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    NeedKarma's Avatar
    NeedKarma Posts: 10,635, Reputation: 1706
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    Nov 12, 2015, 10:25 AM
    Ah, I see, you're hyper-sensitive. Yes, that's damning stuff you quoted. :eyeroll:
    smoothy's Avatar
    smoothy Posts: 25,490, Reputation: 2853
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    Nov 12, 2015, 10:51 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by NeedKarma View Post
    Ah, I see, you're hyper-sensitive. Yes, that's damning stuff you quoted. :eyeroll:
    I'm hypersensitive? I couldn't care less if you are an Atheist or not... I don't feel some NEED to go around bashing people that are... you and several others can't seem to avoid it.
    NeedKarma's Avatar
    NeedKarma Posts: 10,635, Reputation: 1706
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    Nov 12, 2015, 11:44 AM
    Once again, I didn't bash you, I just quoted what you wrote to show how mean you can be to people then turn around and say that atheists and liberals are the bad people. Your racist and homophobic leanings are well documented on this site.
    smoothy's Avatar
    smoothy Posts: 25,490, Reputation: 2853
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    Nov 12, 2015, 12:26 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by NeedKarma View Post
    Once again, I didn't bash you, I just quoted what you wrote to show how mean you can be to people then turn around and say that atheists and liberals are the bad people. Your racist and homophobic leanings are well documented on this site.
    Typical liberal response again...

    You bashed Christians over and over.. yet defend Muslims.

    You have to go back to the 1600's to the Salem Witch trials find the last real Christian persecutions, or the Spanish inquisition before that or almost a 1,000 years to the Crusades, but those really weren't Christian provoked, those were in response to Muslim invasion and genocide on previously Christian lands.

    We have to only go back as far as today for Muslim related ones... and in the life span of people still alive today for three MAJOR Atheist based mass murders of well over 150 million (Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot just to name three). So you don't have the moral high road to be bashing anyone.
    CravenMorhead's Avatar
    CravenMorhead Posts: 4,532, Reputation: 1065
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    Nov 13, 2015, 08:26 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by smoothy View Post
    Time to put the bottle down.
    Go masturbate.

    Not to invoke Godwin's law here, but this is how all the biggest racist movements start. With people who're unwilling show critical thought and compassion. You go on these ducking rants on how you can't forgive when everyone, including Jesus, is telling you to get over yourself. You're not racist, I can see that. It is all against Islam.

    You're not even willing to try to convince yourself that could be wrong. You're just so ducking happy to sit in your little ivory tower and dole out your judgement. You lack compassion. Regardless of who they are, everyone deserves compassion. It is the mark of a civilized person.

    I respect you. I accept that you're a smart person and have done a HELL of a lot of good in this world. You're also judgmental and quick to employ your sharp tongue. That is fine. All anyone here is asking of you (And this is in response to the closed "jerk" thread) is to temper your words and be helpful.

    Quote Originally Posted by smoothy View Post
    Typical liberal response again...

    You bashed Christians over and over.. yet defend Muslims.

    You have to go back to the 1600's to the Salem Witch trials find the last real Christian persecutions, or the Spanish inquisition before that or almost a 1,000 years to the Crusades, but those really weren't Christian provoked, those were in response to Muslim invasion and genocide on previously Christian lands.

    We have to only go back as far as today for Muslim related ones... and in the life span of people still alive today for three MAJOR Atheist based mass murders of well over 150 million (Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot just to name three). So you don't have the moral high road to be bashing anyone.
    The holocaust. The IRA. Croatia, 41-45. Bosina in the 90s. Those were religiously driven genocides by Christians. This is the past century Smoothy.

    The bottom line is that we're all covered in poop. No one is clean.
    smoothy's Avatar
    smoothy Posts: 25,490, Reputation: 2853
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    Nov 13, 2015, 08:41 AM
    Craven... nothing changes your viewpoint and outlook on life... than almost being killed in a terrorist attack that was launched purely for religious reasons. Until you've been there... its really only an abstract concept in your mind. You see it.. but you really can't see it from the perspective of someone who has been there. No different than being a cancer survivor... or surviving a heart attack or a stroke.

    Fr_Chuck has seen similar stuff to what I've seen. He grasps what I've been saying.

    If you have never walked around and stepped over 100+ dead and burned corpses The vison and the smell will be with you're the rest of your life... and it Reinforces the fact and not just belief... that certain groups can no simply be trusted blindly. Individuals can be, but that's a far different thing. And as I've said... there are individuals that have earned my trust over many years of knowing them. However I have good cause and perfectly valid reasons to not trust certain groups as a whole. The Government doesn't... why should I. THey don't for the very same reasons I don't. I've been in the position to see the reasons they don't, and know the others even if I haven't seen them personally.

    Just an FYI...the Dead bodies and 9/11 were two different events...separated by almost a decade on two different continents. I was almost killed at the Pentagon..and should not hav ewalked out 15 minutes before it happened....the other event..I witnessed but was in no danger but I did know several people well that was killed in it and I did see the aftermath, up close and personal. Something I wish I could unsee and forget.

    As far as being judgmental... the Political correctness movement is guilty of that. They judge everyone negatively that doesn't buy their viewpoint hook line and sinker. Fact is... EVERYONE is judgmental... even though they don't wish to admit it. Every person passes judgement on ever other person they meet every day. Is this person safe.. do they appear to be a threat... do the want to rob me, rape me, kill me etc... Its human nature... and its also about survival. At least as an adult.

    And those that criticize me, even though they haven't walked in my footsteps... are guilty of being judgmental. You may not see it... and you may choose not to believe it... but I always have very good reasons before I judge someone. Unlike many liberals, I give someone the benefit of the doubt until certain conditions exist to show they no longer deserve it.

    Look at Sarah Palin... she never said she could see Russia from her back yard... that was a skit on SNL by someone else portraying her in an unfavorable light... yet she was judged and ridiculed for it... etc. Plenty of examples out there.

    Also..not being rude. Here is a hypothetical..

    You are a parent....your child was a victim of a molester at some point in the past...doesn't matter if they were caught or later find out someone on your street is a registered sex offender ( but not pedophilia). You previously allowed them to babysit your child before finding this out.

    Do you stop...assuming the worst and judging them without knowing if they are one of those that will reoffend or one that won't.

    Is it any more wrong to presume they WILL do something again and you stop associating stop hiring them and start to assume they will?

    I know what practically every other parent would do....and its no different than what I would do.....where would you stand on this? I'm pretty sure you would do what most people would do, and that's Prejudge, and presume based on what you do know (that they are part of a group known to do something and know that some will do again) to assure future safety of your family.
    Fr_Chuck's Avatar
    Fr_Chuck Posts: 81,301, Reputation: 7692

    Nov 13, 2015, 06:08 PM
    I will side with smoothy on this one, (LOL) something I do not often do, While more for ethnic (racial) issues, If you are in Burma (which I do go to) and have seen dozens of bodies lying there, many of them children. Or traveled to the refugee camps in Thailand and China where there are 100's of thousands of people living because of the war.

    Or unless you have seen what is left of buildings after the bombings, and seen grieving parents from children being killed.

    Perhaps gone though airport security where there are 100's of heavy armed police or soldiers and had to pass bomb sniffing devices to enter the airport.

    Walked down a street, the morning after a terrorist attack to see store fronts blown out.

    Been less than 10 feet away from a suicide bomber who is stopped by the police.

    Or even lived in a nation where the Muslims are a majority over Christians and have more legal rights than a Christian in their ability to worship and to wear religious items. I hear the call to prayer every day where I work (for Muslims) Hear Arabic prayers over speaker systems in Muslim eating places, but a mention of Christianity can get a government "religion" police at your door.

    There are Christians (and others) being killed every day by Muslims in a religious war, somewhere in the world. While most is in the middle East, it is very active in Asia also.

    This war is moving and will be in the West one day

    I do not have a answer, since of course most (the larger part) of the Muslims are not terrorist, I have many Muslim friends, eat several times a week at Muslim restaurants, I went to a Muslim wedding last week. My best friend here in China is a Muslim.

    But is there some fear, yes,
    paraclete's Avatar
    paraclete Posts: 2,706, Reputation: 173
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    Nov 14, 2015, 03:02 AM
    "Cette fois, c'est la guerre" #LeParisien

    Ask yourself now why do we tolerate the vipers among us?

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