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  • Nov 11, 2009, 06:46 AM
    Car "accident" : no police report with reqest for money 2 months later
    I was at a stop light 2 months ago & rolled into a car in front of me. There was o major damage & the other driver agreed she would likely not file for anything (she was driving her dad's car). I gave her my information & we went separate ways with me not hearing anything. 2 months later her dad sent me a letter in the mail requesting 100$ for some minor damage he found and would like repaired. How should I proceed with this? Can he even still claim damage 2 months later. I plan to just ignore this but should I call my insurance agency and report this accidnet now? Confused...
  • Nov 11, 2009, 09:41 AM

    Originally Posted by sarahc05 View Post
    I was at a stop light 2 months ago & rolled into a car in front of me. There was o major damage & the other driver agreed she would likely not file for anything (she was driving her dad's car). I gave her my information & we went separate ways with me not hearing anything. 2 months later her dad sent me a letter in the mail requesting 100$ for some minor damage he found and would like repaired. How should I proceed with this? Can he even still claim damage 2 months later. I plan to just ignore this but should I call my insurance agency and report this accidnet now? Confused....

    What state are you in? Laws vary greatly from state to state and we can give you a better answer if we know where you're from.

    My concern with this is that it was 2 months later. Someone could very well have caused more damage to the vehicle in that timeframe.

    What damage did you do to the car when you rolled into it? What damage is the owner of the vehicle now stating that he found?
  • Nov 11, 2009, 04:12 PM

    I am in PA. He is stating I left two small holes in the bumper area. I am just wondering if legally I need to do anything about this or can I just ignore his request for money 2 months after the fact. His daughter had already agreed she would probably not claim anything & I figured everything was fine until I got the letter from him this week.
  • Nov 11, 2009, 04:35 PM

    Originally Posted by sarahc05 View Post
    I am just wondering if legally I need to do anything about this or can I just ignore his request for money 2 months after the fact.

    Hello sarah:

    You hit her from behind. You are responsible for ANY damage. The question, of course, is how much damage did you do. He says x, you say y. The fact that they waited 2 months is just going to cloud the issue even further.

    If you don't settle on an amount, he'll probably sue you. Then it'll be up to the judge. Or, you could turn it over to your insurance company. Frankly, I don't know why you wouldn't.

  • Nov 11, 2009, 04:56 PM

    I would call my inshurance company and put them on alert if it goes to your company through them and not you first it could mean trouble for you, then contact the person you hit and settle on a price that you think is reasomable . Also offer to have the car estimated by a shop of your choice , that offen turns people off . When ever you are in accedent its always wise to call your inshurence right away let them know what happen . This way there are no supprises to them
  • Nov 11, 2009, 05:33 PM

    So then it is my responsibility to report the accident to my insurance company? I have never been in an accident before & it has always been my understanding that the car that was hit calls the person at fault's insurance compant should they decide to claim something. Also how can he sue me when he waited 2 months after the fact to contact me... the small holes he found could be due to sometihng else that happened in the course of the two months.. would it not be my word against his?. especially because there was no police report?
  • Nov 11, 2009, 05:47 PM
    If all he's asking for is $100, I'd just give it to him. $100 is a drop in the bucket as far as car repairs go. After all, you did hit the other car, even if not intentionally and even a very light bump can easily cause $100 in damages. Send him a check, certified mail, return receipt requested, along with a letter worded something to the effect of "accepting receipt of this payment will constitute full settlement of all damages for said accident now and in the future and the issuer of this payment shall be held harmless for any and all future liability related to said accident." And keep a copy for yourself. Also keep the canceled check once it's been cashed and returned to you. If your bank does not return your canceled checks but merely posts them online, print a copy as soon as it is posted.
  • Nov 11, 2009, 06:25 PM

    Ok, first since you hit from behind, it is your fault, You made a seroius error by not getting something in writing that there was NO damage. If there was ANY damage, you should have either
    1. reported it to YOUR insurance
    2. had them get a estimate at within a week or two of the accident.

    Yes they can sue you easily within a couple months And the girl saying probably is not her saying no, plus if she was not the owner ( if dad was owner) it is his choice. Perhaps he first noticed the minor damage and daughter confessed. You don't know.

    They can call your insurance if they want to, but you will have to call and tell them your side of the story, and normally you will call your agent or claims department and tell them what happened.

    I do know that even a minor damage can be in the 1000's to fix.
    I had a minor, very very minor bumper damage to my car last year, it was almost 800 to fix it. I would have quessed about 100.
  • Nov 11, 2009, 08:59 PM

    I would get written estimates before paying anything. You don't know what shape the car is in two months later. Yes you should take care of damages you caused, just make sure nothing else has happened to that car since that you could get blamed for or attached to by giving them 100.00.

    I am not a lawyer or insurance agent, its just what I would do.
  • Nov 12, 2009, 03:12 AM

    Call your inshurance company. Tell them what happen. You already gave them your info , so you can't even deni it.
  • Dec 6, 2011, 05:11 PM
    I have a? I hit a girl like three months an left a ding in her door.. she said to give her 125 to her so she can fix it an that was it. Now she just called me three months later an is asking for 350. I said no. so can I get into a mess wit my inshurane. There was no police report

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