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    Wondergirl's Avatar
    Wondergirl Posts: 39,354, Reputation: 5431
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    Oct 4, 2015, 08:29 PM
    Yup, that Second Amendment militia....
    misspurple77's Avatar
    misspurple77 Posts: 66, Reputation: 1
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    Oct 4, 2015, 08:35 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Wondergirl View Post
    Yup, that Second Amendment militia....
    Is this your reaction to my reaction? I am sorry, but I don't know what you mean. What is your opinion on the 2nd amendment and the NRA?

    Did you read this:

    I am an American and a USN veteran. I am a long time gun owner. My guns are registered and I have a permit to carry them. I am all in favor of CHANGE to our current laws concerning gun control. Serious change. I do not hide behind the 2nd amendment or twist its meaning as the NRA and the gun manufacturers do to further their cause in their effort to flood our streets with guns. These two entities are joined at the hip and one cannot survive without the other. They do not make the rules, but they think they do, and I want to put an end to it. I actually hold them COMPLICIT in every massacre and shooting in America. They may not have pulled the trigger but they certainly supplied the ammunition.
    It's time for CHANGE right now. This cartel (NRA and gun manufacturers) need to be held accountable. We need a ban on automatic weapons as well as large capacity magazines. We need full registration for all semi-automatic weapons. We need licensing and training for anyone in order to carry . We need some type of a mental evaluation for those who want to own these weapons. Anyone who owns or intends to own a gun should also need a permit to do so.
    Owning and carrying a LETHAL weapon should come with some serious Responsibility.
    No one should be able to simply walk into a gun store an buy an AR 15 and large capacity magazines without having to show that they are responsible enough to do so.
    Thank you.

    It is the top reaction at Obama's speech on Facebook. I totally agree with this man.
    Wondergirl's Avatar
    Wondergirl Posts: 39,354, Reputation: 5431
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    Oct 4, 2015, 08:37 PM
    I was reacting to smoothy's comment about the right to own guns.

    Years ago, a friend of mine legally bought an AR-15. Orin had been tested at 85 IQ. I prayed he and the rest of Illinois would be safe. He had no business owning a gun.
    smoothy's Avatar
    smoothy Posts: 25,490, Reputation: 2853
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    Oct 4, 2015, 08:48 PM
    Typical Liberal... that thinks OPINIONS of a bill or rights changes anything. Its fixed its in writing. Its no less sacred than anyone's right to free speech or anything else.

    Its people LIKE YOU that are complicit with people that murder others... not the NRA. You really are completely out of touch with reality. Thank god you are in Europe... not here.

    WHat do you know about the NRA?. not one damn thing. You have never even been to the USA... you have no concept of what freedom is and what its like to be an American.

    You also have no grasp of what it is to be accountable.

    What we need is mental evaluations for people kike you that think they are better than everyone else... because people like YOU that think they have any right to even comment on what another country and it s people can or even should do is a serious danger.

    YOU would have been one of the people handing over the Jews to the Naxis and their sympathizers if you have been alive during that period.

    We need a ban on people like YOU opening your mouth... because you clearly are poorly educated... and have a very poor grasp of facts.

    People like you should have to have a permit to be allowed to even use the enternet or speak. Don't like that do you... well you really don't have the right to make those demands... and you haven't shown that you are responsible enough to even be allowed to use the internet.

    Good lord... are you off your meds or something... seriously. You vote Communist party, don't you? Because you make liberals look conservative. Next you are going to be saying anyone that doesn't think like you should not be allowed to vote too.

    What do you really know about the USA... you have proven you really know absolutely NOTHING. And in fact have proven 90% of what you think you know is wrong...

    You are delusional. YOU deserve Obama, why don't you invite him tot move there so he can bankrupt your country too... and you deserve the crime that will follow all those illegals. Lets hope they come to your home town. Maybe you will find out what they are really like then.

    NO wonder The Netherlands are an even bigger Joke than France is worldwide.

    But at the end of the day....when your crime rates skyrocket....your house brought this all upon yourself.

    Because thank Goodness...people like you DON'T exist in large numbers...and don't exist here....and nothing you can do or say...changes OUR legal right to have guns....and have fun with them. I'd rather have 20 gun shops near me than 20 drug bars where everyone abuses drugs daily like there.

    Gun shops and gun owners are ALL better, safer and nicer people that any of the drug addicts you have there. As well as all your self righteous know-it-alls.

    I trust gun owners...I do not trust the gun owner has considered denying other peoples rights.

    Good luck trying to take our guns.....we have over 350 million will armed citizens that will shoot anyone that trys. So you better accept it and get used to it because its NOT going to change. time you need our Military to save your butts......don't bother calling us. you can try talking them to death....see how well that works.
    paraclete's Avatar
    paraclete Posts: 2,706, Reputation: 173
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    Oct 4, 2015, 11:17 PM
    smoothy wants to protect his 2nd amendment rights but it really comes down to this; in a nation where there is no implicit right to life why should anyone care who shoots who, implicitally you have the right to commit murder, and it you don't your second amendment rights are impinged. Does an prisoner have 2nd amendment rights? If not then it is not an inalienable right and therefore should be regulated. You want to bare arms but most people forego this right because sensibly it is dangerous to do so and they just own guns, if you wore a sword in the street today you would be arrested so what is so special about guns. Don't worry one day you will grow up and stop playing with guns
    smoothy's Avatar
    smoothy Posts: 25,490, Reputation: 2853
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    Oct 5, 2015, 03:08 AM
    Paraclete. It's the people who foam at the mouths about others ACTUAL right to own weapons that are the ones that support baby murder the most. Which is exactly what abortion is. Want to talk about right to life? TO the average gun grabbing liberal. A baby has no right to life, but Criminals do. They believe criminals have a greater right than law abiding citizens have.

    I see very strong parallels between a certain member who bashes gun owners... drips hatred towards whites, Christians and others that don't think like she does... and thinks they are somehow superior to everyone else.

    Does everyone remember the Brownshirts, . of the National Socialist movement of the 30's? I remember...and I'm sure you do too, but I guess someone else's education somehow didn't cover that because that's exactly how they are acting.

    Those who feel they have the RIGHT to murder the innocent (aka Abortion)....really don't believe in an implicit right to life. Criminals do not have one. Specifically criminals who commit criminal acts upon others.

    A criminal who assaults me or my family..or breaks into my house has no implicit right to life.
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    paraclete Posts: 2,706, Reputation: 173
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    Oct 5, 2015, 05:03 AM
    I think you just proved my point, if there is no implicit right to life, then murder become a right supported by a right to be armed. There is no difference between those who don't give the unborn right to life and those who defend themselves at the point of a gun. I don't agree with the abolition of the death penalty in cases of murder or serious crime either. What purpose is served by keeping a murderer, rapist or pedophile alive? Time an time again we have seen such people reoffend. What purpose is served by keeping a terrorist alive? Why should we allow those who would radicalise a teenager to remain alive. The answer is we are stupid
    smoothy's Avatar
    smoothy Posts: 25,490, Reputation: 2853
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    Oct 5, 2015, 05:20 AM
    I agree... there is a serious hipocracy with those who support abortion yet fight against the Death Penalty. This is not a Muslim nation. The death penalty is not given out to minor crimes. And its not given without a lot of rights of appeal, which I believe is 10 appeals through the courts are allowed before it will take place unless the right to appeal is waved by the individual.

    The person having the abortion denies all of that to an innocent party that has never harmed anyone or committed any crime.

    Me personally I am not a rabid pro-lifer but I am not on the opposing side by a long shot. I view it as most of the people getting them are doing the Human gene pool a favor by not polluting it as much.
    NeedKarma's Avatar
    NeedKarma Posts: 10,635, Reputation: 1706
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    Oct 5, 2015, 05:40 AM
    I view it as most of the people getting them are doing the Human gene pool a favor by not polluting it as much.
    You mean black people, right?
    smoothy's Avatar
    smoothy Posts: 25,490, Reputation: 2853
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    Oct 5, 2015, 05:46 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by NeedKarma View Post
    You mean black people, right?
    No.. I mean everyone that gets an abortion, regardless of ethnicity. Most of them are too lazy to actually use birth control, or more like not smart enough to know what actually IS birth control. Read some of the Am I pregnant threads....I rest my case.
    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Oct 5, 2015, 05:56 AM
    Speak for yourself Clete, unless you actually read our constitution and understand it. Don't feel bad though as many who claim they are for the constitution get it wrong. How else can they quote their rights but deny others those rights (Abortion for example)? Yes, it's been a constitutional right of women since the 70's.

    So nit pick your favorite right, because if YOU are so entitled, so is everyone else right? That's how we get a young nut having the legal right to buy 14 guns, and kill a bunch of folks in a state that allows carrying a gun on a college campus.

    He wasn't a criminal until he killed people, including himself. Ranting and raving over your rights because of what YOU like and dislike is no more important than MY rights no matter how hard you worked, or how smart and experienced you are, your predisposition on who is better than who notwithstanding.

    We may not be a Muslim country, but you cannot ignore the muslims who live peacefully within our laws. Even though the founders made laws based on Christian principles, we are a republic, and not a Christian nation.

    While you are free to thump your bible, it matters NOT what bible you thump. Read your constitution.
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    smoothy Posts: 25,490, Reputation: 2853
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    Oct 5, 2015, 07:02 AM
    I don't know Tal... Obama has been publicly making claims some of our Founders were Muslims... Obama however has never been able to prove who they were. Because there is no proof of that claim at all. In fact all the proof is to the Contrary. Not ONE person who sighed the Declaration of independence OR the Bill or rights was ever a Muslim. But not all that did were religious either.

    But you are right... we are a Republic.. not a Democracy.. ( amazing how many people don't know the difference)
    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Oct 5, 2015, 07:53 AM
    If you mean his speech celebrating the Muslim holiday, twisted by haters to mean something totally different, we can debate that claim unless you have links that say other wise.

    On the basis of...

    American Muslim History

    I find no claim he made that Muslims signed the Declaration of Independence... so show me those claims YOU reference please and let's debate FACTS and not propaganda.

    Islam like Christianity has many followers and branches and some are not as representative as others as I have referenced MANY examples of this on this forum MANY times for many of the major religions that have both bad actors and bad behavior in whatever god they claim.

    Misinformation is the true culprit of misunderstandings throughout history and only a devil would serve such food for the closed minded. Upon study you may be shocked to find the Good People of Islam are no different than the Good People of Christianity, or any other religion.

    Haters cannot stand that simple TRUTH.
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    smoothy Posts: 25,490, Reputation: 2853
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    Oct 5, 2015, 09:04 AM
    Well I heard the same speech. And I take him at his word.. literally... and he did make such claims. The Democrats claim he is so elegant with words... no need to take anything other than face value.

    And I have the Best reason in the world there can be to HATE ISLAM. I was one of their targets, they tried to kill me and almost succeeded that got away. They did kill people I know and friends of mine. And the majority of them are in support of that element to various degrees.

    Sorry... I do NOT have to like them or have any sympathetic thoughts towards them. I can NOT turn the other cheek particularly with that group who is so hypersensitive they are still living in the 6th century and bellyaching about what happened over a thousand years ago. And still killing people over what happened generations ago.
    Wondergirl's Avatar
    Wondergirl Posts: 39,354, Reputation: 5431
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    Oct 5, 2015, 09:10 AM
    smoothy, what did Obama say to make you think some of our founders were Muslim?
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    smoothy Posts: 25,490, Reputation: 2853
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    Oct 5, 2015, 09:17 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Wondergirl View Post
    smoothy, what did Obama say to make you think some of our founders were Muslim?
    He made statements about Muslims founding this country... no Muslims were involved in the founding of this this country. There is no evidence there were even any Muslims involved in the fighting for our independence. They are latecomers.

    Since this is all about founders... later wars do not apply.
    Wondergirl's Avatar
    Wondergirl Posts: 39,354, Reputation: 5431
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    Oct 5, 2015, 09:20 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by smoothy View Post
    He made statements about Muslims founding this country... no Muslims were involved in the founding of this this country. There is no evidence there were even any Muslims involved in the fighting for our independence. They are latecomers.

    Since this is all about founders... later wars do not apply.
    I find it very hard to believe that he said that. Even third graders know that's not true. Do you have a link to this?
    Palmer Eldritch's Avatar
    Palmer Eldritch Posts: 7, Reputation: 1
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    Oct 5, 2015, 09:36 AM
    There is some disturbing raciest statements that I have read during this post. Calling refugees 'lazy, stupid and cowedly' because these people are fleeing genocide and forced migration. I'm sure the people who have made these statements are to ignorant to even acknowledge that they are raciest which is why it is hard to change someone's mind.
    smoothy's Avatar
    smoothy Posts: 25,490, Reputation: 2853
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    Oct 5, 2015, 09:55 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Palmer Eldritch View Post
    There is some disturbing raciest statements that I have read during this post. Calling refugees 'lazy, stupid and cowedly' because these people are fleeing genocide and forced migration. I'm sure the people who have made these statements are to ignorant to even acknowledge that they are raciest which is why it is hard to change someone's mind.
    Really and your Life experience proving they aren't is what exactly. Do you even know what defines Genocide? Apparently not. Syrian is not an ethnicity... its a nationality. The Iranians and some of the Jews are the only actual different Ethnic groups in the area...

    Genocide is an attempt to wipe out a specific ETHNIC group. THat isn't happening there.

    Are any of these people fighting for their homeland... no they are running... most of them are able bodied Males... not children, women or old people. That makes them Cowards. Europe does not border Syria... why can't they stay in any one of THOSE countries. Explain THAT.

    People like YOU who are arrogant enough to think YOUR perspective is the only one.

    Maybe if you got out of your town once in a while you might get a better view of things. Its clear you have no concept of the trouble these illegals.. and that IS what they are are causing in Europe. I know a LOT of Europeans....most of them don't want them there and for good reason.

    And Europe does have the right to decide if they will accept them or not. Funny how no Muslim countries are opening invitations for them. Wonder why that is?

    And its ALWAYS the people that scream Racist at others that are the ones who themselves are the true racists.

    In fact..why doesn't RUSSIA take them all...they are so bound on escalating all of this. Last I heard they weren't taking any.

    I have personal direct first hand experience with the Albanian "Refugees"....the Libyan Tunisian, and Algerian "refugees"...not to mention the Romanian "refugees" in Europe

    None of them are good contributors to the countries they invade. The Syrians won't be either.

    Its comical how the armchair quarterbacks that haven't seen ANY of them face to face or seen what they have done personally claim to be experts....
    Palmer Eldritch's Avatar
    Palmer Eldritch Posts: 7, Reputation: 1
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    Oct 5, 2015, 10:07 AM
    To 'smoothy, uber member' You're the one who labelled them 'lazy and stupid' so I'm not sure as to why you think I'm the racist as you're the one who grouped them as one. People are people, it doesn't matter where you are from

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