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  • Mar 9, 2005, 08:34 PM
    Skin lightening pills ?
    Huh? Anyone ever heard of real skin whitening pills that work.
    I mean am kind of new in the skin whitening issue though have been in it all, all the products u guyz were talking about seemed to me to take ages and the results seemed to be temporaliy from what u guyz were saying about the products u used.
    Has anyone ever heard of anykind of skin whitening or litening even bleaching pills on market.
    Or any kind of pills that real work ,I mean REAL work an were made specifically for skin lightening ,bleaching watever not things like diet or crap like that.
    I mean have done lots of researchs but they have been fruitless.
    Anyone ready to help me out .
    Thanks , :p
  • Mar 10, 2005, 08:04 AM
    Skin Whitening
    Seen any pictures of Michael Jackson lately??
    Is this what you want to look like?

    Please, be very careful at what you take for something like this. It is NOT a natural thing to want to do... and can cause great harm.
    Best wishes, and best of luck,
  • Mar 11, 2005, 03:10 PM
    Sure no
    Hi thanks but sure not like nike I mean that's was a bit too much, that's not something I asked for ,I just want something that can lighten up my skin a little bit , I mean only and ONLY pills or soap but nothing related to lotions or anything like that, I had preffer soaps or pills though have failed to get a perfect particular product that works best in the shortest time.
  • Mar 14, 2005, 09:18 AM
    Hi everyone,
    My name is Lotti and I am from austria, it is in the heart of europa (between germany and italy) and I have a big problem with my dark skin. Until now (over 10 years) I have tried several products like hydrochinon-, kojak acid-, obagie creams and stuff like this without any success! Well I don`t know much of "Godiva" but I think it`s the same stuff like all the products that I have already used. I even had painful peelings (with phenol-/fruite- acid) and expensive laser treatments without any positiv result! (my skin even became darker! ) I always used the highest dose of sunblocker and avoid the sun as much as possible. But my skin don`t ligthened up. Now (since 1,5 month) I am using L-glutathion pills, which should have a skin whitening side effect. May it will help me?
    Have a nice day!
    LOTTI :rolleyes:
  • Mar 14, 2005, 10:03 AM
    It's a rare condition called DDT (deep dark tan) it is terminal. Good luck
  • Mar 14, 2005, 07:43 PM
    Same here lotti
    Hey lotti , hope u doing fine but unfortunately, it looks like we having the same problem,DARK SKIN.hmmmmm anyway am just lucky that I haven't spent thousands of shillings in skin lightening products , I set my mind on only skin lightening pills. Unfortunately I haven't been lucky to get any kind of Good skin lightening pills that have got apermanet effect on the skin,
    I tried using lotions until I gave up.
    At one time I was going to oder the pills u are using --------the l-gluthione pills but I gat just too curiosus about them . I did not purchase them due to the marketing skills used by the person selling the pills ((( ever heard about kuzami)) well I just got kind worried about what I was going to buy cause it sounded to good to be true.
    Hey how iare the l-gluthione pills helping u anyway,I want to buy them but am still looking for a true testimonial from some one who has been using them for quiet a while.
    Most probably I will be waiting to hear from youabout how the pills are helping you out,
    Well am still on the serch for the best skin whitening lightening pills on the market.
    Inact have saved some loads for money for the best pills but I hate buying fake pills on market now.
    Anyway do u know of a any good lightening pills that leave permant results on your skin . (( how about the l-gluthione pills , do they real work , how long do they take to work anyway , how much do they cost , thanks.
  • Mar 15, 2005, 07:19 AM
    Hi ZAGADAI, it is nice to hear from you.
    Well, I am not a dermatologist but I had a lot of appointments (about 30 to 40 in austria, germany, swiss) with them.
    Believe me, they are not in the least able to help you or someone else in this case. Some of them made money with me, by painful treatments like peelings/laser, others sold their own "spezial" (expensive) creams and the most of this FUC**** told me that it`s only a psychological problem. :mad:
    WELL I THINK, they all have only a basic knowledge (maybe from the university) and all their intersets (now as ) exists on making MONEY!! ALL MOTHERF******!!
    Okay, until now (really over 10 years) I haven`t got any long term success by lightening my skin. :o I can only assure that creams, lotions and stuff like this don`t work. It even damage every`s one skin. Don´t use it!! Even soaps (papaya), they only have a bad peeling effect (take care of the sun).
    Since 1,5 month I am now using this L-Glutathion pills. Well it is true, that they haven`t been developed for skin whitening, but in higher doses and after a longer term (4 to 7 month) of using them it will maybe work. If it is going to work, it is a side effect.
    You also ask me about "kuzami"! :eek:
    It`s almost impossible not to hear about "kuzami"!!
    In my opinion, he is only interested by making money with desairing persons. And I know he does, I even found a entry in a hotel in Salzburg (city in austria) where he was on ski-holiday (2004/05) and made advertising for his "SUPERWHITENING PILLS" (The only one who will work). ANNOYING!!
    L-glutathion pills and vitamin C, which is the main component of nearly all "whitening pills", you can also buy in every chemist`shop around the corner. You may have to wait one day but you can get sure to get a safe, good product without the risky by ordering in the internet!! FORGET "KUZAMI"!
    Have a blessed day and I hope to hear from you!
    By the way which country are you from, how old are you, male, female..?
  • Mar 15, 2005, 07:16 PM
    Loti nice to hear from you again.Looks like their is no rteal cure to dark skin.damnnnnnnn
    Anyway am set to try out anything ((( only pills ))
    Thakns for the advice about kuzami, man I was going to order a full 6 months suply of his pills on his website.damn , he always says that his super lightening pills are the best and the only ones that do work in skin whitening . I Mean at first I was taken up by whatever he said but after sometime I was like huh?
    U know he was almost ever where plus the fcat that he had few testimonials if not fake testimonials , hmmmm
    I wanted to know some thing, u talked about using the l-gluthione pils , did you s ay 1-5 months or , hm looks like I did not get that one but have u noticed any difference I mean have you seen at least any change however small it may be , have noticed some thing ?

    I will be buying the l-gluthione pills very soon , plus the vitamin c pills , I w ill give it my best shot for at least two months if not three , for Gods sake am not excedding 3 months if atall I donot get to see any changes on my skin, u talked about high does for quick change hmmmmmmm looks like I will have to take something like 10 pills per day ((( isn't that an over dose?? )))
    I mean am tryinbg to get quick results hhhmmm

    Hey hhhm looks that's all
    Nb u asked me where I am , hmmmmmm am in usa , -----massachusets , am male
    Thanks hope to hear from why ou again.
  • Mar 16, 2005, 02:39 AM
    Hi Zagadai,
    Well I am using L-glutathione pills (about 500mg to 700mg / 6 to 7 pills each 100mg) a day together with vit. C (about 500mg) each day and a meal now since one and a half month (about 45days). Until now I cannot see any lightening effect. :( This is even okay! If I could see a lightener skin in this short time it couldn`t be a long-term effect. Everyone`s skin is changing all 28 days. It`s a natral circle. I think I have to use this pills-combination for 4 to 6 month (120 to 180 days) to become a 2 shades lightener complexion. This period could be also longer and will depend on your complexion. Well this l-glutathione pills are very expensive ( 60 pieces each 100mg for 30 Euro/$35) even in the chemist`s shop but they are safe there and without order risk`s and coasts to get. L-glutathion is good for everyone`s health and even in very, very high doses not harmful but maybe a waste of money. I am looking for a cheaper, safe way to get l-glutathion but without any success at this time. - Problems with the customs clearance! :mad: If I know more I will write.
    Have a nice day! LOTTI :D
  • Mar 16, 2005, 07:01 PM
    Please get back to me!!
    Hey Zagadai and lotti! I too want to lighten my skin up a few tones. But, I don't want to waste my money on fonies or something that will harm my skin. Something100% natural... So I haven't tried anything yet. Been researching for more than a year now and haven't really found anything yet. I did order on months worth bleaching pills from but I was too scared to take them and threw them away after a long talk with many over the net who told me it was junk... I was $100 for one month's worth, so I was pissed that I wasted my cash like that. Anyway, I DO want to lighten my skin a bit, maybe a yellow color/tone, maybe a bit lighter. I've been also wondering about the L-GLUTATHIONE pills... claiming that the side effect is lighter skin... I want to chose the right/safest one to used. I don't want to damage the skin I've already got, 'cause I'll admit that it's beautiful and clear too. Good skin, just want it to be a little lighter in tone, that's all. I'm a medium brown color. Anyway, Lotti, can you tell me where to go to purchase the pill conveniantly? I mean, not off the net like you were saying before, what stores sell them, I'm eager to try them myself for a few good months. Get back to me ASAP!! Thanks so much! :)
  • Mar 18, 2005, 08:18 PM
    Oh wow!! I was about to give up on the pills! Thanks so much for the email!! :D So L-Glutathione pills are 100% natural and safe, right? :confused: I'll get back to me for more info! ;)
  • Mar 19, 2005, 05:29 AM
    :D Hi Ywellowgal85,

    L-glutathione is a small compoed of 3 amino acids called cysteine, glutamic acid and glycine. L-glutathione is normally produced by the body it self!
    L-glutathione (good/safe pills) is good for health and a long live!! :)

    Best be taken together with Vit C 30 minutes for meal.
    (AVOID Vit A, E (pills/high doses) they work well together!! )

    L-glutathione was developed for:
  • Mar 19, 2005, 11:26 AM
    FORGET this SWISS WHITENING PILLS!! All their products are a waste of money!! :) Maybe thr right for hollywood?

  • Mar 19, 2005, 12:31 PM
    Hey lotti am back , looks like u guyz are getting some real good solutions for dark skin, am just so amused about the goecties website that yellow gal showed us, hmmm
    I mean have never seen such change in skin lightening I mean , is that some kind of scam or something , sorry but am just asking, well that's the best skin lithgtening site have ever seen in all the seraches have made ,am kind of surprised at the material that am finding it hard to take the guyz way too seriious anyway.
    But I may try their products looks like they gat something for real .
    Thanks yellow gal and lotti.
    (( plus monica )) lol
  • Mar 19, 2005, 12:42 PM
    Damn I hadn't seen the prices on the www. .
    A full 127,000 ------------ can u believe that!! damn
  • Mar 19, 2005, 02:38 PM
    My last comment was mostly toward Monica, this one is too!
    Oh yeah, i don't use creams/gels/lotion or anything you hafta rub in and let it sit. i'm all for natural lightening soaps and 100% natural pills too! As for you who might turn/concider creams and such, beware of this products and brands, they are all very dangerous and should never be used under any circumstances!! Please, take my warning seriously!! Well, here they are:

    Skin lightening creams containing hydroquinone

    Jaribu cream

    Mekako cream

    Amira cream

    Tura skin toning cream

    Yesako medicated beauty cream

    Rico complexion cream

    Madonna medicated cream

    Mrembo medicated beauty cream

    Shirley cream
    Kiss -medicated beauty cream
    Uno21 cream

    Princess patra luxury complexion cream

    Zarina medicated skin lightener cream

    Envi skin toner

    viva super lemon

    Ambi special complexion cream

    Lolane cream

    Nadinola cream

    Glotone complexion cream

    Nindola cream

    Claire crème

    Mic skin lightener cream

    Tonight night beauty cream

    Fulani crème eclaircissante

    Clere lemon cream

    Clere extra cream

    Binti jambo cream

    Butone cream

    Malaika medicated beauty cream

    Dear heart with hydroquinone cream

    Miki beauty cream

    Crusader skin toning cream

    Nish medicated cream

    Island beauty skin fade cream

    Malibu medicated cream

    Palmer's skin success fade cream

    Care plus fairness cream

    Topiclear cream

    Carekako medicated cream

    Body clear cream

    a3 skin lightening cream

    Ambi american formula

    Dream successful

    Symba crème skin lite 'n' smooth

    Ikb medicated cream

    Cleartone skin toning cream

    Clear essence medicated fade cream

    Ambi extra complexion cream for men

    Cleartone extra skin toning cream

    o'nyia skin crÈme

    a3 tripple action cream pearl light

    Elegance skin lightening cream

    mr. clere cream

    Fairlady skin lightening cream

    Fade out cream

    Top lemon plus cream

    Clear touch cream

    Crusader ultra brand cream

    Ultime skin lightening cream

    Rico skin tone crÈme

    Baraka skin lightening cream

    Peau claire crÈme eclaircissante

    Princess medicated beauty cream

    Immediat claire lightening body cream

    Skin lightening lotions containing hydroquinone

    Jaribu skin lightening lotion

    Amira skin lightening lotion

    a3 cleartouch complexion lotion

    a3 lemon skin lightening lotion

    Kiss lotion

    Rico skin lightening lotion

    Princess lotion

    Peau claire beauty body lotion

    Clear touch lotion

    Fair & white body clearing milk

    Sivoclair lightening body lotion

    Extra clair lightening body lotion

    Precieux treatment beauty lotion

    Clear essence skin beautyfying milk

    Skin lightening gels containing hydroquinone

    Ultra clear


    Body clear

    Skin lightening body oils containing hvdroquinone

    Peau claire lightening body oil

    Soaps containing hydroquinone

    m.g.c. extra clear

    Topiclear beauty complexion soap

    Lady claire



    Ultra clear

    Body clear medicated antiseptic soap

    Immediate claire lightening beauty soap

    Cherie claire body beauty lightening & treating soap

    Soaps containing mercury and its compounds







    Fair lady




    Skin lightening creams containing mercury and its compounds

    Pimplex medicated cream

    New shirley medicated cream

    Cream preparations containing hydrogen peroxide(h2o2)

    Jolen cream

    Skin preparations continting steroids

    Movate cream

    Skin success gel

    Hot movate gel

    Amira -c

    Neu clear gel


    Body clear cream spot remover

    Top gel plus

    Soft and beautiful cream

    Lemonvate cream

    Secret gel

    Tcb gel plus

    Unic clear super cream

    Topifram cream

    Skin balance lemon cream

    Peau claire gel plus

    Dark & lovely gel

    Dermo -gel plus

    Peau claire cream

    Fashion fair gel plus

    Hot prosone gel

    Skin balance cream wrinkle remover

    Dark & lovely cream

    visible difference gel

    Sivoclair cream

    Action demovate cream

    Regge lemon gel

    Ultimate lady gel

    Topifram gel plus

    Age renewal cream

    Fair & white gel plus

    Peau clair gel plus

    Fashion fair cream

    First class lady cream

    Skin success cream

    Neu clear cream plus

    Jaribu beta - β cream

    Body treat cream spot remover

    Clair & lovely gel

    Peau clair cream

    Soft & beautiful gel

    Action demovate gel plus

    Prosone gel

    Skin balance gel wrinkle remover

    Ultra-gel plus

    Pro-one gel mca

    Betalemon cream

    I hope this helps you as well as my post above. There are plenty other products that are just as bogus and dangerous, so be careful on your search. Remember, health first! :)
  • Mar 22, 2005, 10:27 AM
    Whitening pills
    Hi everyone,

    I am new to this site. I have read intresting things about whitening pills. I am after the same thing. I use to be very light like honey/white. I had severe acne and my doctor prescribed minocyclazine for six months and the dose was double. It did got rid off my acne but left me very dark. My relative that has not seen me in a while does not recognise me and it makes me very upset when they trying to thing I have some seroius health problems. They ask me to go and see the doctor I have something wrong with me and I don't look well. I feel awful then. I have not tried any creams and lotion and simply can't be bother to put it on does not have time to do it either.

    I have using L-Glutathione for about 3 months now can see only slight diffrence but it is taking a long time for me is it normal. Has anyone experience it. Does anyone know any better brand that will work faster.

  • Mar 23, 2005, 03:33 PM

    Originally Posted by zagadai
    huh? anyone ever heard of real skin whitening pills that work.
    i mean am kind of new in the skin whitening issue though have been in it all, all the products u guyz were talking about seemed to me to take ages and the results seemed to be temporaliy from what u guyz were saying about the products u used.
    Has anyone ever heard of anykind of skin whitening or litening even bleaching pills on market.
    or any kind of pills that real work ,i mean REAL work an were made specifically for skin lightening ,bleaching watever not things like diet or crap like that.
    i mean have done lots of researchs but they have been fruitless.
    anyone ready to help me out .
    thanks , :p

    What the... :eek: I don't think its practical to have skin lightening pills... who knows what it does to your body aside from lightening your skin... its better to use external products because that's the purpose of your skin, to protect what is inside. :D
  • Mar 26, 2005, 03:27 PM
    Hey lotti welcome back.
    Hmm mmm
    Where on earth did u get that skin lightenging report? Damn I donot know where u guyz fetch all that data from .
    Well I went thorugh it everything about it ((( I didnnot buy it))
    H a ha ha ha
    Like I told you am not going to watse any of money on experiments , I just couldn't order that reprot anyway , I wasn't too taken up by what it had , if only they had some real convincing testmonials maybe I would have spent a few bucks their and then
    Anyway am not giiving up on the pills or the soap.I have a feeling that its only the pills and soap that can lighten up ones skin but not the lotions and stuff damn
    Do u have any new discovery?
  • Mar 26, 2005, 10:32 PM
    Wow, that's interesting. I admit that I AM curious! I wonder if it's real.. I want to buy it, but it seems more focused on creams and things... Only twenty dollars though, I wonder... I might buy... just because I'm so curious. Not expecting anything, but curious though... I'm more into what Zagadai is saying.
  • Mar 28, 2005, 03:07 AM
    :D Well zagadai I also don`t give up to take my l-glutathione pills. However I would be rather grateful for any (more/new) information. Your soaps works with the pilling effect which is harmful for your skin. By the way even to take your pills and soap is a experiment and maybe a waste of money. I didn`t hope so! Have a nice day!! LOTTI :eek:
  • Mar 29, 2005, 01:57 PM
    Wow ----
    Hey lotti thanks for the link , I checked out most of them (( all of them anyway)) I took almost 4 hours on some of the forums trying to do some research on the testimonials given by the other members on particular webistes.
    And guess what? I checked out yellow gal on one of the dissicusions at some particular site.hmmmmmm
    Did u get the difference between japan and usa l-glutathione pills? lol
    Wow and guess what some one came up[ and said it was all a scam , that it did not work.hmm ((( I wouldn't want no one to say that when have already made my order))
    Well looks like I will be buying the pills pretty soon , plus the vit c and the sun blocker though am trying to get the cheapest prices right now cause lots of the sites I have checked are damn expensinve damn!
    Anyway did u say u were using the pills as for now? Hmmm how is it going on your side anyway? Have u noticed any change or difference or anything u can talk about as an aftermath affect of using the pills .
    Take care.
  • Mar 29, 2005, 05:06 PM
    One last thing, I don't know why I keep having trouble with post just once. Lol. But lottie, is this where you got your L-glutathione pills? :
    It's the LINK Jada gave me... and where I'm planning on ordering mine. I thought you were female... I am. Oh well. Hope things are well with you.
  • Mar 30, 2005, 01:21 AM
    :) Hi yeelowgal85,

    Which pills is your friend using on the other forum?
    Some kind of l-glutathione pills.
    How long did she/he used now this pills and what` s about her/him experience.

    I can` t find any news, answers, experiences... on your other forum.
    Amber I think she is using Vit C. together with kojac acid.
    I used kojac acid creams together with a Vit C. Serum years ago and it was very harmful to my skin and I stopped it after 4 month. :(

    Can you tell me more!
  • Mar 31, 2005, 05:33 PM
    Hello yellowgal85,
    How's your research going. Well I read your post and we are in the same boat I am also thinking of trying active white or mabey glutathione pills. Have you found out any info what really works.
  • Apr 1, 2005, 05:02 AM
    Hi yellowgal85,

    Well I` m only using the l-glutathione pills (with Vit C. and a sunblocker).
    I don` t like the soaps because they only peel the surface of the skin. They may remove (dark-) pigment on the surface and you will see a fast but but not a long term result. The soaps make your skin even sensitive opposite the insolation. If you don` t use a strong sunblocker you will even become darker. Be carefully.

    Other question:
    Has any one experience with Lucida DS ""?
    How is their dlivery service?
    How long is the waiting period after ordering?
    How is their product?`
    Any information would be helpful! :eek:
    I am still waiting of 2 different orders of l-glutathione! :mad:


    & good luck
  • Apr 1, 2005, 10:20 AM
    Hi lotti
    I joined the forum yesturday and read your messages, and I am so glad to have I found you guys. I too have tried a number of things to lighten my skin, even skin resurfacing which was ver expensisve. I am now seriously thinking of trying Lucida ds or active whites, do you know which ones is best. I have been on the united shelter website and I think it looks like it will really work, what do you think. It is supposed to take 3-10 days to receive your parcel has it come yet? Lucida ds is very similar to l-glutathione and works the same way. So why have you ordered these when they are the same as the pills you are taking now. Are the glutathione working for you or are you having any problems with them. If I found out anymore I will let you know.speak to you soon. Tinabrown
    Something will work just keep researching
  • Apr 1, 2005, 03:40 PM
    Hi TinaBrown,
    Well I am still using l-glutathione pills now from the chemist`s shop around the corner. But it` s to expensive their (in high doses)! 60 pieces, each with 100mg 30 euro. Too much. I ordered 20 bottles 60 pieces with 500mg by unitedshelter DS for about $200. Much cheaper! :) I am waiting now since 10 day. I hope it will arrive soon. :eek: I have good feeling that this pills are the right thing for us.
    Have a blessed day. LOTTI
  • Apr 1, 2005, 05:05 PM
    Hi lotti
    I have some good news, I spoke to randy from the unitedshelter company on the telephone and I don't have to order from the internet I can give my order to him and he will make the collection and send to me. Randy is the brother of the owner of the website, so if anything goes wrong I have his direct contact number. I am in the uk and they have a pick up center for the pills in the uk, so mabey they have a pick up center in whatever country you are in. I as well have confidence in the pills. I'm not quite sure how I buy the vitamin c, is it a tablet or what, and where from? With the lucdia ds there is no vitamin c in it but in other pills there are. I think your order should come if not I will try find out as much as I can for you.
    Speak to you soon
    Something will work
  • Apr 2, 2005, 03:37 AM
    Hi tinaBrown,

    Well I am from italy not so far. Lucida DS was the cheapest marketing I could find (if you order 10 bottles). Read all things trough in this forum and you will find a lot of links (other forums.. ) and opinios.
    As soon as I get my order (10 bottles) I will start using l-glutathione (lucida DS) in the right high doses with the double doses of Vit C. and a sunblocker. (30 min after a meal 3 times a day)
    Nevertheless it will still take month to see results (depens on your complexion until 2 years) and to know if it still works. (take a look on the unitedshelter homepage and their you can read more about the period of using)
    HAVE A NICE DAY!! :)

    Good luck
  • Apr 2, 2005, 09:24 AM
    lotti, thanks for the info on the soap... I was told that it does work a little bit, but not really without the cream, so I'll pass... I get so upset when I keep finding out that there's a bunch of fakes out there selling products that don't even work, or is very damaging... makes me soooo angry sometimes. :mad:
    Anyway, I think I'm just going to order the "Active white" pills and see how they work out for me. I know it could take a while... so I'm going to try and be really patient when I start taking them... I still need to go to a drug store and find Vitamin C in high doses... Do normal drug stores sell VC in high doses..
    And last question... I'm just wondering about "Active White"--it's 500mg L-Glutatione per pill... but I'll need more than that when I multiply (20-40mg x weight--(my calculations: 30mg x 55mg = 1650mg of L-glutathione) I need 1650mg three times daily and Active white only give out 500mg per pill... So does that mean I take more than one pill @ once to meet the actual dosage I'm suppose to take.. Help me out here... Thanks if you can... :)
  • Apr 2, 2005, 06:44 PM
    Hi yellowgal85
    Its TinaBrown here just thought I would let you know that yes you do need to take about 1650mg a day so that means taking active white 3xdaily with a double dose of vitamin c. Because active whites have 5000mg each tablet you will be taking exactly 1500mg a day, which is the round about amount you need. I know this because active whites have the same amount as Lucida ds, which I have done a lot of research on and will be ordering.
    I hope you have researched a lot on active whites, I know they are 100% natural. If Lucida ds doesent work for me active whites is my second choice, after that I give up. Let me know how you get on.
    Domething will work just keep researching.
  • Apr 2, 2005, 06:57 PM
    Hey lotti [italy is not far at all]
    You didn't tell me if your Lucida ds have arrived yet, I swear its about day 12 for you now? Second question is I need to know where I can buy my vitaminc from in high doses. And also I am abit worried about the fact that I could be taken the pills for up to 6 months mabey a year, for my complexion. Don't you think it will up our body if we take this for so long. And if we stop after a year we will go back darker or is it permanent that's one thing they don't mention. Let me know all the questions. Thanks
    Something will work just keep researching.
  • Apr 2, 2005, 06:57 PM
    Hi yellowgal,

    Your body weight is 55 kg.

    55 x 20(mg) = 1100mg
    55 x 40(mg) = 2200mg

    You should take between 1100 to 2200mg l-glutathione in 3 divided doses with the double of Vit. C a day!
  • Apr 4, 2005, 02:55 AM
    Hi spyyder,

    For skin whiteing you have to take l-glutathione (reduced glutathione is the same)!!

    Your bobdy weight is 68kg:

    68 x 20 = 1360
    68 x 40 = 2720

    Take between 1360mg to 2720mg l-glutathione a day in 3 dosis 30 min for a meal together with the double mg of Vit C.
    So you have to take between 1360 x 2 = 2720 to (2720x2=) 5440mg Vit C. each day!
    All right :cool:

    good luck
  • Apr 4, 2005, 11:44 AM
    Hmmm... that is a good question... I didn't know that VC made you gain weight... I'll just have to eat less to maintain my weight then... or just exercise or something... Anyway, spyyder, I think the dosage after maintaining your desired tone is 500mg of L-glutathione, and double that (1000mg) of Vitamin C once daily. Hth!! :)
  • Apr 5, 2005, 07:27 AM
    500mg l-glutathione & 1000mg Vit C! :o
  • Apr 8, 2005, 01:35 PM
    Hi lotti
    Have you started taking your lucdia ds yet, how is it giong, I hope well.
    Any latest news
  • Apr 8, 2005, 02:06 PM
    Permanent results?
    Would you get permanent results by taking L-glutathione and Vitamin C?

    .. Spending that much money on pills and lightening creams then having your complexion change back after a while Without continual use would be just terrible
  • Apr 8, 2005, 02:07 PM
    What is lucdia?

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