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    Joff1979's Avatar
    Joff1979 Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Feb 8, 2005, 01:43 PM
    Blank Screen at start up
    Hi all,

    I have recently upgraded my PC at home and built it all myself in my existing case.

    I offered my friend my old parts etc. and I offered to build him a PC out of the old parts (seeing as I had been so successful with my PC :confused: ). All that has been added that is new is a HDD & Case.

    However when I installed everything into his case, the PC posts but there is just a blank screen on the monitor. I am certain I have had this problem in the past but I just can't think of what I did to resolve it previously.

    I have swapped the Graphics card with my new PC without any luck and the Ram with the same result. I am really stumped please help!!

    ATHLON XP 2400
    Tagan 460W Power supply
    Generic unbranded RAM
    K7VTA3 Elitegroup Motherboard
    MSI MS-Starforce MX460 (nvidia geforce mx460)
    Standard ATX case
    walt17's Avatar
    walt17 Posts: 335, Reputation: 28
    Full Member

    Feb 10, 2005, 04:29 PM
    I have seen that problem once. It occurred after changing monitors. My computer wouldn't recognize it. That doesn't seem to fit your situation, but you might try swapping monitors just to be sure.

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