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  • Nov 22, 2009, 06:48 PM
    The bane of dark skin
    Do any of you all know any place that sell mequinol at the strength of 20%. When I was born, I had fair skin like Megan Fox when I was very young, but now I am Gabrielle Union's complexion. If I don't dipig, no man will ever date me (I am 19 and never had a date)! Please help!
  • Nov 22, 2009, 07:46 PM

    I'm sorry, but I don't believe you when you say that you went from this:

    To this:


    Either way, I don't know much about the mequinol but I've never seen many people here on these boards raving about it.
  • Nov 23, 2009, 12:27 PM

    Originally Posted by 12cooperv View Post
    Do any of you all know any place that sell mequinol at the strength of 20%. When I was born, I had fair skin like Megan Fox when I was very young, but now I am Gabrielle Union's complexion. If I dont dipig, no man will ever date me (I am 19 and never had a date)! Please help!

    You can't really believe that being a certain colour would make it impossible to date.
  • Nov 23, 2009, 12:44 PM

    Lets just be honest,
    You cannot, blame your color, for not getting a date,

    Its really scary stories, that I hear on this page.

    Mequinol (I have used for 2 months now.)

    It will not make you go from Gabrielle Unionīs color,
    To Megan Fox.
  • Nov 23, 2009, 04:31 PM
    Maybe she meant megan good.
    With a complexion like she has here

    But if she's talking about meagan fox. No way
  • Nov 23, 2009, 07:30 PM

    Yes I'm talking Megan Fox! That's the color I was when I was born. It must be possible.
  • Nov 24, 2009, 02:28 AM

    The problems dating do exist... I can vouch for you... but it depends on your community too... however my dear I will say that you might want to consider what I'm doing... and lightening a bit and not drastic... just taking your time.. but searching for a community that appreciates you more... I posted on here with a similar complaint except I'm almost ten years older than you and I'm trying to get married...

    Everyone in the forum suggested that I look for a btter community.. and you know what... state the obvious.. but it is working pretty well... still some minor issues... but I'm actually getting some positive prospects

    I won't assume where you may be from... but there are a couple of groups who are extremely particular about skin complexion when it comes to dating.. and you definitaly just want to keep away from them... even if you lighten you will find that the people who judge based on those standards are hardly people you want to date... you will eventually conflict with them on something else...
  • Nov 24, 2009, 02:33 AM

    Originally Posted by 12cooperv View Post
    Yes I'm talking Megan Fox! Thats the color I was when I was born. It must be possible.

    And I hate to tell you... but if you mean.. complexion when you were literally born... as in newborn... we all were nearly white honey LOL... sorry.. heck I was like 9 weeks or so early maybe more... and my skin was kind of transparent my mom said... yuck... but anyway... babies haven't developed their pigmentation early on... so don't go by that as your standard for your skin tone... go by an older age
  • Nov 24, 2009, 02:39 AM

    Ok.. my last thought... and I'm done I promise.. LOL again.. I have to be MAMA bear for you teens... stop being so drastic!! You guys are still going through some hormonal things with skin and I think trying to implement radical change will have detrimental effects...

    Be gradual... please.. you may cause some serious damage.. like spotting, or darkening, or marks, or scarring... and then definitely no one will want you with your face all messed up... and you'll regret having damaged perfectly good skin...

    You're aking about Mequinol 20% and that's a pretty heavy chemical... people on this forun complain that 5% burns like hell... some seasoned people are using 10% but they know what they are doing... and their skin has been conditioned to using strong products over time...

    You on the other hand might just be playing with some fire...
  • Nov 24, 2009, 03:42 AM

    Originally Posted by Boricua1 View Post
    Ok.. my last thought... and I'm done i promise.. LOL again.. I have to be MAMA bear for you teens.... stop being so drastic!!! you guys are still going through some hormonal things with skin and I think trying to implement radical change will have detrimental effects...

    be gradual..... please.. you may cause some serious damage.. like spotting, or darkening, or marks, or scarring... and then definitely noone will want you with your face all messed up... and you'll regret having damaged perfectly good skin.....

    You're aking about Mequinol 20% and that's a pretty heavy chemical... people on this forun complain that 5% burns like hell... some seasoned people are using 10% but they know what they are doing.... and thier skin has been conditioned to using strong products over time.....

    You on the other hand might just be playin with some fire....

    Thanks for the advice!

    You know what
    Im just being honest, I think
    As a guy
    I would probably date someone who was lighter, instead of darker or even whiter.
    I wouldn't date someone who was totally white,
    Or totally black.

    I don't know if it is because I am interracial, but I would probably date someone
    Who had a mixed color.
    And dark hair.

    But that's just me.

    And Im Barack Obamaīs complexion.
  • Nov 24, 2009, 03:45 AM

    Im sorry I just can't look at these 2 pictures,

    And think, to "12cooperv"

    You know the first one is caucasian "Megan Fox"
    And the second one is afro-american "Gabrielle Union".

    That is such a big difference,
    Do you want complete fully depigmentation?

    Im born with mixed skin, a White mother and black father.
    And I'm so careful, of using these products, as I am scared that I might turn "too white"
  • Nov 24, 2009, 09:47 AM


    Would you mind sharing your background then.
  • Nov 24, 2009, 12:28 PM

    @mobster if you are Obama's complexion then you are browned skin closer to dark skin.color struck maybe, but to each his own.
    @12cooperv, I don't think you complexion is what gets you dates, it's your personality and physical appearance, I also doubt that you as a kid was that white (be real with your self) maybe you are talking about the first month when you came out the womb, all babies white or black don't have pigment until they are fully infants, at 19 you need to take a look at yourself confidence. Gabby union, has a nice brown skin tone and she is beautiful, she was voted Maxium's sexiest women, and I'm sure she has tons of dates, and in my view she is prettier than megan fox, so you might be her skin tone but do you have her looks and confidence? Work on yourself beause bleaching only works on the outer looks not the inner.
  • Nov 24, 2009, 12:41 PM

    Cooper, I lied I have more to say... yes mama bear is on a rant... I know... but honey, I want you to realize, that if you depig, it may cause scaring, spotting and things that will make it ver obvious that you have bleached your skin... it will make you look like you have a disorder, not even a natural tone like Megan fox may be fair but it is at least an natural actual skin tone... what you will have will be something different, and trust me those guys who are so ignorant and hateful and judgemental, will be even worse to you... juse dismiss this idea of depigmenting yourself... I won't tell you don't lighten.. but I wish that you wouldn't... at least not until you are older...

    I know... everyone says things like that.. wait until your older... but it's true... if I could go back there are a lot of things I would have done differently... for starters there are 5 tattoos I wouldn't have gotten LOL... nor would I have waxed my eyebrows down to little commas for three years straight so now they grown back patchy and sparse LOL... I would never have dated at least six of the guys I dated... and I would have definitely, saved fifty to a hundred bucks from each check from my first job no matter what and put it into a CD or something to save and grow...

    Don't make depigmentation be your lament or regret my love.
  • Nov 24, 2009, 03:25 PM


    I for one quite like your ranting! LOL
  • Nov 24, 2009, 04:12 PM

    I'm sure I can take at least 10%, since I am extremely desperate. I think not having dates and being treated like a chaffier is a gillion zillion times worse than burning sensations on the skin. I would know what I am doing as much as the next person. After all I am an adult, not a child.
  • Nov 24, 2009, 04:33 PM

    Originally Posted by 12cooperv View Post
    I'm sure I can take at least 10%, since I am extremely desperate. I think not having dates and being treated like a chaffier is a gillion zillion times worse than burning sensations on the skin. I would know what I am doing as much as the next person. After all I am an adult, not a child.

    10% of what mequinol?

    Or monobenzone.
  • Nov 24, 2009, 05:32 PM

  • Nov 24, 2009, 05:44 PM

    I bought
    10% Mequinol from
    buy mequinol Other dermatologicals medications from goldpharma

    It stinks.

    By the way. You have to fill out a form, too see if you are qualified for the product.
  • Nov 26, 2009, 01:21 PM

    If there is anything tha can get me a shade that's right in between the color I am now and Megan Fox's color I would be deliriously happy. The happiest girl on the planet!
  • Nov 26, 2009, 02:21 PM

    I would suggest you to try retin a
    And hydroquinone

    And be patient,

    I am 3 shades lighter now
  • Nov 27, 2009, 02:07 AM

    Originally Posted by 12cooperv View Post
    Do any of you all know any place that sell mequinol at the strength of 20%. When I was born, I had fair skin like Megan Fox when I was very young, but now I am Gabrielle Union's complexion. If I dont dipig, no man will ever date me (I am 19 and never had a date)! Please help!

    Well I sense some real self esteem issues, have you spoken to anyone about your insecuracies but I don't think lightening your skin will be the answer to getting dats. I think it may be your low self esteem that's to blame. So maybe you should try working on that and your new found confidence in yourself may be the biggest attraction men will see when they look at you. But if you insist on lightening the best lightening agent to use is an y HQ based cream. Try clairr liss its cheap and it works.

    Good luck to you
  • Nov 28, 2009, 08:56 AM

    I don't think I am ugly, but instead beautiful. I don't even think my skin color is ugly, but it is holding me back. People with darker skin are always treated worse.

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