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    drbj_88's Avatar
    drbj_88 Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
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    Jul 30, 2012, 06:47 PM
    pregnant and swollen lymph node
    I am 28 weeks pregnant with my 4th pregnancy, but my 2nd child.

    My symptoms, I thought were probably mostly related to my pregnancy. It wasn't until I noticed a swollen lymph node on the right side of my upper neck, about an inch under my jaw line that I started wondering if these symptoms may also be caused by something else.

    First, I have several lymph nodes on the right side of my body that are swollen. The one on my neck I noticed about a week ago, and it has grown in size, it is now approximately 2in in diameter, and very pronounced and easily seen. I have been having trouble swallowing my very large prenatal vitamins, and have had some difficulty with eating and swallowing. I also have a swollen node under my right arm pit, and one that I suspect is swollen, located deeper inside my body, located right where my groin and thighs meet, but more towards the back near my buttocks. I have had tenderness and pain here for about 3 weeks, it comes and goes, and has gotten a little worse in the past few days.

    Usually I get cold very easy, lately I have been getting horrible random hot flashes and sweating spells throughout the day, (usually later in the day), and night sweats. I usually sleep under my comforter, but lately have been sleeping with no cover at all, and have had to purchase a fan so I have moving air blowing on me. I have been very fatigued, to the point of barely functioning. I have also had fainting and vertigo, when walking, standing, sitting and laying down.

    My OB started me on Iron supplements suspecting that I may be anemic (I have swung back and forth with anemia my whole life), I have been taking them for a month, with little relief. I have also been tested for thyroid disease, as it runs through both sides of my parents' families. The tests came back normal.

    I have an OB appointment coming up soon... Is there anything specific I should be looking for? I usually know my body pretty well, and can go in somewhat already certain of what to expect diagnoses and testing wise, but I am clueless as to what all of these may be... I just want to be on the safe side and not have someone tell me it's all related to my pregnancy... Thank you in advance.

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