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    oldsw's Avatar
    oldsw Posts: 3, Reputation: 1
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    May 5, 2016, 09:34 AM
    Substitue Teacher
    I was banned from ever teaching at this school and even barred from stepping foot on the campus.
    I was subbing at a local high school. I have, this year. Substituted 46 times without incident. I came into classroom, looked at assignment, could not find resource. I started to take roll of the class. Classroom attendant entered class, I asked about resource and she stated she might remember where she left it. Later she returned with the DVD disc. In a really, really, loud voice she stated I DO THAT, and took the roll out of my hand and tore up my notes on the roll and threw them in the trash. Then she said we also do not turn in roll until at least halfway through class (had been told as quick as possible after tardy bell). I told her I thought she was being unnecessarily rude and condescending. I then went to start the DVD because the students were getting noisy and running in and out of the class. She again, in a loud voice, stated I DO THAT, she spent the next hour and a half turning DVD on and off without ever showing movie. I went and sat at the back of the class. She came up to me an hour later and said do you think you could at least take my attendance to the hall secretary? I went with roll and asked secy if I could leave as it is clear that I'm not wanted or needed. Secretary said hall principal not available but that, by law, a person with a degree is required in the classroom. I stayed for the interest of the class. Next period this attendant was not there I showed the DVD without incident and the class was mannered and quiet. Last period she was back again and could not get the DVD to play and made smart remarks to me when I said students should not be allowed to come and go from class without permission. She laughed mockingly and I again sat at back of class where a student said laughingly to me "you kno she hates F---white crackers do ya". During movie she made remarks to students like "whites are really afraid of blacks with education". I was due to sub again later that week. I got a call about two hours later that I was barred from teaching at that school and my next assignment canceled. Since then the agency I sub for has called for me to sub but I refused as my reputation means a whole lot more to me than working to pay old medical bills. I forgot, I'm a 71 year old retired professional.
    joypulv's Avatar
    joypulv Posts: 21,591, Reputation: 2941
    current pert

    May 5, 2016, 09:41 AM
    Sorry this happened, but what is your question? You are white and the attendant and most of the students are black? What country?
    You have options, but need to ask us if you want some, and say where this is.

    If this happened to me (I don't think I would have handled it your way, but I wasn't there), I might write it up and send a copy to the school and temp agency. AND I would keep working.
    Your reputation has nothing to do with continuing or not, at other schools.
    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    May 5, 2016, 11:11 AM
    I think I would have filed my own complaints against this rude pissant both with the school AND my agency, and continued to work in better environments and put this "bad day" behind me.

    I can understand the "who needs this crap" attitude, but my reaction would have been to stand up to this PISSANT bully while continuing to make my money!

    You got paid to sit in the back of the class letting the pissant spin her wheels, but cannot get paid for sitting at home. I applaud you for coolly stepping aside, but quitting altogether was an over reaction in my book.

    This round goes to the pissant for running you off.
    Fr_Chuck's Avatar
    Fr_Chuck Posts: 81,301, Reputation: 7692

    May 5, 2016, 05:11 PM
    I would have filed a complaint with the school office against the attendant, in fact I would have asked the attendant to leave the class when they did this. And in a loud voice tell them, to stop their activity.

    You lost control of the class, the teacher, even substitue is in control and keeps control.

    I would have even video'ed the attendants behavior. But I would have never, ever, sat in the back of the class and gave up.

    Yes, your behavior was incorrect and you would be banned for allowing an attendant to take over the class.

    Unless they just want you sitting in the back and allowing a untrained, unskilled person to do the class.

    Please "RACE" if you are a professional teacher, you stay in control
    teacherjenn4's Avatar
    teacherjenn4 Posts: 4,005, Reputation: 468
    Education Expert

    May 5, 2016, 07:43 PM
    I have never heard of a class attendant. But, you said you have substituted at that school before or at least 46 times prior. So, I would assume you know how to contact people in charge when there is an issue. Allowing an aide, as we call them, to take charge and control of your class tells me that you may not be able to handle high school. I'd speak to the person in charge of substitute teachers and explain your situation. I'm not a fan of being a substitute in high school. I'd rather substitute in elementary, although I don't have the time anymore.
    I'd find the schools you're comfortable teaching in and stick to those before you burn more bridges.
    oldsw's Avatar
    oldsw Posts: 3, Reputation: 1
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    May 7, 2016, 08:03 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Fr_Chuck View Post
    I would have filed a complaint with the school office against the attendant, in fact I would have asked the attendant to leave the class when they did this. And in a loud voice tell them, to stop their activity.

    You lost control of the class, the teacher, even substitue is in control and keeps control.

    I would have even video'ed the attendants behavior. But I would have never, ever, sat in the back of the class and gave up.

    Yes, your behavior was incorrect and you would be banned for allowing an attendant to take over the class.

    Unless they just want you sitting in the back and allowing a untrained, unskilled person to do the class.

    Please "RACE" if you are a professional teacher, you stay in control
    I did file a complaint but the school rejected also with temp agency but their money comes from putting teachers in schools and they were scared. I told the attendant I was to run the class and she laughed. I went to the hall principal who was not there and told of the problem and asked for her to be removed or let me leave. The secy said that I had to stay because the law in VA required someone w degree and attendant had none. I was told by the school that the attendant was their employee and that I was not. I was banned because I made the attendant angry so said the school.

    Quote Originally Posted by teacherjenn4 View Post
    I have never heard of a class attendant. But, you said you have substituted at that school before or at least 46 times prior. So, I would assume you know how to contact people in charge when there is an issue. Allowing an aide, as we call them, to take charge and control of your class tells me that you may not be able to handle high school. I'd speak to the person in charge of substitute teachers and explain your situation. I'm not a fan of being a substitute in high school. I'd rather substitute in elementary, although I don't have the time anymore.
    I'd find the schools you're comfortable teaching in and stick to those before you burn more bridges.
    Thank you for your response. I contacted and wrote that day to all that I could. I handle the hardcore students well and comfortable. Previously I was a surveillance office working with gangs for the Juvenile Courts. This is a VERY PC school district and my biggest handicap has been my race especially in this situation. I can work part time anywhere, I was there to help the students but since the school prefers race over discipline and quality I happily say good riddance.
    teacherjenn4's Avatar
    teacherjenn4 Posts: 4,005, Reputation: 468
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    May 7, 2016, 12:53 PM
    Sounds like you did the correct thing. We don't have attendants in California, so I imagine as an outsider (per diem) substitute, they'll side with their employee. I'd definitely chalk this up to experience and find another school to work at.

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