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    aclejupp's Avatar
    aclejupp Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    May 23, 2007, 03:03 AM
    80s cartoon
    Please help me

    I'm trying to remember the name of a cartoon around the 80s-90s it had a woman who was the baddy on a boat that I think she lived on. There was a big wheel type thing and I think a fairground. I can't remember if they liveed under water or could swim under water but I seem to remember this. Please help I'm going insane trying to work it oue arahhhhh
    teddy0bear's Avatar
    teddy0bear Posts: 64, Reputation: 4
    Junior Member

    Mar 30, 2009, 08:45 PM

    Smoggies? Or Stop the Smoggies?
    YouTube - The Smoggies Cartoon Intro Theme

    I don't remember a wheel. But when you said wheel I though of this one. Weird.

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