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  • Nov 12, 2010, 03:57 PM
    Comment on Homegirl 50's post
    I'm 14 he is 13, ver true! No need to play games.. thanks:)
  • Nov 12, 2010, 04:06 PM

    Well you're young so all the stuff I mentioned should work out for you... lol.

    I was pretty sure you guys were around that age. :) see you!
  • Nov 12, 2010, 04:42 PM
    Homegirl 50

    Originally Posted by Tree Hill View Post
    im 14 he is 13, vertrue! no need to play games.. thanks:)

    You guys talk to each other as friends talk to each other. Relax and this will happen.
    At both of your ages there does not need to be anymore than that.
  • Nov 28, 2010, 03:37 PM
    How do I get him to hurry and ask me out?
    I like a boy, and he likes me too. We tell each other we love each other. He said he has things on his mind because of his grandad going into hospital. We both will be going out at one point but I've been waiting for a month now. HELP, how do I get him to hurry and ask me out? Any good charms to use on him, chat up lines? Cute qoutes? Or anything to get him to like.. want me more. Please reply fast.. I need this boy<3
  • Nov 29, 2010, 03:54 PM
    Try the jelous factor. Say that a guy you know from some where else just asked you out. See what he says. Make sure he knows that you have other options but you want him. This has worked with me many times for me personally. Due to the fact I don't know exactly what "type"of guy he is it may or may not work.. but I wish you the best of luck and turn up the flirt with him a little. If he says he loves you test him.. say things like are you sure... and stuff... if you get in a spot where you could thow in the like"im not yours" or "you can't claim me" things like that tend to make a guy think.. but be careful at the current time because of the fact his graddad is ill this would alsoo be a good time to be a close friedn and a shoulder to cry on.. (not literaly)
  • Dec 7, 2010, 01:11 PM
    How do I get closer to him as a boyfriend?
    We started going out on Friday night, result! I would love to get closer to him as a boyfriend, but not to close that he thinks I'm clingy because he doesn't like clingy people as I have been told from him about one of his past girlfriends. We were very close as friends, but now we go out and I'd like to build up our realationship as 'more than friends'. Not about what we do, but about how we are with each other, because I feel like we could talk a bit more and things like that. Please help:)?
  • Dec 7, 2010, 01:17 PM


    First stop over thinking this relationship!! Let it develop naturally. You know not to crowd him, that might mean, over texting, calling, hanging out everyday. Remember that you are both individuals, keep going and doing things with your friends, and expect him to do the same. If you over text each other, there will be nothing new to talk about when you do see each other face to face!! JUST BE YOURSELF, and the rest will work out all by itself. Good luck
  • Dec 7, 2010, 01:25 PM
    Comment on answerme_tender's post
    Thanks for that help it may just work! I just don't want us drifting apart and finishing before we have even started barley. Got any further info? Could use some please. Thanks!
  • Dec 7, 2010, 01:44 PM

    He must like you, he has asked you out. But remember to just be the girl he asked out, don't start over dramatizing everything. Also don't give up yourself esteem to stay in a relationship, in other words don't ever let someone use you. (If that makes sense). If you continue to worry so much about pleasing him, its going to rub off and he will notice, so again stop over thinking, just be yourself!
  • Dec 8, 2010, 06:10 AM
    Comment on answerme_tender's post
    Thanks. I will just be myself he should love me for that and I know he does. I think I'm just scared that he will finish with me, but he has no reason to:), so that's good! I will now just go with the flow

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