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    pooney67's Avatar
    pooney67 Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    May 11, 2016, 08:23 AM
    Drug for Beign hyperplasia(doxazosin) causes sexual dysfunction. Help
    Took drug call doxazosin, which is a generic for Cadura. Was taking it to help me urinate better. I did not have beign Hyperplasia. Just was prescribed this drug to help me urinate better. It has cause me lack of orgasm. Lack of libido for 8 months. I believe it is permanent. These antihypertensive drugs cause sexual dysfunction, but they are suppose to clear up after you stop taking them, but my side effects have not gone away. This drug is used also for hypertension. Alpha 1 beta blockers relaxes smooth muscle, by inhibit the alpha 1 receptors from receiving neurotransmitters epinephrine, and norepinephrine, in smooth muscle which causes smooth muscles to relax. In other words it interferes with nerve impulses. It is called a Alpha 1 antagonist . I need anything that can do the opposite of what this drug has done to me. Basically a drug that is a Alpha 1 agonist(activates alpha 1receptors I think) I am totally sexually dysfunctionable. My urologist says there is nothing that ca be done but wait. I have taken nothing. If anyone knows how to reverse what these antihypertention drugs do(causing sexual side effects) please get in touch with me. Please help if you have any advice anything that has helped you recover from what these drugs can do to some men.
    joypulv's Avatar
    joypulv Posts: 21,591, Reputation: 2941
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    May 11, 2016, 01:48 PM
    8 months after you stopped the drug? How long did you take the drug?

    Doxazosin - FDA prescribing information, side effects and uses
    All I gleaned from this is that 1.1 to 2% experienced impotence or sexual dysfunction.
    And that priapism can be dangerous and cause permanent damage, but you don't mention priapism.

    Sorry I don't know of any men who took the drug, nor can I find one online who is going through impotence.

    I would ask the urologist for more details. I know, specialists are often rushed, but ask anyway.
    Since your timeline isn't really clear, and the doctor said wait, I'd wait 6 weeks, just as a guess.
    tickle's Avatar
    tickle Posts: 23,796, Reputation: 2674

    May 11, 2016, 02:20 PM
    You are not a patient man who has someone he has to satisfy and enjoys the experience, so wait and follow your urologist's advise for heavens sake or you will not get back to where you were! I am a female on hypertension medication and it certainly does not inhibit me in any way. Why would it react differently for a male? Be patient and if you don't like the advice you have been given by your present practitioner get a second opinion until you get 'satisfaction' either way.


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