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  • Jun 23, 2010, 07:36 AM
    So tell us what chemical test you obtained for your mono? Whatever you are saying are lies, first of all monobenzone in all forms strength is depigementing agent, it does not come in any other forms as lightener. That the lies mac shifa been telling, I think Dolice was told it was a lightener not a depigemnting agent.
    Stop misleading others, I never said mac shifa stuff has mercury, in fact I was not sure if it was a legit company but now you prove to me is a scam, and only a daft person will believe you.

    So tell us what chemical test was carried on your monobenzone cream, and anything else where is your prove?
    It is so legit company selling benoquin as lightener!!
  • Jun 23, 2010, 10:06 AM

    Sara, you never answered my question, I asked you if we could go on this journey together and you totally ignored me, But I see your replying to everyone else but me why? I just wanted to be friends
  • Jun 23, 2010, 10:47 AM

    Okay--so you're telling me that a racist comment made by a UK official in Italy was ONLY published, in Dutch, in a small pamphlet that was ONLY distributed in Holland? And that this was NEVER picked up by the AP, or any other major news group?

    I can find NOTHING on this racist comment ANYWHERE. Granted, I cannot read Dutch, so that limits me.

    But I cannot imagine that someone in high standing in a government making a TRULY racist comment like that would not be news everywhere---or at least talked about on the internet. Again, I can find ZERO mention of this ANYWHERE.
  • Jun 23, 2010, 11:07 AM

    Originally Posted by fairy2 View Post
    The words ''what will happen to our white power'' was used by the media here in WHOLE europe, NOT only here in Holland, it was on the TV channel as well, This was a big issue Minister Liam Donaldson (Health in 2004), had to appologize for his misbehaviour.
    What do you mean that you cannot imagine a high standing in a governement is making racist comments ??? Were the hell do you live ??? Ever heard about Hirsi Ali, Geert Wilders,??? political HIGH class ministers here in Holland OPENLY making racist comments !

    No... what I said was that I cannot imagine that a high standing government official making racist comments would NOT make the news. Politicians say stupid things all the time. But I could NOT find reference to that direct quote ANYWHERE. Nor could I find reference to the specific incident you were talking about.

    Since I cannot read Dutch, your reference didn't help me, unfortunately.
  • Jun 23, 2010, 11:15 AM

    And funny---I can find NOTHING on Liam Donaldson to link him to racist comments ANYWHERE.

    I sincerely doubt that you have your facts straight.
  • Jun 23, 2010, 11:33 AM

    Originally Posted by MonoUser View Post
    Sara, you never answered my question, I asked you if we could go on this journey together and you totally ignored me, But I see your replying to everyone else but me why?? I just wanted to be friends

    You didn’t ask me a question that I ignored you asked for my source , it is against the forum rules.
  • Jun 23, 2010, 11:41 AM
    Super Shallow

    Oh man.. its just hilarious
  • Jun 23, 2010, 11:47 AM

    Originally Posted by fairy2 View Post
    Sara read the forum I already wrote it down, (the mono sample which I received from Ireland) was tested and the COA has proven that the mono is genuine. The sample was tested by the laboratory of our neigbour (works for Bayer Pharma chemicals), Mono was analyzed through the ''Schotel destilatie keten ontbinding'' this is a way to analayse EVERY pharmaceutical product (used even by the forensic laboratory). So, please don't tell me here that you have your doubts as I searched for 3 years for REAL mono and was ripped and cheated by several sites and fake sellers.:mad: Just tell me one thing how can you expain me as I got evenly lighter in skin complexion with mono (ICN) from Ireland, Your knowledge seems to be stucked with the ID that Mono. only depigments !!! Science is going on and I believe the ready made mono from Ireland (contains castor oil, Almond oil) as well they are lightening the skin complexion. (your over over grandparents never believed in rockets to the moon, well see it yourself now), even mono is used in skinlighteners nowadays ! were is the proof that mono only depigments? Sarah, even scientist doesn't know the excact working of mono, but believe it or not lightening with mono is already there, and as far as I heard mono soaps, mono lotions are on the market as well.
    (I did not try that before, but it is there).
    The results found in the test of the mono in Ireland is:
    C13H12O2 (this is the molecul formula of Mono as well) assay found in the mono was 98,81%
    next to the mono. almond oil, castor oil, safron, white wax, cetyl alcohol, etc.......... were found.
    I just want to make a point clear here, America is NOT the only country were mono was manufactured, there are other countries as well, BUT be aware for scammers. Sara just a question as MJ2006 reported here on this forum that Mono can be used for bombs (terrorist activities), were the hell did he based that on, proof that to me, only a daft person will believe that !:D
    and to be honest I really don't care were you are buying your Mono, keep struggling to find a relaible seller::p
    Cheers: Jolanda

    Lol you are funny, so you think you can just write few chemistry wrords to show your knowledge. I would not even waste my time anymore but just to point out a fact for you in your results that you obtained you told me they found Molecular Formula C13H12O2? And then you are saying “(this is the molecul formula of Mono as well) assay found in the mono was 98,81%
    Next to the mono. Almond oil, castor oil, safron, white wax, cetyl alcohol, etc... were found.”
    Now chemistry is great tool, to find what is in a compound, the C13H12O2 is for only the pure mono powder, as soon as you add another ingredients the structure will change so it will not stay with 13 carbon.

    And the test ''Schotel destilatie keten ontbinding'' what is it in English?

    Mono is a depigementer not a lightener stop fooling people, god knows what you are using, and please the mechanism of action of mono not known i.e how exactly it works, what is the chemical reaction that occurs not known but scientists know for fact it will depigement it will NOT be even.
  • Jun 23, 2010, 02:23 PM

    Yes, I'm searching for a link.

    I realize that racism happens all over the place--and not JUST from whites against other races.

    I am not giving you my email address.

    And no--I don't just believe what people say about other people without proof. If I did, I'd be pretty stupid, wouldn't I?

    I'm simply saying that I can find NO evidence--zero, nada, zip--that the person you claimed made that statement about "white power" ever said any such thing--nor did he resign after having to apologize for saying it (probably because he didn't say it).

    So--either list the ACCURATE details of the news story, a story that would be "all over Europe"--or please believe that I see your pamphlet as nothing more than propaganda.

    If a high ranking official DID say that, it would be all OVER the place. Not just in one little pamphlet.
  • Jun 23, 2010, 03:10 PM

    Why in the WORLD would I give you my email address, much less open an attachment from a stranger? I was born at night, but not LAST night.

    I can't find ANYTHING about him making a racist comment. I spent 1/2 an hour looking through old news articles and pretty much read far too much about the swine flu virus--but NOTHING about racist comments.

    Since you say it was all over the place in the news, you should be able to link a reputable newspaper's story about it NO PROBLEM.

    If YOU can't list a source other than the one you want me to upload to my computer, why should *I* keep looking for it?
  • Jun 23, 2010, 04:18 PM

    Now you are just being argumentative, and hijacking this thread.

    Actually--yes I DO think that major news stories from reputable agencies are all on the web.

    I'm not afraid of you raping me--or even of you harassing or stalking me. I am, however, cautious and suspicious. You may SAY you are one thing on the internet, but you can't prove it. Neither can I. That's the scary and wonderful thing about the internet. HOWEVER--opening an email from someone you don't trust is just STUPID--and OSTRITCH behaviour that perpetuates multiple viruses and malware. I don't think you'll rape me, silly. I think you'll infect me with a virus.

    So... you believe something that you have only one source for, and it's a source that none of the rest of us have heard of? Would you like to see my ownership papers for London Bridge, while we're at it?

    YOU make the claim--the burden of proof is on you. Since you can offer no proof other than a pamphlet that I cannot get except through you, in another language--I find your sources to be completely refutable.

    I'm well aware that there are more sources than just the internet. However---MOST reputable sources are at least linked to the internet in some way. Do I have time to go to the library, look up your publication, get it translated, etc? Not on your life do I have that sort of time. The internet is a time-saving device, and the point is that you cannot point to a SINGLE other source. Not one. You can't tell me of another journal or news source that has the same story.

    Know what? There's a publication in my neighborhood that prints all sorts of articles in it. Most of the articles are written by other people in the neighborhood, and contain great information. Does that mean I use that little newspaper for ALL of my sources? Nope. That little newspaper isn't even on the internet.

    I know how to do research--I work at a college, for heaven's sake. I'm just not going to do YOUR research for you.

    Not everyone is racist, you know.
  • Jun 24, 2010, 06:02 AM


    I don't care one way or another what people do to themselves, as long as they admit that it was their own damned fault when it doesn't work out the way they wanted it to--instead of running "waaaah! I need to sue! This company or that product or whatever didn't make me happy! Waaaaah!" And wasting the time of the courts and the taxpayers' money.

    I'm a Caucasian female myself, by the way.

    I'm not hiding from the evidence. Are you saying that Europe doesn't have news sources on the internet? I mean, the BBC didn't have anything about that situation, either. I looked. And frankly--I use the BBC for a lot of my world news, because I understand that American news isn't that great for what's going on in the rest of the world. But I can't find ANYTHING. Not one iota of news about this.

    Oh... and I'll try to scan my ownership papers to London Bridge this afternoon. I have to make them up first ;)

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