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    dmrlook's Avatar
    dmrlook Posts: 134, Reputation: 8
    Junior Member

    Nov 1, 2014, 11:34 AM
    Need help with DSC PC1832 alarm system - no bell output
    Hey all. I've got a DSC PC1832 alarm system that we set off today without knowing it - I without knowing it because the bell (siren) did not make a sound. I measured the voltage coming off the +/- bell terminals and that measures about 13.5 v which is what I would expect. I also went into the attic where the bell is and also measured the same voltage at that point, so I know the wiring is intact. I assumed it was the bell, but then when I disconnected it and attached to a 12V battery, to my surprise, the bell sounded loud as ever. If I reconnect it to the alarm system again, no sound.

    It appears the panel is bad, however everything else is working as expected, including calling to the monitoring station. Aside from confirming a 12v supply off the bell terminals, is there anything else I can do? Is it possible that it can be providing the correct voltage but not enough amps? Is there a way I can measure that (I do have a meter).


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