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    Amyyforthestars's Avatar
    Amyyforthestars Posts: 49, Reputation: -1
    Junior Member

    Aug 1, 2012, 06:44 AM
    Should I be mad or not?
    So I work 45+ hours a week in a factory that I absolutely hate. This job was offered to me but I didn't want to take it I was perfectly content with my other job. I had been there for almost a year and had made some amazing friends and it was just really fun. I didn't mind getting up at 4 in the morning. But now I work at the factory because my boyfriend really wanted me to. Yes, the money is better here and I get benefits but I'm truly unhappy. I dread Mondays and I dread going to bed at night because I know I'm only going to get up to go there. My boyfriend delivers pizzas... he has been offered jobs that pay $25+ an hour but he won't take them because he doesn't want to get up early and because he likes his job he thinks its fun. Fun doesn't pay the bills though. And neither do his $30 paychecks. I'm tired of never seeing my checks because I have to pay all the bills. When we decided to get our own apartment the deal was we split the bills and we pay our own credit card bills and stuff that we don't share. That worked well for a month or so he got a job closer to home that paid more and he was making like $45 less than me, but he didn't like his boss do he quit and went back to delivering pizzas. He used to make at least $130 delivering pizza but he takes so much time off from work so he can go out with the guys. It bothered me before because I hated how much pressure he was putting on me but now I'm really pissed because I found out the $500 I gave him for rent last month didn't go to rent. I don't know what he did with it but I sure as hell know it didn't go to pay the other bills because I paid those last week as well. Im past the point of just sitting down and talking to him I've tried several times and his reply is always "well figure it out" I don't work my off to find out the bills I was giving him all my money for aren't paid. I don't know what to do.

    Ps I have to give him my money to pay the bills because it's all set up in his name and he pays online so he has to have that money in his account.

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