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    vsaskme73's Avatar
    vsaskme73 Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    May 1, 2012, 11:48 AM
    Tenant in common died... legal heirs are unreachable
    I want to resolve the title issue. Here are the facts.

    • I’m the sole borrower of the mortgage for the Condominium property located in VA where I’m living with my family.
    • Uncle made an investment of 5% down payment along with me, he lived in CA and deceased, he is on the title as a co-owner “tenant-in-common” in return to his investment.
    • I’m the one who pays the mortgages, escrow, hoa and all other expenses from my pocket.
    • He is survived by a wife and 4 children (all are major). They are all non US Citizens and non residents and are living in different country.

    • I tried to resolve the title issue amicably by offering some money though the property is deep under water in the current bad market. They neither co-operated nor responded to my offer.

    Any one know the similar issue and it's resolution.

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