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    DJLea's Avatar
    DJLea Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Apr 15, 2014, 10:01 AM
    How to switch between cable and dvd player on vizio hdtv
    I just got a Vizio model M420NV HDTV and a Vizio bluray player model VBR 120 which is with internet apps. I want to connect together but have UVerse wireless cable box that I would like to hook up also. Can I connect cable/DVR to coaxial port and connect Bluray Player with HDMI cable. If so, how do I switch back and forth between them. Also the bluray player instructs to hook up to internet with ethernet and uVerse internet is wireless. How would I be able to use apps?
    smearcase's Avatar
    smearcase Posts: 2,392, Reputation: 316
    Ultra Member

    Apr 15, 2014, 04:02 PM
    Should just be a matter of switching inputs/source on the TV remote. Only other complication would be if the input (Video In) jack is not on the menu of selectable options, and that can be remedied on the TV menu. In other words, the source/input may not presently go through all the possible input ports on the modern TV's. If it did, you would have a lot of scrolling to do before finally finding the input you wanted, and similar process to go back to normal TV viewing. You can just install the inputs you normally use via the TV menu, or your input may be readily available, without any other programming.

    See page 19 of the operation manual:

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