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    moonlite's Avatar
    moonlite Posts: 90, Reputation: 3
    Junior Member

    Jan 28, 2020, 11:27 AM
    HOA driving me crazy ! My rights as a homeowner ??
    Please can someone give me some advice before I start paying money to a lawyer. HOA rules state that no RV or boat shall be parked on a property and be visible from street or neighbor's house. When I purchased my house I never even saw these rules and never agreed to them. Maybe they were included in the purchase deal. I have no clue. Anyway, I agreed to park my RV in storage elsewhere and pay a monthly fee. The problem is every time I bring it to me house to get it ready for a trip- even for a few hours and some HOA spy sees it, I get penalized with a monetary fee. I reached out and explained the situation to them. They said I have to contact them to get a waiver every time I bring the RV to my property. So I started doing that. I would ask for a two day waiver. One day to prepare the RV and leave the same day for an over night stay with the grand kids somewhere. We would come back the next day in the evening. By the time I empty the RV and clean it, it is dark. So I return it to storage the very next morning. Remember: I only asked for a two day waiver. This means on day number 3 technically I am in violation. So they started sending someone to see if I removed the RV on the third day very early in the morning. A few times they saw the RV was still there at 7 AM and they slapped me with another fee ! I said ok I will start asking for a three day waiver. This will give me enough time to return the RV on the third day. Now they are telling me I can not keep it more than 48 hours !! What is a man who loves his grandkids and just wants to enjoy his home and his life to do ? They are making it virtually very hard for me to enjoy my home and my RV. NONE of my neighbors complain whenever I bring the RV to my property. And when it is parked in my driveway- although visible from the street- it does not block the public sidewalk at all as I have a huge driveway. What are my options as a homeowner short of selling the house and moving elsewhere ?? I really appreciate your inputs
    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Jan 28, 2020, 01:56 PM
    I have had my experiences with HOA's and not very good ones either. I found this article that I hope helps.

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