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    starburst's Avatar
    starburst Posts: 2, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Feb 11, 2005, 06:01 PM
    Refuse food
    Dear expert,

    My daughter is 2 years old. Our staple food is rice. My daughter just refuse to eat any rice item. I have tried many ways of cooking but she just refuse to eat. She will eat biscuit. Very little amt of noodle. And solely depend on milk and water, maybe some amt of soup. The moment she see rice, it is like seeing an enemy. She refuse cereal, fruits, vegetables. I am getting very worried as I feel she is not getting balance food. What should I do?

    I used to have a maid to take care of her since birth. She has left and I have a new maid now. My daughter's behaviour is worse since then. She took little rice before this. Now, totally refuse to eat any rice item. Is this her way of showing her misery? That my old maid has left?
    mike145k's Avatar
    mike145k Posts: 123, Reputation: -1

    Jun 26, 2005, 12:39 AM
    It seems that your old maid is the problem,your daughter was very close to her and now she feels as if she has lost her second mother I think in time she will over come this and start to feel comfortable with her new maid and it will help if you give your daughter more attention until she has recoverd
    menoshoes's Avatar
    menoshoes Posts: 19, Reputation: 2
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    Oct 1, 2008, 07:53 PM

    I think that you my be pushing rice too much. Maybe you just need to try different foods all together. What about mac and cheese, try kid frendly foods-crackers- pieces of cheese or ham etc. No matter what you do child is going to eat something when she gets hunry enough. I would try a plate of food with random foods- see what she goes for. If you become very angry each time she does not eat your food it could be a biger problem later on in life. (Noodles are in the same family as rice is.)

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