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    angelhair's Avatar
    angelhair Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    May 3, 2007, 11:29 PM
    I'm 8 1/2 weeks late with a negative urine pregnancy test
    I have not had a period in 8 1/2 weeks I went to the dr today and had a negative pregnancy urine test I don't have any insurance I I have not had a blood test but I big time nag I waited for 2 missed periods before checking to see if I'm pregnant but it was negative is there a chance I could be pregnant and just not enough hcg in my urine at 2 months I had no energy last month I have headaches for 2 months,gas my stomach is big people keep asking me if I'm pregnant,I'm breaking out on my face this month boobs are not really sore lots of ichyness on the soles of my feet and itchy all over my body, my gums are bleeding when I brush this never happens to me I pee a lot but I'm a type 1 diabetic so that's not common I have lots of discharge and my bbt temps are still high or above big time my cover line but hey my 2 urine pregnancy tests keep saying negative last month I was dizzy this month feeling no vomiting should I get a blood test done or just forget about it worry I work with hair fumes and nails can this damage my baby if I'm pregnant? Or should I just assume I'm not . Thank you I'm very worry
    1badchoice's Avatar
    1badchoice Posts: 227, Reputation: 45
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    May 3, 2007, 11:50 PM
    Pregnancy tests these days are very sensitive. Most people would show positive if they are pregnant. It's not impossible that your pregnant but highly unlikely. There may be some other medical problem or maybe your just irregular. It does happen. What did the doctor say? They are your best bet for an educated answer. LOL Hope this helps. Cathy

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