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    nicost's Avatar
    nicost Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Dec 19, 2004, 10:58 PM
    Portable Washing Machine
    Hi All!

    I just moved into an apartment in New York that has a laundry room in the basement. As I just had a baby, my wife wanted to have at least a small washing machine in the apartment. As there is no place to connect it and the landlord will not change anything, I was wondering if some kind of portable washers exist. Something small that you'd take out of a closet whenever you need to use it, connect it to the faucet, wash, and store it back afterwards.

    Any suggestions?

    speedball1's Avatar
    speedball1 Posts: 29,301, Reputation: 1939
    Eternal Plumber

    Dec 20, 2004, 06:10 AM
    Portable Washing Machines
    Good Morning Nicolas, (would that be Saint Nicolas this close to Xmas?)
    You asked for suggestions.
    Hey! How about 21 suggestions? Click on,
    For a comparison chart of type, brand name and price. Hope this helps and thank you for rating my reply. Happy Holidays! Tom

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