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    Flowerz_123's Avatar
    Flowerz_123 Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
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    Jun 20, 2015, 05:10 AM
    Muffled hearing
    Okay, so there has been a helluva lot of stuff going on with me. Well, I had just gotten over Laryngitis, and I went to Bryan, TX the following weekend with my mom to go visit my family, and everything was okay. Whenever we came back, however, things weren't. I had gotten sudden coughing fits at night and my nose was runny and always stuffed up. And if that wasn't bad enough, I couldn't hear clear sound from my ear. I can still hear, but it's like having water in your ear. It sounds very far away. My mother said that it's just alergies, but, this has lasted two weeks and I don't know what to do. I'm congested, and I can't hear. What's going on with me? Please help!

    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Jun 20, 2015, 07:26 AM
    How old are you? Allergies are a good bet with the rain, and humidity this time of year in Texas made worse going to different climates and areas. Some days your nose and throat are dry, some days they are running and you get cough and sneezing fits. Same with your ears. Almost like a cold is coming on. Then a few days, a week later the weather changes you feel better, head eyes and nose clear up, only to clog up again when the next storm comes.

    Many suffer from allergies from different things, in different ways at different times of the year, and it's uncomfortable because you feel a bit off, and worry. Relax, I am sure your mom is keeping an eye on you, and if it gets more serious she will take you to a doctor.

    I keep menthol honey lemon cough drops for those bad days to relieve symptoms, and clear the head, ears, and eyes, and throat. Ask your mom about them. I know a lot of people that have to take meds for allergies. Hope you don't.

    Bet your mom has allergies too.

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