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    tvsound's Avatar
    tvsound Posts: 3, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    May 7, 2007, 05:33 PM
    Fraud of Marrigae
    I am going to try to simplify this questions ask much as I can.
    In 2001, I married a person I thought was a man with a serious injury from a previous relationship (cut penis). I constantly doubted this person over time, and subsequently divorced in 2003.
    Recently, after doing research on line about local gossip, I found information of a legal name change in 1994 from a woman's name to a man's name.
    Meaning, I married a woman.
    I am embarrassed,levid, and a whole list of other things that I will not mention. I know that it is now 2007, and I am divorced, but, in my opinion, this person perpetrated a fraud on me as well as the courts.
    My question today is this. Can I press any criminal charges, and, or can I have this marriage annulled?
    I would like my name removed from any, and all records.
    This person is a criminal, and a habitual liar. I confronted the person, since my new findings, and was told that this person is claiming to be a hermaphrodite, and has since remarried.
    Thank you for your time and consideration..
    GV70's Avatar
    GV70 Posts: 2,918, Reputation: 283
    Family Law Expert

    May 7, 2007, 05:41 PM
    If he is a hermaphrodite he can change his sex.Have you ever seen his medical records?. And if he was recognized as a man in 1994 your marriage was legaly right.
    Fr_Chuck's Avatar
    Fr_Chuck Posts: 81,301, Reputation: 7692

    May 7, 2007, 07:44 PM
    I will have to say a hermaphrodite has the sex organs of both, with normally one or the other not as functional. But would have both. So in the bedroom it would be very obvious ( VERY VERY) that they had both sex organs. I have know a few over my life time, and seeing one, it is one experience I will never forget. So had they been a funtional hermaphrodite then you would have had to know,
    If they had a sex change operation, to make them only a maie ( but perhaps not fully funtioning) and then changed their name to that of a male, they would have legally been a male after the sex change.

    If they had been a women, that also would have been obvoius that they merely did not have a penis cut off also. So if they were a women that had a sex change, against after the change they would have been a man.

    If they were still legally a women at the time of the marriage, is null and void, so no anullment would have been needed, ( but then if the marriage was void, then so would be any terms of the divorce and that is an entire other issue,

    And after 6 years, my guess is any illegal activity would be out of the statue of limitation

    You can file a complaint with the local police and see if the DA can come up with a charge, I am at lack of thinking of one, but not sure of one
    froggy7's Avatar
    froggy7 Posts: 1,801, Reputation: 242
    Ultra Member

    May 7, 2007, 08:50 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Fr_Chuck
    I will have to say a hermaphrodite has the sex organs of both, with normally one or the other not as functional. But would have both. so in the bedroom it would be very obvious ( VERY VERY) that they had both sex organs. I have know a few over my life time, and seeing one, it is one experience I will never forget. So had they been a funtional hermaphrodite then you would have had to know,
    If they had a sex change operation, to make them only a maie ( but perhaps not fully funtioning) and then changed thier name to that of a male, they would have legally been a male after the sex change.
    Hermaphrodism is not that cut and dried. In fact, the term "intersex" is used in the medical field, because there are several variations of ambiguous genitalia. It is possible that the person in question was born intersexed, and was surgically altered and assigned to the female gender as a young child, and later grew up feeling more masculine than feminine. (All wild hypothesis on my part, since I have never met the person.) And if he was born intersex, then he will not be either strictly "male" or "female", since gender identity is influenced by many factors. The bolding below is mine, for emphasis.

    This link will give you more than you ever probably wanted to know about the condition(s):
    eMedicine - Ambiguous Genitalia and Intersexuality : Article by Joel Hutcheson, MD

    A brief summary from the website:
    For convenience, intersex conditions traditionally have been divided into the following 5 simplified classifications based on the differentiation of the gonad:

    Female pseudohermaphrodite - Two ovaries
    Male pseudohermaphrodite - Two testes
    True hermaphrodite - Ovary and/or testis and/or ovotestis
    Mixed gonadal dysgenesis - Testis plus streak gonad
    Pure gonadal dysgenesis - Bilateral streak gonads
    (A streak gonad is dysgenetic and resembles ovarian stromal tissue. No germ cells are present.)

    The internal ducts and external genitalia may vary in development, since the presence of apparently male or female gonads does not necessarily correlate with the patient's gender identity.

    Medical/Legal Pitfalls:
    Treatment for intersex states is controversial. No one debates the need to address and treat underlying physiologic problems such as those associated with CAH. The controversy revolves around issues of gender reassignment. Gender assignment by the physician and family may not correlate with gender preference by the patient in adulthood. Remember that the most important sex organ is the brain, which may undergo hormonal imprinting in utero.

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