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    go-ask-mom's Avatar
    go-ask-mom Posts: 115, Reputation: 18
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    Mar 16, 2007, 09:05 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by manimuth
    But, as you become an adult, and in this new world community of multicultural, multireligious societies we live in, many of us learn about other religions and question our own and have the freedom to make up our own minds.
    Yep! That's what I said in my original question... "SOME grow up and actually change their belief systems but most do not."

    Naturally as adults we are constantly exposed to new ideas and learning, but I don't think that many change their "belief system" or the way they were brought up to believe. But That's just MY opine! :)

    Quote Originally Posted by NeedKarma
    He didn't say that, he said that geography doesn't play a big part in your choice of religion which is the question you ask. I agree with him, I believe family plays a much bigger role than geography.
    That's what I meant... "dictates are choice in religion". I just figured since we were discussing religion that THAT, was understood.

    Anyhoo... :) As I said in my original question, I totally agree that "Kids are brought up to believe in the same beliefs as their family"... so yes family plays a part... BUT, "the families" main religious beliefs are passed down from generation to generation, (a no brainer)-- and based on what... (geography) :)
    I believe geography has always been the major factor in what/how they were taught.

    In my opinion, I just believe that it is the MOST influential part in how or what "families" choose what will be taught/practiced.

    Here in the US christianity is #1 so naturally the majority of kids are raised this way... but a "family" in Iraq is hardly going to make that same choice whereas 97% are raised Muslim.

    Thanks for all the opines all! Interesting thoughts and I hope to hear more outlooks!
    NeedKarma's Avatar
    NeedKarma Posts: 10,635, Reputation: 1706
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    Mar 16, 2007, 09:41 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by go-ask-mom
    ...BUT, "the families" main religious beliefs are passed down from generation to generation, (a no brainer)-- and based on what.... (geography)
    Not at all. If a family moves, the religion stays with the family, it does not change to suit the new location.
    go-ask-mom's Avatar
    go-ask-mom Posts: 115, Reputation: 18
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    Mar 16, 2007, 01:23 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by NeedKarma
    Not at all. If a family moves, the religion stays with the family, it does not change to suit the new location.

    Done said that too...

    Quote Originally Posted by go-ask-mom
    I don't know of many children being raised as practicing "Muslim, Buddist, Hindus" here in the US....unless of course their parents are from other areas but residing here. (Which still leads us back to geography:)

    Maybe my question is getting lost in translation or something?! Or maybe I'm the only one with that opinion! :) or maybe its just late!

    Yes a persons religion follows them from area to area... As I said in my original question "IF YOU WERE BORN IN... " my point is geography can and normally does dictate what religion you will be brought up in the moment we are born... now after reaching adulthood this may change but I doubt the high % of that happening.
    Kriscool's Avatar
    Kriscool Posts: 65, Reputation: 2
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    Mar 22, 2007, 01:01 PM
    Its more influenced, but what you believe is what you believe. You have the choice to change your religion.

    In the Bible it says Jews are Gods chosen people. But sense they don't believe christ is the savior and Gods son. Should God send his chosen people to HELL!

    I believe that God has a plan for the other religions. But its not our problem. Because we don't control that. So you really cannot say a religion is "wrong". Because there there only beliefs.

    WillyNoodles's Avatar
    WillyNoodles Posts: 4, Reputation: 0
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    Mar 27, 2007, 12:34 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by go-ask-mom
    Lets face it, if you were born in China, Africa, India etc.... chances are you would NOT be a christian or hear much about christianity. Kids are brought up to believe in the same beliefs as their family, some....SOME grow up and actually change their belief systems but most don't. So basically, religion is mainly about geography and where you are born. Here in the USA Christianity is #1 practiced religion so naturally the majority here are christians.

    So, how does that make all those other people around the world "wrong" for believing in what they do based on geography/family upbringing and YOU and your religion the correct one?!

    Just curious.
    Actually, I don't think that's true. Christianity is popular in many places and this is because Europeans went around a long time ago with the belief that everyone should be christian and changed many beliefs that still stand today. Although to a certain point it is true.

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