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    threelover's Avatar
    threelover Posts: 6, Reputation: 2
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    May 1, 2007, 12:44 AM
    Sex with your boyfriend's best friend.
    I've been dating my current boyfriend for over 3 years, and we've done pretty much everything together sexually. I recently asked him (about a month ago) "If you could have sex with anyone that you know, who would it be?" and he answered one of my friends that I've been friends with for 5 years. He asked me in response as well, and I told him his best friend. He seemed pretty cool with it, saying as if it could happen, which came as a complete surprise to me because he usually protective of me. I started getting really determined on talking to his best friend about it, and setting up a time to do it (cuz all three of us live with our parents because we're all in university and can't afford to live alone, thus, can't do it with the folks around!).

    But there's so much underneath this... his best friend has never had a girlfriend, let alone have sex, and he's told my boyfriend that he's had a serious crush on me for a while
    (I think it's because we have similar interests and we get along really well. But I don't have any idea other than that). By the way, he's been best friends with my boyfriend for 9 years (3 times longer than he's known me).

    The next thing is that my boyfriend told me about a week ago that it bothered him because he only wants to have sex with me (and we were both virgins before we had sex with each other). I've told him that he could have sex with my friend because I have no problem with him having sex with other girls, and that I would even find it hot. With him telling me that he didn't want me to have sex with him, I've been trying to get rid of the idea because it's almost become an obsession and I want to make him happy. But on the other hand, he says that he doesn't want me to forget about it entirely about it because he doesn't want to ruin my fantasy, as well, he says it may happen in the future, once we stop living with our parents.

    This whole thing has made me kind of on edge for the past while, and I still can't keep the other guy out of my mind (because my boyfriend gave me the hope that something would happen soon). I just saw his best friend over the weekend, and it really cranked up my sex drive because I find him so attractive. I had amazing orgasms with my boyfriend, and he asked me why I was so easily stimulated, and I didn't have the heart to tell him it was because his friend made me so hot (not him), and that I really wanted him.

    I don't know what to do at this point, because I can't get it out of my mind and I don't want to tell my boyfriend about it because I don't want to make him sad, or even angry at his friend because I'm so attracted to him. I mean, I don't feel that I'm letting him down in any other areas in our relationship, and I don't want to quit seeing him (because I feel we are so compatible, I love him so much, and I'm very much attracted to him otherwise), but I want to try something different.

    Another fear that I have is that the best friend will reject me because he's my boyfriend's best friend. So I have two questions for my audience that managed to read my long, long "Ask," #1 being "What do you think I should do about my above situation?." and #2 (for all the guys out there) If you were a virgin and your best friend's girlfriend (who's also your friend now, because of their relationship) offered you commitment-free sex, with possible repeats (and consent from the boyfriend), would you do it?
    laura hamilton's Avatar
    laura hamilton Posts: 31, Reputation: 1
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    May 1, 2007, 01:08 AM
    Sorry to say it but I think all of this is just plain awful!
    He doesn't mind if you have sex with his best friend and you don't mind if he has sex with your best friend.
    I would go mental at my boyfriend for even thinking that.
    Its nice your honest with each other but I wouldn't go there it will screw up your relationship.
    Dard's Avatar
    Dard Posts: 11, Reputation: 2
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    May 1, 2007, 01:22 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by laura hamilton
    Sorry to say it but i think all of this is just plain awful!
    He doesnt mind if you have sex with his best friend and you dont mind if he has sex with your best friend.
    I would go mental at my boyfriend for even thinking that.
    Its nice your honest with each other but i wouldnt go there it will screw up your relationship.
    To complete this if my GF ever told me that she would sleep wit my best friend, I would just go mad! The thought of it it's unbearable for me.
    mogoverthemoon's Avatar
    mogoverthemoon Posts: 60, Reputation: 6
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    May 6, 2007, 05:58 AM
    To answer question 1: I isn't gota clue sorry, but for question 2: I am a virgin, an hung out a lot with my best mate and his girlfriends, I've been quite turned on by a few of them but regardless if my mate was OK with me having sex with them I wouldn't do it because over time it could biuld up tension, if I aws in his place I couldn't ever look at him again if he ever tried to have sex with my girlfriend, if you stay with your current boyfriend your going to keep thinking about his best mate, but if you get with his best mate I'm sure that over time there will be a fight between them. And how can he trust him ever again?
    RubyPitbull's Avatar
    RubyPitbull Posts: 3,575, Reputation: 648
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    May 6, 2007, 10:47 AM
    threelover, since mogoverthemoon has answered question #2 for you, I will answer question #1. You are having fantasies about the "forbidden fruit." Very normal. However, the bottom line is, if you manage to get what you want, it will probably mean the end of your relationship with your BF. As mogover stated, it would create a problem between the two friends. Why invite that kind of drama into your life when you love your BF? He has already told you he doesn't like the idea of you sleeping with ANYONE else. Best friends are OFF limits my dear. You need to actively push those fantasies out of your mind. It is okay, when you are having sex with your BF to think of other men. A lot of people do it. But, that should be the end of it. Do not mix fantasy with reality or else you will lose your BF.
    Fr_Chuck's Avatar
    Fr_Chuck Posts: 81,301, Reputation: 7692

    May 6, 2007, 01:30 PM
    Where has all the morals in life gone. How can a person have sexual desires to this extent for another, and the be acting happy with another and sleeping with them. And we wonder what is going wrong with this world.
    shygrneyzs's Avatar
    shygrneyzs Posts: 5,017, Reputation: 936
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    May 6, 2007, 01:37 PM
    I think you three have far too much time on your hands. Consider the worst case scenario - you have sex with the best friend of your boyfriend and what happens he really starts to like you - more than he should? And you just think of this as a sexual adventure? Your boyfriend already stated he only wants sex with you. That is a bright piece of reality. The rest is stuff TV dramas are made of.
    kp2171's Avatar
    kp2171 Posts: 5,318, Reputation: 1612
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    May 8, 2007, 11:05 PM
    I dated a girl with a strong sex drive who didn't care if I dated other girls, knowing I might be sexually active. To her, I think it would have been a turn on too, as it was for you.

    Couldn't do it. I'm just a one woman guy. And in turn, she stayed with me for almost 2 years without seeing anyone else. Then she cheated. Over.

    So... should the virgin have sex with you because you are offering? Uh... I think most would be afraid after would be too weird. Might trip your trigger, but itd likely confuse the friend to friend relationship for most.

    So for #1... I'm not going to live your sexual life for you. Only you can do that.

    #2... probably not. You might turn him on like mad, but it could just be too weird for him. Again... I dated a girl who thought just like you and her sex drive was absolutely fantastic. So you aren't the only one who thinks like that... but I didn't feel the same way, and most persons I've had a relationship with wouldn't either.
    fix-what-you-broke's Avatar
    fix-what-you-broke Posts: 305, Reputation: 61
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    May 9, 2007, 05:41 AM
    "I've been dating my current boyfriend for over 3 years, and we've done pretty much everything together sexually."...
    I have been with mine 5 years and yes I can say that we have done most things over the years,but that's the whole point if you are in a committed relationship... you make it better yourselves.
    Maybe if you communicated with each other about what would make sex better for you as a couple you wouldn't feel the need to involve others into your bed.. it may sound harsh but I say if you need to sleep around, stay single.
    Sunshine2's Avatar
    Sunshine2 Posts: 70, Reputation: 11
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    May 12, 2007, 09:28 PM
    Maybe you are dating your lovers best friend.
    Matt3046's Avatar
    Matt3046 Posts: 831, Reputation: 128
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    May 13, 2007, 08:35 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Sunshine2
    Maybe you are dating your lovers best friend.
    Aphra Behn

    On Her Loving Two Equally


    How strong does my passion flow,
    Divided equally twixt two?
    Damon had ne'er subdued my heart
    Had not Alexis took his part;
    Nor could Alexis powerful prove,
    Without my Damon's aid, to gain my love.


    When my Alexis present is,
    Then I for Damon sigh and mourn;
    But when Alexis I do miss,
    Damon gains nothing but my scorn.
    But if it chance they both are by,
    For both alike I languish, sigh, and die.


    Cure then, thou might wingèd god,
    This restless fever in my blood;
    One golden-pointed dart take back:
    But which, O Cupid, wilt thou take?
    If Damon's, all my hopes are crossed;
    Or that of my Alexis, I am lost.

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