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    miss_a90's Avatar
    miss_a90 Posts: 32, Reputation: 8
    Junior Member

    Apr 18, 2012, 07:49 AM
    Lump on my Wrist is hurting
    Ok, so from what I've read I'm pretty sure I have a ganglion cyst on my wrist. It's a hard lump on the joint and feels like a bone sticking out to be honest, not soft or squidgy at all. It's been on my wrist on and off for about a year, as in it used to come and go (it would normally show up out of the blue whilst I was on shift at work as a waitress, and would disappear again a week or so later), yet in the past two or three months it has been sticking out on my wrist constantly and hasn't gone away at all. I've done a bit of research on the internet and most sites are saying there's nothing to worry about because they're not painful, which mine isn't most of the time, yet when I've been at work for around an hour it starts to really hurt and feels like my wrist is seizing up. I don't really know what to do because the internet has said the only things I can do are to:
    - Leave it and it will go away (which it hasn't in two or three months)
    - Go to the doctors and they can drain the fluid for you (which may be good but all these websites also say that the fluid could easily come back)
    - Get it surgically removed (which I would be tempted to do, but apparently you can't get it on the NHS and have to pay yourself because it's seen as a cosmetic surgery?)

    Please help, it is causing me pain some of the time and to be honest it's ugly and really getting in the way and I don't know what to do
    J_9's Avatar
    J_9 Posts: 40,298, Reputation: 5646

    Apr 18, 2012, 07:52 AM
    The most appropriate thing for you to do is to see your doctor to get it properly diagnosed.

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