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    rguth3's Avatar
    rguth3 Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    May 9, 2005, 08:52 PM
    2000 Dodge Durango w/code p0320 and p0700
    My Dodge Durango recently has been occasionally not starting and sometimes it bucks while driving. The codes are p0320 and p0700. I looked these codes up and found the p0320 was crankshaft position sensor reference signal can not be found while the engine is cranking. And from what I've seen for the p0700 it says it means that a code has been set in the TCM (transaxle control module). The question I have where is the crankshaft position sensor exactly located on the 2000 Durango's? On a manual I have for a 98 Dodge Ram it shows it on the transmission bell housing near the top. I have looked all around that area and haven't found it. Also I wondering if this sensor can cause both of these codes or are they separate issues?
    cw102000's Avatar
    cw102000 Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
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    Oct 31, 2007, 10:30 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by rguth3
    My Dodge Durango recently has been occasionally not starting and sometimes it bucks while driving. The codes are p0320 and p0700. I looked these codes up and found the p0320 was crankshaft position sensor reference signal can not be found while the engine is cranking. And from what I've seen for the p0700 it says it means that a code has been set in the TCM (transaxle control module). The question I have where is the crankshaft position sensor exactly located on the 2000 Durango's? On a manual I have for a 98 Dodge Ram it shows it on the transmission bell housing near the top. I have looked all around that area and haven't found it. Also I wondering if this sensor can cause both of these codes or are they seperate issues?
    My Dodge Durango recently has been occasionally not starting and sometimes it bucks while driving. The codes are p0320 and p0700. I looked these codes up and found the p0320 was crankshaft position sensor reference signal can not be found while the engine is cranking. And from what I've seen for the p0700 it says it means that a code has been set in the TCM (transaxle control module). The question I have where is the crankshaft position sensor exactly located on the 2000 Durango's? On a manual I have for a 98 Dodge Ram it shows it on the transmission bell housing near the top. I have looked all around that area and haven't found it. Also I wondering if this sensor can cause both of these codes or are they separate issues?
    TxGreaseMonkey's Avatar
    TxGreaseMonkey Posts: 16,761, Reputation: 5597
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    Oct 31, 2007, 10:43 AM
    CKP Sensors are normally located near the crankshaft pulley, going in from one side. They are fully exposed to the elements, which is one reason they go. Yes, I'd try replacing it first and see if it takes care of both codes. Disconnect the negative. Battery cable, before replacing the sensor.

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