controversy over hormonal because all girls should definitely not be forced onto because. And every woman is different so to suggest that every young woman be put on one out of a handful of bc's and only one of those is just plain stupid. For some children, 4th or 5th grade is a fine age to begin teaching age appropriate sex ed, but many children are still not ready for what you're suggesting. Plenty of 5th graders still think the opposite sex has cooties.
    And I'm going to guess you're not a single teen mother after this rant of yours, so what's your excuse for still only making about minimum wage? I know a number of single mothers who had their children when they were teens and they've made a great life for themselves and their child.

    And by the way, the stats I've been seeing are all over the place. They say it on the radio, on the news, in newspapers, magazines, recent surveys. Google it. You'll finds hundreds of sources.
  • Apr 27, 2008, 02:45 AM
    I think my schools got the message right. They started with showing us a woman giving birth and worked backwards. The message doesn't really get any clearer than that. There was over 1500 girls and no teenage pregnancies whilst I was there.

    Abstinence was never mentioned.

    Maybe they overegged the giving birth bit too much- I'm still terrified at the thought!
  • Apr 27, 2008, 01:41 PM
    Is abstinence safer? YES.
    Do parents explain condoms and 'safe' sex to teens? Many don't but the schools do so that kids can't use their parents not telling them as an excuse.
    Do teens commit to abstinence? NO but it gives them something to think about.
    Is anybody forcing abstinence on teens? NO because they will eventually do it anyway but having the alternative taught to them they can make a more educated decision on when they are really ready vs peer pressure and thinking they HAVE to do it 'because everybody else does'
    Should they have sex to learn from their mistakes? Sure and that is why there are so many guys in line at child support court crying they can't afford the 5 babies they had to 5 different girls.
    My opinion is kids should put more emphasis on education and getting somewhere in life than
    Trying to be grown up with adult problems so they can learn from mistakes they didn't need this early in life.
  • Apr 27, 2008, 05:21 PM
    Speaking from a teenage virgin's point of view
    Tell me that I'm not allowed to have sex - and I'll want to even more
    Tell me that it's my own choice and to be responsible about it - I'll have sex when I know I'm ready.
    To be perfectly honest, the more that teenagers having sex is disapproved of and such a taboo subject, the bigger increase in under-age intercourse there will be.
    Schools should STOP teaching us the reasons not to have sex and start teaching us the dangers and HOW to prevent them.
  • Jun 13, 2008, 08:42 PM

    Originally Posted by Niamh-x
    Speaking from a teenage virgin's point of view
    Tell me that i'm not allowed to have sex - and I'll want to even more
    Tell me that it's my own choice and to be responsible about it - I'll have sex when I know I'm ready.
    To be perfectly honest, the more that teenagers having sex is disapproved of and such a taboo subject, the bigger increase in under-age intercourse there will be.
    Schools should STOP teaching us the reasons not to have sex and start teaching us the dangers and HOW to prevent them.

  • Jun 15, 2008, 08:31 AM

    Originally Posted by allroadsleadtojamaica
    I don't think so, NO teens will commit to something and they don't have the right to. Nobody should force that on teens, they don't know what they want and I think they should learn from there mistakes. That's my opinion, what's yours?

    I think the people like you are the ones partially responsible for the spread of stds and the ever increasing amount of teenage pregnancy.
  • Jun 15, 2008, 08:39 AM

    Originally Posted by Fr_Chuck
    There are several important issue, first abstinence should be taught as the best method for teens, since most are not emotionally ready for the results of sex. and by doing this, you will not stop all, but you will stop some from making some serious mistakes.

    Then other methods, but also the reulst of having sex should all be taught.
    We get far too many older people here that still thing that pulling out is a birth contol method. So learning what not to do, but also being reinforced that just not doing it, is also the best option.

    Correct chuck, the pulling out method does not work. The penis is like a basketball player, it always dribbles before it shoots.
  • Jun 15, 2008, 09:46 PM
    I agree, abstinence is awesome. But teenagers are going to be teenagers (yes I'm one) and they'll do stupid things. So they should learn how to do it the right way, it's not promoting it, its making sure they understand the consiquences and how to avoid them. I personally wish someone would have helped me understand more about it, and I think it would have helped me make some better decisions.
  • Jul 31, 2008, 10:10 AM
    I agree with daizeebug abstinence is awesome I wish somebody had told me about abstinence. If they did I wouldn't be pregnant right now.
  • Oct 15, 2008, 02:03 PM

    I personally agree with teenage sex as long as it is responsible , I was taught from a certain age the consequences of having un protected sex, but I was also taught that sex isn't bad!! I had sex as a teenager I didn't catch an std or get a girl pregnant I know people who had sex when they were teenagers and the same applies o them it completely depends on the person and background and again education is the key , if you know all the facts then the decision is completely personal.. anyone who has had sex will agree that after the first time your opinion compltely changes and things become more casual and easier to understand. It really is black and white. Sex isn't bad sleeping around and un protected sex are hope this helped:)

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