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-   -   I am sick of being so dark! I desperately want to be light skinned again. (

  • Sep 26, 2009, 10:05 AM
    KRIS P KRIS relax I was light/brown complexion to when I was baby. You only got darker because was sun reacted with your melon in your skin which is normal happens to everyone.

    I personally highly to do not recommend Bio Claire because of the harmful effects on the skin. From my experience after using Bio Claire Acne scars appeared on my face and to this days I still have it, but lucky I'm using an Acne Scar treatment to help them fade away.

    I've been hearing good reviews about 55H+ chrysyaline so you may want to try that or Fair & Flawless brand. I have never used these too yet so I can't judge them from my experience.
  • Sep 26, 2009, 10:23 AM

    Wow that is such a difference!
    All I can say is to follow the above advice and you should get to your old skin tone as your just trying to rid some tanning
  • Sep 27, 2009, 07:02 AM

    Originally Posted by weezing View Post
    I'm gonna have to see pics when u were lightskinned because judging by ur pics it look as tho that's ur natural skin complexion, it doesn't look uneven or anything. We don't know of any permanent skin lightening creams

    weezing, I don't like the way you're behaving. Apparently he's new to skin lightening and doesn't know a lot. So why the hell do you advise him using bio claire when you know very well how dangerous it is.
    Also, did you want to imply that he lied about his skin colour? Believe it or not, there are people who get very dark compared to their childhood complexion.

    And Kris, I really feel your pain. Im also much darker than I used to be as a child. Even, if it is nowhere near the difference with your skin colour.
  • Sep 27, 2009, 07:41 AM

    Originally Posted by Meagan91 View Post
    weezing, I dont like the way youre behaving. Apparently hes new to skin lightening and doesnt know a lot. So why the hell do you advise him using bio claire when you know very well how dangerous it is.
    Also, did you want to imply that he lied about his skin colour? Believe it or not, there are people who get very dark compared to their childhood complexion.

    And Kris, I really feel your pain. Im also much darker than I used to be as a child. Even, if it is nowhere near the difference with your skin colour.

    Woah you need to calm down! I jokingly mentioned bio claire because he said he didn't care what he used aslong as he got the complexion he wanted. If he did take my advice, he would have learned a lesson not to be so careless and do to my research before he comes to a conclusion! Also I never said he lied I just asked for pictures.
  • Sep 27, 2009, 09:30 AM

    Hi,kris.I seen your photos.But I'am not a doctor but I no about,depigmenting chemicals.Since you 16,don't go to the hydroquinone please don't,don't do monobenzone.You can do something natural to lighten your skin back alpha arbutin,kojic acid,tretinoin=vitamin a acid,those types of things.gluta-c skn lightening cream is a very good cream I'am using it with good results with the kojic acid soap for body and face.if you want to see my before&after give me your email address OK!thank you!
  • Sep 27, 2009, 02:46 PM

    Originally Posted by haiji View Post
    Hi,kris.I seen your photos.But i'am not a doctor but i no about,depigmenting chemicals.Since you 16,don't go to the hydroquinone please don't,dont do monobenzone.You can do something natural to lighten your skin back alpha arbutin,kojic acid,tretinoin=vitamin a acid,those types of things.gluta-c skn lightening cream is a very good cream i'am using it with good results with the kojic acid soap for body and face.if you want to see my before&after give me your email address ok!thank you!

    Haiji, no offense but you also said you would email me your before and after picts and never did and that was a couple of months ago. I even requested a second time by sending a second email to make sure you received my messages so I know you did receive them, and you still didn't send it...

    Anyway, Kris listen to what most of these guys said up here as they have taken the time to write detailed information, so please carefully read and if you have any other questions about what was written feel free to ask us. When I was a kid I was also pretty light and people called me yellow. But, I was unfamilar with wearing sunblock and darkened overtime. So, now I am working towards my childhood complexion again and to maintain. Remember when lightening, please be patient as it takes time and your picts are adorable.
  • Sep 27, 2009, 05:59 PM
    LOL! I love the baby pictures!
    You and your sister are so cute. :)
  • Sep 27, 2009, 09:13 PM
    This is my photo,everybody,from using gluta-c,and the kojic acid soap!on the avatar... I don't no how to work this website well..
  • Sep 28, 2009, 02:16 PM

    I totally agree with you Meagan. Weezing. He is SIXTEEN. And NEW yo skin lightening. And you told him to use BioClaire and questioned his original skin color. And please don't even lie and say you were joking. Because you were not. You should watch the way you treat people because what goes around comes around. Maybe you want him to suffer because maybe you have suffered. Or maybe you're just a cruel person without any type of reason. But it's sick and you should be ashamed of yourself!
  • Sep 29, 2009, 12:55 AM

    Originally Posted by haiji View Post
    Hi,kris.I seen your photos.But i'am not a doctor but i no about,depigmenting chemicals.Since you 16,don't go to the hydroquinone please don't,dont do monobenzone.You can do something natural to lighten your skin back alpha arbutin,kojic acid,tretinoin=vitamin a acid,those types of things.gluta-c skn lightening cream is a very good cream i'am using it with good results with the kojic acid soap for body and face.if you want to see my before&after give me your email address ok!thank you!

    *rolls eyes* If lightening natural actually worked do you honestly think any of us would be doing any of this mess?:mad:

    If someone mentions something natural again I just might scream. It's all well and good if you're ALREADY light or asian or something and need to lighten just a little but when you're THAT dark I'm sorry kojic acid and a slice of lemon on your face is just not going to cut it... It's just NOT enough. If it worked I'd sooner buy those products and save a hell of a lot of money...
  • Sep 29, 2009, 02:15 AM

    Im not advicing anyone,

    But for myself,

    THE NATURAL, creams
    Is RIPPING OFF, and waste of money.

    They have no scientifically evidence.

    I have been there,
    Where I didn't wanted to use, Hydroquinone,


    But you know what, I spend so much money on natural stuff.

    They promise so much, but its all a big lie, FOR ME.

    And I came to the conclusion to use something with 4% hydroquinone,

    And I have seen differences within 4 weeks. I'm happy,

    And It only cost me about 30 bucks.

    Now I want to use with retin a

    And eldoquin.

    And I maintained what I wanted, so I am pretty much happy.

    And I take the full blame.
  • Sep 29, 2009, 03:33 AM

    Originally Posted by BrownDeceit View Post
    I totally agree with you Meagan. Weezing. He is SIXTEEN. and NEW yo skin lightening. And you told him to use BioClaire and questioned his original skin color. And please don't even lie and say you were joking. Because you were not. You should watch the way you treat people because what goes around comes around. Maybe you want him to suffer because maybe you have suffered. Or maybe you're just a cruel person without any type of reason. But it's sick and you should be ashamed of yourself!

    Girl shut the hell up! I did not suffer at all and I'm far from cruel.
  • Sep 29, 2009, 07:15 AM

    Originally Posted by weezing View Post
    Girl shut the hell up! I did not suffer at all and I'm far from cruel.

    Telling to use a harmful product. Is cruel. And didn't you just reply to my post saying that you suffered from spots? You're sad.
  • Sep 29, 2009, 07:34 AM
    Mate kris p kris... to be extremely honest... your genetic predisposition to dark skin is extremely high..

    No natural lightener is going to help you.. you have to try either hydroquinone or monobenzone... that's the best I can say ! Although I don't think you look bad at all anyway !

    But to make yourself feel better you have to experiment with either of these two products.. bio claire is not a good choice... people with hq have used it for years despite medical warnings and lived to tell their story.. so it may be a fake thingie that its extremely harmful..

    People on mono, well that's the dicey one... anyway take your choice,

    Brown deceit , its not so nice calling people names because yyour remedy of cristalline will certainly not help in this mans case..
  • Sep 29, 2009, 07:53 AM

    I'VE SPENT CLOSE TO $1000 OR MORE ON LIGHTENING PRODUCTS on my body since January. To be honest, the only thing that really worked for me was mixing neoprosone and hot movate gel on my body with lemon. Lightened like 2 shades in one month on my body.. got a few stretch marks on my thighs but only thing that worked for me. It's a steroid but I only plan on using it for a few months... stopped and I got back darker.. will start using it again. Good luck on finding the right product.
  • Sep 29, 2009, 09:23 AM

    Originally Posted by sagluva View Post
    i'VE SPENT CLOSE TO $1000 OR MORE ON LIGHTENING PRODUCTS on my body since january. To be honest, the only thing that really worked for me was mixing neoprosone and hot movate gel on my body with lemon. lightened like 2 shades in one month on my body.. got a few stretch marks on my thighs but only thing that worked for me. Its a steroid but i only plan on using it for a few months...stopped and i got back darker.. will start using it again. good luck on finding the right product.

    Geez that must be terrible decisions you made,

    Or amazingly, expensive products,
    And you know what I've seen that,

    Oh Yeah!! I seen those products that cost up to 100-300 Bucks.

    With thousands of commercial, and how it going to turn your skin light, within a couple of weeks,

    And those SICK pills, people will take to get lighter.

    Look, the issue here is none pills are going to make you lighter, nor does those

    Natural, and Overcommercialized creams,

    They call them "Hollywood Creams"

    Yeah Right, I hate when they, take advantage, of people, who feel pretty darn, low and willing to pay that kind of money.

    You know what, scientifically, Hydroquinone, reduces the amount of Melanin in the body,

    And Monobenzone, are going to permanently kill your pigments.

    Well those other stuff, doesn't apply to me at all.

    Where is the evidence, of those so called natural without any chemical stuff,
    Are turning you lighter.

    My brother, works, in a AFRICAN store,

    They have all that kind of stuff, he admitted, that most of them are normal creams.

    And they are not allowed to sell something that includes more then 2% hydroquinone.

    So they have all different kind of creams, that doesn't help at all.

    Just to have a variety of creams.
  • Sep 29, 2009, 01:22 PM
    Your strong Afro features are going to stand out even more if you get very light. It won't even look right. The best you can do is try to get to a warm brown color, but try not to be fairskin.
  • Sep 29, 2009, 03:31 PM

    Originally Posted by sagluva View Post
    i'VE SPENT CLOSE TO $1000 OR MORE ON LIGHTENING PRODUCTS on my body since january. To be honest, the only thing that really worked for me was mixing neoprosone and hot movate gel on my body with lemon. lightened like 2 shades in one month on my body.. got a few stretch marks on my thighs but only thing that worked for me. Its a steroid but i only plan on using it for a few months...stopped and i got back darker.. will start using it again. good luck on finding the right product.

    See that's the problem, light one minute, dark the next. Don't peple who know you ask what's up? I know people I know, would.
  • Sep 29, 2009, 03:34 PM

    And trust me when I say I wish I had spent $1000. It has ben far higher for me and I am still not where I want to be. Everything that I really like has disappeared! So fustrating!
  • Sep 29, 2009, 04:02 PM
    Well, Kris you can choose which one you want to try first for a couple of months and go from there. Like I said it's trial and error, and consistency. Choose whichever complexion you feel comfortable with, but people who know you will ask and notice. I think a medium or caramel brown will look nice on you.

    Wow Sagluva, $1000 is a lot and to still try and reach the goals.

    I haven't spent that much on lighteners, but I hate that what I did pay for has disappeared. Very fustrating. I once thought that all I had to do is find a good "permanent" lightener and my skin will remain the same lightened complexion with undertones of color... and never have to lighten again. Now I realize it is more complex than that.

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