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    Afriqueen's Avatar
    Afriqueen Posts: 2, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Jun 7, 2012, 08:40 PM
    How can EtG work after 5 days
    Dr. Bill:

    It is Thursday evening. I had about 9-12 oz of wine last Saturday evening, early Sunday morning, probably around 1 am. I am female, 5'2", 34 years old, 156 lbs, and I have had 0 alcohol in the last 6 months, so I assume my tolerance has decreased. So, I gave a UA at about 7 pm tonight, Thursday. If I go back to, say, 10 am Sunday, which I think is probably enough time for my bac to be back to 0, and I didn't even feel a trace of intoxication or headache or even dehydration, though not sure since I'm smaller in stature, but not tiny-tiny in weight, that would be about 105 hours. I am so worried and this was my second-to-last class of 18 and this will ruin everything for me. I could get into why I chose to drink, but we all have our f-ups and this was one of mine. Please, please don't tell me there is a problem that I drank at all because I know that and am already addressing that issue--my question is scientific, not moral. I know I can do nothing so panicking is useless, but I need a bit of peace of mind as I don't function well under stress. Can you give me any or should I prepare to be even more disappointed in myself?
    LauraBell's Avatar
    LauraBell Posts: 21, Reputation: 1
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    Jun 7, 2012, 09:50 PM
    I most definitely think you will pass and have no alcohol in your system after that long. I don't think you will have any trace of EtG.

    Quote Originally Posted by Afriqueen View Post
    Dr. Bill:

    It is Thursday evening. I had about 9-12 oz of wine last Saturday evening, early Sunday morning, probably around 1 am. I am female, 5'2", 34 years old, 156 lbs, and I have had 0 alcohol in the last 6 months, so I assume my tolerance has decreased. So, I gave a UA at about 7 pm tonight, Thursday. If I go back to, say, 10 am Sunday, which I think is probably enough time for my bac to be back to 0, and I didn't even feel a trace of intoxication or headache or even dehydration, though not sure since I'm smaller in stature, but not tiny-tiny in weight, that would be about 105 hours. I am so worried and this was my second-to-last class of 18 and this will ruin everything for me. I could get into why I chose to drink, but we all have our f-ups and this was one of mine. Please, please don't tell me there is a problem that I drank at all because I know that and am already addressing that issue--my question is scientific, not moral. I know I can do nothing so panicking is useless, but I need a bit of peace of mind as I don't function well under stress. Can you give me any or should I prepare to be even more disappointed in myself?
    DrBill100's Avatar
    DrBill100 Posts: 3,241, Reputation: 502
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    Jun 8, 2012, 05:19 AM
    There is no record of anyone having EtG in system at that time.

    EtG is excreted at a steady rate, just like alcohol, and your system was cleared of the small amount of wine > EtG long before.
    Afriqueen's Avatar
    Afriqueen Posts: 2, Reputation: 1
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    Jun 8, 2012, 12:44 PM
    OK, well thank you very much for your prompt responses and consideration. This is encouraging. I was most concerned because of the many posts I've seen regarding ETG showing up to 130 hours, and though it's greater than the "80 hours" we read about so often, it is less than the "5 days" we also hear, and I've even heard up to a week, which terrifies me, and the fact that people's bodies are so different and there are so many variables.

    I guess the answer is to not drink, right? :) I will try to relax and celebrate with a nice iced tea and cheesecake when I complete my program. This experience has been very satisfying overall.

    Thanks again...

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