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    bambi374's Avatar
    bambi374 Posts: 2, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Jan 3, 2013, 04:23 PM
    Why does my boyfriend treat me badly?
    So me and this guy that I've been talking too since the end of summer finally started dating on 12/25/12. He came and spent Christmas with my family, he didn't even want to come in the first place, but he rushed over here as soon as my brother asked him to come and drink with him. But he didn't end up drinking, he was with me and asked me to be his girlfriend. Anyway, we haven't even been together 2 weeks and he's already treating me horrible. I mean he always has since we were talking. I'm a junior and he's a senior.

    In the beginning when we first started talking, he was literally obsessed with me. And at that time I wasn't really into him so I always made him feel like crap and pushes him away. After a couple months I realized he was a great guy and I literally turned amazing on him. But now it's NOTHING like that. He flirts with other girls non stop. He disrespects me. He doesn't care about anything. He always expects me to give him money and buy him things. I bought him a $70 sweater online for Christmas and it barely came in today and I told him it came, and he said he's just going to come pick it up. I asked him if he was going to stay for a whole and he straight up said no. Because he has and already. I know he's going to hang out with a girl because I stalked his twitter. When we weren't together and just talking, he left me multiple times for other girls and ignored me completely. He would always leave me and then beg for me back.

    I like him SO much, I have so many feelings for him. Everyone says I can do so much better, I know he's not the best looking guy out there, but I'm just waaaay to attached already. Looks aren't everything right? I know I can get another boyfriend because I have A lot of other guys trying to get at me. But I really don't want anyone else.

    Should I end this before it gets worse and I get more attached? Is all the pain I've went and I'm going through worth it? I've shed thousands of tears on him. I just don't know what to do.
    teacherjenn4's Avatar
    teacherjenn4 Posts: 4,005, Reputation: 468
    Education Expert

    Jan 3, 2013, 04:39 PM
    It's time to realize he's using you. He treats you poorly and you allow it. Do your parents know about this? I bet they don't. Is your Dad around? Tell him what's going on. My Dad wouldn't let me go out on dates with any guy who honked his horn instead of coming to the door. He also wouldn't allow me to be brought home even a minute late. Dads know a lot. Ask yours. If not, talk to your Mom.
    odinn7's Avatar
    odinn7 Posts: 7,691, Reputation: 1547
    Entomology Expert

    Jan 3, 2013, 04:45 PM
    The title of your question is asking why he treats you like crap. The short answer is because you let him.

    I have no idea why you hate yourself so much but clearly you do. If you didn't, you wouldn't be putting up with this walking turd. How can someone treat you like that and you just keep wanting more? Really, step back and think about this a little bit. You even said about this sweater... you got it for him, he's just coming to pick it up, and then he's going to wear it while he's out with someone else... then what? That's OK with you? Why?

    Tell him you changed your mind. Send the sweater back, tell him to have fun with other people. Tell him it's over and you don't need a slug like him in your life. You CAN do better and you shouldn't just accept this kind of treatment.
    smoothy's Avatar
    smoothy Posts: 25,490, Reputation: 2853
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    Jan 3, 2013, 08:17 PM
    How do you stop this... you walk away and stop letting it happen... as was said.. he does this because you let him...

    He sees a free ride... and he has from day one. Return the sweater, and avoid people like him in the future.
    SimpleguyJoe's Avatar
    SimpleguyJoe Posts: 302, Reputation: 68
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    Jan 5, 2013, 09:29 AM
    Just like everyone else said, it's probably time to hit the road. It's unfortunate for you, but sometimes you have to lock your heart away behind your mind and do what is actually smart for you rather than what may feel right. We all know how jacked up and clouded our thought process gets when it's behind a thick veil of infatuation and love but you just have to ignore it, draw the line and start walking down it.

    Just remember people will always, always, always do what they can to get what they want if they are not emotionally involved or already see a relationship as over. He pretty much has you emotionally hijacked and will probably continue to exploit you for as long as you let him. Is this to say your BF is a horrible person and has no merit anywhere in his life? No, not at all, but he is a horrible person to you and that is all that really matters.

    Don't abuse yourself when you have so many other prospects out there. The longer you stay in an abusive relationship the more he will try to impose his dominance over you. He will abuse you emotionally until you're about to leave then cut you some slack or do something nice to keep you around. I would recommend skipping this ride haha.

    Like I said, draw the line and start walking, the first step is always the hardest.
    hijfhurt's Avatar
    hijfhurt Posts: 1, Reputation: 2
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    Jan 5, 2013, 11:57 PM
    I have an ex that I'm dealing with right now as well. He's controlling or tries to be and selfish. He keeps me on a string to reel me in when ever he wants and I'm aware of that... but I learned something a few months ago. I left and moved to another state not to get away from him but to work and support my kid. He didn't like that at all and showed he missed me and was jealous every time I talked about a guy. The time apart let me clear my head and focus on other things than him. I felt like my life started all over again. I was able to sit back and get over him and in the mean time see him for exactly what and who he is. I no longer obsess over him or why he always had me in his web. I really did feel like a victim. I'm over it (him) now and I'm happy I'm able to separate myself from him. We remain friends but I have control of me again and am smarter to not be trapped in a spell over him.

    My advice, let yourself get over him. No contact and when you regain control and insight again then make a choice to be his friend or not, but I would never give him another chance with being with you. People that are giving chance after chance never learn anything. Let him lose you for good so he can sit back and evaluate how he treats others. Its not the end of the world.

    My ex treats me a lot nicer now and has even started buying lunch and other things for me. When we were together I was making buko bucks and invested half my income in to him and paid for it literally. I think he sat back and realized how selfish and greedy he was so he's trying to make up for it cause he knows now that I can and will walk away when ever I damn well please. People prey on the weak... have a back bone and be a woman instead of a little girl
    Fr_Chuck's Avatar
    Fr_Chuck Posts: 81,301, Reputation: 7692

    Jan 6, 2013, 04:03 AM
    I will agree with the others, someone cannot treat you badly if you do not allow them to.
    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Jan 6, 2013, 11:32 AM
    I also agree with all the advice above.

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