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  • May 29, 2009, 10:37 AM

    There are ways of study and meditation that open us up to delusion of power due to perceived wisdom in focus.I.e. there is a way that seems right to men that ends in death. I had some fantastical ability in my mind of things I perceived in my environment that swept my focus away from the truth. The emotions that enveloped me became an addiction in themselves. I have met others who have related similar circumstances in seeking occult principles in spirituality. So in essence, the life I led In which I was secure in my achievement in ancient wisdoms and enlightenment became worthless and empty. There was a hollowness that came over me like a spiritual hangover,when the things I began to believe about me and life though ancient knowledge became week in the light of emotions I had no control over. I gave it up because in the end I was just as hollow hearted as before I started that journey,thusly I lost the life I had and gained truth through a truly ancient wise man. Joshua the Anointed a.k.a. jesus. His teaching on a way to live and worship the creator,opened me to a serindipity that ovewhelms religion and politics in my life now. I am free and whole. Additionally your gut my serve you well, but don't confuse intuition with emotion,no one is unique in the spectrum of human emotion. There will always be a time to laugh and a time to cry. Sometimes our hearts can not always tell the difference. Grace and peace.
  • May 29, 2009, 11:23 AM

    there are ways of study and meditation that open us up to delusion of power due to perceived wisdom in focus.I.e. there is a way that seems right to men that ends in death.
    "figurativly speaking I assume.


    had some fantastical ability in my mind of things I perceived in my environment that swept my focus away from the truth.
    What truth are you speaking of?



    The emotions that enveloped me became an addiction in themselves.
    Does this mean that you wanted to meditate often so you could just feel these emotions?


    I have met others who have related similar circumstances in seeking occult principles in spirituality.
    Seeking occult principals?? What does that mean?


    so in essence, the life I led In which I was secure in my achievement in ancient wisdoms and enlightenment became worthless and empty. There was a hollowness that came over me like a spiritual hangover,
    Not sure what a spiritual hangover is.


    when the things I began to believe about me and life though ancient knowledge became week in the light of emotions I had no control over.
    I'm not trying to be hard to get along with. I just don't know what you are talking about still. And THIS is your explanation of my earlier confusion.


    gave it up because in the end I was just as hollow hearted as before I started that journey,thusly I lost the life I had and gained truth through a truly ancient wise man. Joshua the Anointed a.k.a. jesus.
    I'm with you here.


    His teaching on a way to live and worship the creator,opened me to a serindipity that ovewhelms religion and politics in my life now. I am free and whole.
    This is great news.

    Additionally your gut my serve you well, but don't confuse intuition with emotion,no one is unique in the spectrum of human emotion. There will always be a time to laugh and a time to cry. Sometimes our hearts can not always tell the difference. Grace and peace.
  • May 30, 2009, 09:54 AM

    Originally Posted by belovedgift View Post
    there are ways of study and meditation that open us up to delusion of power due to perceived wisdom in focus.I.e. there is a way that seems right to men that ends in death. I had some fantastical ability in my mind of things I perceived in my enviornment that swept my focus away from the truth. The emotions that enveloped me became an addiction in themselves. I have met others who have related simular circumstances in seeking occult principles in spirituality. so in essence, the life I led In which I was secure in my achievement in ancient wisdoms and enlightenment became worthless and empty. there was a hollowness that came over me like a spiritual hangover,when the things I began to believe about me and life though ancient knowledge became week in the light of emotions I had no control over. I gave it up because in the end I was just as hollow hearted as before I started that journey,thusly I lost the life I had and gained truth through a truly ancient wise man. Joshua the Anointed a.k.a. jesus. His teaching on a way to live and worship the creator,opened me to a serindipity that ovewhelms religion and politics in my life now. I am free and whole. additionaly your gut my serve you well, but dont confuse intuition with emotion,no one is unique in the spectrum of human emotion. there will always be a time to laugh and a time to cry. sometimes our hearts can not always tell the differance. grace and peace.

    Nice post but you seem to have taken the easy way out. When you where trying to mediatate and connect to the light of the creator you where unsuccessful because you could not commit your mind body and soul to this spiritual exercise.

    You know that's just the problem with these so called christians and followers of jesus. Do you people really know Jesus. He came to show us the way on how to SAVE OURSELVES we are our own saviours and not Jesus. You know its always easy to pass the buck and have someone else do our work, instead of us doing it on our own. You only found happiness and felt complete because you took the easy way out and are now calling Jesus your saviour.

    Whereas if you meditated fasted and treated people like jesus did you may elevate yourself to a higher level of spirituality. When jesus wanted to be close to the light of the creator he always mediataated and fasted. There is only one God and that is the almighty creator and jesus was his greatest deciple
  • May 30, 2009, 02:29 PM
    The easy way out is just what I took,the Master teaches that his yoke is easy and his burden is light,and he invites us that those of use who are weary and heavyladen come to him and he will give us rest. Consider this,how can we save ourselves from a condition we do not have any influence over. No one has total control over their own circumstances or situations any more than we can add one inch to our own height by simply thinking it so. Is it so impossible to believe that the creator of all things became what he created to produce a relationship with us? He could have remained pure logic and allowed us to our own destuction as he did the nefilium of genisis,but he chooses to reproduce his logic in us by simple means. Mankind has chosen to complicate this logic with religion,mystcisim,and all manner of spiritual extortion. We like to complicate things because it is our nature to glorfy ourselves to others in an effort to secure a higher rank in the social structure. The master ever teaches equality in humanity. Lucifer also wished to increase his spiritual stature,and all God did was give him another chance to throw away. When the master meditated and fasted,it was always a call to war against some demonic or devilish influence not to increase his station spiritually. Yes, I can say I know Jesus very personally,Really!! It is easy to be skeptical of faith that went ary in our lives, not so easy to let go of our hang ups and approach God in a simple and focused approach. Its funny to me ,but did you know that the name of jesus in hebrew is literally translated,"savior." he is the way,the truth,and the life I hid from for so long. Christianity tride to regulate him from me,mysticism and occult principles tried to rationalize him from me,my own pride tried to hide him from me,but he tuly has power over my circumstances and situations and things which use to baffel me I now seem to intuitively handle because of what he teaches and who he is. The living water I have been filled with means I will have no emptyness again... ever. Good luck to you though.find grace and peace.
  • May 30, 2009, 03:41 PM

    The Bible says there is a way that seems right to man that leads to death.
    When we look to ourselves to SAVE OURSELVES we are denying Jesus as our redeemer and mediator.

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