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    tomder55's Avatar
    tomder55 Posts: 1,742, Reputation: 346
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    Apr 26, 2023, 04:09 AM
    Inflation Reduction Act (IRA)/ American protectionism /Green New Steal
    Calling it an inflation fix was always a big lie . Senator Joe Manchin has got the either be the dumbest Senator ever(and that title is reserved for Clueless Joe) ;or he is a liar when he acts like he is shocked shocked that he was played by Schmuck Schumer and Clueless Joe.

    'I would vote to repeal my own bill' Manchin speaks out about Inflation Reduction Act (

    He's not the only one complaining . This law represents an opening salvo of a trade wa over green energy by the US against our European allies.

    One Euro company after another are abandoning the continent in pursuit of American taxpayer paid for subsidy bucks .

    Scottish battery manufacturer AMTE consider moving production to US in search of subsidies - Power Technology (

    BMW is going to buid EVs here in SC . At the same time they called on EU leaders to address the US trade war on Europe.

    German car industry calls for European policy to counter US subsidies | Financial Times (

    BMW invests $1.7 bln to build electric vehicles in U.S. | Reuters

    Volkswagen too

    Volkswagen focuses on US battery plant, awaits 'EU Green Deal' (

    Italy's ENEL solar panel manufacturing is coming to the US .

    Enel says Oklahoma is top candidate for its US solar panel factory | Reuters

    The demand for Europe to act is there . But they are even in a weaker position to grant subsidies than the US is .

    There is a 250 billion euro proposal on the table , But is that enough ?

    EU announces plans to lead green industrial revolution | Reuters

    All they are really doing is shifting some unused monopoly euros left over from the pandemic.

    Jeremy Hunt ;the Brit Chancellor ,says he will focus on regulatory reform over more subsidies . He took swipes at Clueless Joe in his comments .

    But writing in The Times, Mr Hunt accused Mr Biden of leading a “distortive” global subsidy race, arguing that the long-term solution to the threat of protectionism was “not subsidy but security”.
    Jeremy Hunt unveils green technology plan with swipe at Joe Biden (

    The EU will try to fall on international trade agreements that the US is violating with the IRA. That could take years .

    This whole thing could wake up the EU to make a choice. If they were as truely committed to a net zero energy future then they should be embracing the IRA geen new steal like the ideologues in the US are. The Europeans will have to make the call. If the carbon neutral future is so critical then the price will have to be paid. The US has that choice too . But our leaders have their heads so far up their arse they can see their tonsils .

    Welcome to the climate trade war .
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    tomder55 Posts: 1,742, Reputation: 346
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    Apr 26, 2023, 04:45 AM
    So let's say I am an environmentally conscious daytime commuter who uses an EV to get to and from work ;and to run my daily chores. That would be most US workers. So we use the EVs during the day and charge the car at night. Solar generation is not an option at night so the charger is relying on energy generated most likely by gas . All I am really doing is trading a tail pipe for a smoke stack . Or am I missing something ? With the thermal conversion loss (gas to steam to electric generation) and transmission loss (energy gets lost in the electric lines to the home) It may be a less efficient use of gas than pumping it directly into a car.
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    tomder55 Posts: 1,742, Reputation: 346
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    May 12, 2023, 05:21 AM
    The radical progressives complained that the IRA lacked teeth to gut the fossil fuel industry . Clueless Joe plans to change that .
    The Clean Air Act is a enviro-wacko swamp critters wet dream. It gives the EPA dictatorial powers with it's mandate to regulate pollutants through the “best system of emission reduction” that is “adequately demonstrated.” The IRA added CO2 and methane among other gasses as pollutants.

    Yesterday the EPA proposed a 681 page rule that if approved would be the death knell of fossil fuel power plants.

    Biden EPA Announces Toughest-Ever Rules for Power Plant Emissions | NTD

    The standards released on May 11 would impact new and old power infrastructure, including new natural gas turbines and the country’s existing coal fleet.

    The plants could in theory still operate after they invest in expensive carbon capture techniques. But would they then be able to compete against heavily subsidized green wind and solar generation ? And that presupposes that permits would be granted for the transportation of natural gas to the plants.

    To Joe Manchin's shock ,shock ,shock. Moves are already being made to gut the coal industry. This new proposal will kill the coal industry.

    EPA Rules Mean Coal Plants Will Have To Capture Carbon Or Shut Down - West Virginia Public Broadcasting : West Virginia Public Broadcasting (

    The net effect of this is the conversion of power generation to renewables ;something Congress never authorized. Massachusetts v. EPA gave the EPA a blank check to make these moves. Later cases diluted that power somewhat .But EPA still has tremendous power in defining what is a pollutant and what they can do to regulate it. It will take another court decision to stop it.
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    tomder55 Posts: 1,742, Reputation: 346
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    Jul 10, 2023, 07:07 AM
    It's official World wide the Green New Steal is the biggest swindle ever , How big ? Bigger than the Biden Crime Family . Bigger than the covid swindle . Maybe bigger than the Social Security Ponzi Scheme.

    A new report by 'International Energy Administration' finds that since 2020 governments around the world have spent $1.34 trillion for clean energy efforts .

    Government Energy Spending Tracker – Analysis - IEA

    Hint the Green in the Green New Steal is the $$$$$$$$$$$
    Add to that anti-fossil fuel policies have raise the prices of energy, so governments have spent another $900 billion providing support to consumers.

    How effective has been green policies ? Nada CO2 emissions have never been higher They reached a record in 2022.

    In addition ,the IEA claims that energy transition, and investments in developing economies must reach between $2.2 trillion/yr and $2.8 trillion/yr by the early 2030s to meet increasing planetary energy needs and the Paris Agreement targets .
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    tomder55 Posts: 1,742, Reputation: 346
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    Sep 5, 2023, 04:38 AM
    The Green New steal continues unabated . You would think subsidies in the $billions would sate . But no . More monopoly money needs to go down the rabbit hole. Developers ,not content with fleecing the Feds want state consumers to chip in.

    A new report by New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (Nyserda) to the State of New York Public Service Commission is asking for massive rate increases . The petitioners
    “cite an unexpected and unforeseeable rise in inflation and supply chain costs and constraints associated with, among other things, the Covid-19 pandemic and the Russian invasion of Ukraine”.

    Developers of US offshore projects seek major hike in contract prices | Windpower Monthly

    Keep in mind . The Green New Steal aka the Inflation Reduction Act; offers tremendous tax credits to offset development costs .

    Blame the Ukraine war ? Nonsense !!

    The cause for the price inflation is that mandates and subsidies created a fake demand for the product.

    They also blame rising interest rates . But was it reasonable to believe interest rates would remain near 0% forever ;especially while to government was spending like drunken bureaucrats ?

    Bottom line is that the cost to consumers for renewables would be at least 2x more expensive than natural gas. It is a double barrel blast on the American people . They pay more in rates and pay more in taxes for the Green New Steal .

    NY is not alone. Similar rate increases have been submitted in California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Indiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Jersey, New Mexico, and Rhode Island and probably other states. Other countries are dropping the scam.
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    tomder55 Posts: 1,742, Reputation: 346
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    Oct 28, 2023, 04:52 AM
    So this month GM ;Ford , and even Elon Musk poured cold water on the expectations for the Green New Steal crowd.

    Guess that government mandates and subsidies are not enough to fundamentally transform a market. There needs to be buyers.

    Clueless Joe will tout that EV's are being sold . But the GM Ford and Tesla are making a fundamental point. Their products have to be affordable .

    GM is scaling back it's target because of reduced consumer demands .

    GM abandons plan to build 400,000 EVs by mid-2024 | Automotive Dive

    WSJ reported that Ford was planning on reducing it's work force on EV lines due to demand issues.

    Like other car companies, Ford has expressed uneasiness about the EV market and buyers’ ability to pay up for the technology as the space becomes more crowded with competitors.
    Through the first three quarters of this year, Ford has lost $3.1 billion in operating profit on its electric and software division, already surpassing its earlier projection that it would lose $3 billion this year on the unit.
    Ford Retrenches Further on EVs Amid Demand Uncertainty - WSJ

    Tesla is delaying the construction of a "giga" factory in Mexico .
    During the Q3 2023 earnings call, Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla, revealed that the construction of the company’s Giga Mexico factory has been delayed. Musk stated that while Tesla is laying the groundwork and preparing for construction, the current economic environment, particularly high interest rates, has made them take a cautious approach.
    Musk expressed concern about the high interest rate environment and emphasized the need to assess the global economy before proceeding with the project.
    Tesla Delays Construction of Giga Mexico Factory Due to Economic Factors (

    Musk lost $28 billion

    Are people giving up on EVs? Elon Musk lost $28 billion as Tesla took a beating last quarter (

    Ok so the UAW went on strike because they did not think they were getting a fair share of the EV market .

    Ford just settled with them and created a benchmark that will reverberate throughout the auto market ;and trickle down throughout the economy.

    The union said the deal includes a 25 percent increase over the course of the new contract. It raises the top wage for workers by over 30 percent to more than $40 an hour, the starting wage by 68 percent, and the wage for temp workers by over 150 percent. The agreement entails improvements for current retirees, members with pensions, and members with 401(k)s.

    Ford-UAW agreement: Why Ford was first to reach a tentative deal with striking autoworkers - Vox

    The trickle down will happen when auto parts workers demand increases ;and it will filter down to even the fast food workers who feed lunches to the auto workers.
    California raises minimum wage for fast food workers to $20 | AP News

    No doubt Clueless will deem it appropriate to subsidize the terms of the UAW contract too.

    We are not even talking yet about the massive effort and $$$$$$$$$ it will take to build an EV infrastructure.

    U.S. Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm gave us a glimpse of what is in store. Sept she held a town hall in Georgia . A local called the cops on someone who had blocked a charging station with a gas powered car. That someone turned out to be one of the Secretary's staffers .

    NPR reports

    Granholm's trip through the southeast, from Charlotte, N.C., to Memphis, Tenn., was intended to draw attention to the billions of dollars the White House is pouring into green energy and clean cars. The administration's ambitious energy agenda, if successful, could significantly cut U.S. emissions and reshape Americans' lives in fundamental ways, including by putting many more people in electric vehicles.......

    Granholm's entourage at times had to grapple with the limitations of the present. Like when her caravan of EVs — including a luxury Cadillac Lyriq, a hefty Ford F-150 and an affordable Bolt electric utility vehicle — was planning to fast-charge in Grovetown, a suburb of Augusta, Georgia.
    Her advance team realized there weren't going to be enough plugs to go around. One of the station's four chargers was broken, and others were occupied. So an Energy Department staffer tried parking a nonelectric vehicle by one of those working chargers to reserve a spot for the approaching secretary of energy.

    That did not go down well: a regular gas-powered car blocking the only free spot for a charger?
    In fact, a family that was boxed out — on a sweltering day, with a baby in the vehicle — was so upset they decided to get the authorities involved: They called the police.
    Electric cars have a road trip problem: slow and unreliable charging : NPR

    Now gas cars pull up to a pump ;fill up and go. In minutes the driver is back on the road with little inconvenience.

    This is not the case with EVs .Even a so called fast charge takes time.

    In California ;where the morons are going to ban sale of gas cars by 2040 ,it is estimated that they will have to build out 20 charging stations for every gas pump in the state.
    According to a California Energy Commission assessment, California will need more than 2.4 million public chargers to accommodate about 15.5 million electric cars, trucks, and buses by 2035. That breaks down to 2.11 million chargers (including 83,000 fast chargers) to support 15.2 million electric cars, as well as 256,000 depot chargers and 8,500 public chargers for 377,000 trucks and buses.
    The 2.4 million chargers would serve only half the registered vehicles in the state. Many more will be necessary to complete the second half of the transition, from 15.5 million EVs to more than 31 million EVs by mid-century.
    Those chargers will have to be installed at curbsides, parking lots, parking decks, grocery stores, restaurants, convenience stores, big box stores, office buildings, strip malls, shopping centers, movie theaters, and a host of other locations so that drivers always have ready access to plug-in.
    By comparison, California now has about 11,000 gas stations, convenience stores, and other businesses that sell gasoline, which roughly converts to about 110,000 individual gas nozzles, according to an estimate by Jeff Lenard, vice president of Strategic Industry Initiatives at the National Association of Convenience Stores. That means the transition from fossil fuels to electrons will require California to install at least 20 EV charging ports for every gas nozzle by 2035.
    Mega-Jolt: The costs and logistics of plugging in EVs about to become supercharged | The Highland County Press

    And of course there will be subsidies at the State and Federal level. Already due to the Green New Steal ;a retired person like me in South Carolina ;who will probably never own an EV is already going to shell out from taxes to pay for California's utopian dreams .

    Federal Funding to Help California Expand Electric Vehicle Charging Network

    There is so much more to explore like where is the wattage for all these cars going to come from ??
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    tomder55 Posts: 1,742, Reputation: 346
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    Oct 29, 2023, 04:38 AM
    I just love having a conversation with myself .

    Already posted that dealers are turning away new deliveries. Some a selling subsidized EVs below sticker price ;even the most popular brands.

    20 Electric Cars Selling Below Sticker Price (

    And yet they plan on introducing 50 new models in the next few years.

    Buyers or Not, Here Come 50 New EVs (

    Mercedes-Benz is discounting their models by thousands of dollars . The CFO Harald Wilhelm said it bluntly

    "this is a pretty brutal space," "I can hardly imagine the current status quo is fully sustainable for everybody,"
    Mercedes says 'brutal' EV market will pressure car sales margins | Reuters

    Add to that ;the risk of battery fires and other repairs are forcing insurers to raise prices.

    John Lewis has suspended sales of its EV policies by request of French underwriter Covéa as it reassesses the cost of repairs. Average electric car insurance costs rose 72 per cent in the year to September, compared with 29 per cent for petrol and diesel models, according to The price comparison site notes that premiums for Tesla Model 3s, the most quoted EV on the site, rose more than two-thirds in the past two years. In fact, Aviva withdrew insurance policies for some Tesla models earlier this year before reinstating cover a few months later.
    Electric vehicles: insurers balk at battery fires and write-offs (
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    tomder55 Posts: 1,742, Reputation: 346
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    Nov 4, 2023, 04:56 AM
    Hertz is rolling back it's expectations . They planned to have 100,000 EVs in their fleet by 2022. They have around 50,000 now and are admitting they are slowing down .

    Hertz rolls back aggressive electric car plans | CarExpert

    Hertz pulls back on EV plans citing Tesla price cuts, repair costs (

    Maintenance is a big concern.

    Collision and damage repairs on an EV can often run about twice that associated with a comparable combustion engine vehicle,’ said Mr Scherr.

    “The reality of electric vehicles is that they can be 1,000 pounds heavier or more than gas vehicles, and they move faster, with higher torque. Since they’re extremely zippy and heavier, it’s just physics — the ability to overcome inertia so quickly is going to effect their suspension systems, the brakes and steering columns. It’s counter-intuitive, but even with fewer moving parts they are susceptible to requiring more maintenance. They especially require tire-swapping, because the tires wear out more quickly from that high torque and weight.”
    jlisenbe's Avatar
    jlisenbe Posts: 5,020, Reputation: 157
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    Nov 4, 2023, 08:29 PM
    So I assume you are delaying your plans on buying a new EV? [sarc]

    It never ceases to amaze me what foolishness the American people will buy into.
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    tomder55 Posts: 1,742, Reputation: 346
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    Nov 5, 2023, 05:45 AM
    Whatever car I purchase if I do purchase one will be my last car I would consider a hybrid except I take long road trips ;so hybrids really don't cut it . For local day to day trips I am considering either a golf cart or electric bike. I am not opposed to using battery power where practical. My mover and lawn equipment are all electric. There is no real savings. I expect the cost of replacing the battery as opposed to buying gas and maintaining a gas powered mower is a wash. The deciding factor for me was the opportunity to Not store gas in my garage.

    To me there are way too many issues with EVs And I particularly oppose command economics .
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    jlisenbe Posts: 5,020, Reputation: 157
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    Nov 5, 2023, 08:10 AM
    I have two walk-behind mowers so I can mow the grass (there's a lot of it!) and exercise both. One is a Honda gas powered mower and the other is one of the Ego brand mowers. The Ego is easier to use and I really like the speed control, but the Honda has a good bit more power and is great for large spaces. I could go either way, but I'm glad to have both of them.

    The thing that bothers me about the EV's is that the feds give out substantial tax benefits for people who buy them, which means that I get to buy my car AND pitch in some when other people buy theirs. Just another example of forced charity.
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    tomder55 Posts: 1,742, Reputation: 346
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    Nov 5, 2023, 11:34 AM
    and right now only the rich can afford EVs and that is not likely to change ;espeically with interest rates where they are and will remain for many years to come . So we use our tax dollar to help the rich buy toy cars. The car I am looking at is in the $35-40 thosand range . I am far from thrilled with that as my fixed income ($0 until next year when I'm 70)is already being stretched with inflation I did not anticipate .
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    tomder55 Posts: 1,742, Reputation: 346
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    Nov 6, 2023, 05:45 AM
    The climate change fraud is slowly revealing itself. Unfortunately not until $billions have been invested in it . The latest example is the boondoggle of the NJ wind projects.

    Orsted axes two New Jersey wind projects, takes $4 billion writedown (

    The total write off is actually $5.5 billion.

    In July, New Jersey legislators approved tax breaks for Orsted valued as high as $1 billion to keep the project moving forward — a move Republicans, commercial fishermen and activists slammed as a generous subsidy for a potentially harmful environmental project................In exchange for the handout, which allowed Orsted to pocket federal tax breaks it was initially required to give back to New Jersey ratepayers, the company was required to place a $200 million guarantee into state coffers, which will ostensibly be returned to ratepayers now that the company has scrapped the project.
    Biden-backed wind power company cancels New Jersey projects despite $1B in subsidies (

    Under the Inflation Reduction Act, renewable developers stand to receive tax credits of up to 30% for qualifying investments that use union labor, and more credits if the project meets additional criteria.

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