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    VintageHeart93's Avatar
    VintageHeart93 Posts: 66, Reputation: 5
    Junior Member

    Apr 6, 2012, 11:57 AM
    I don't feel mature? How to become more mature?
    For the past few months, I've been trying my best to do the right thing. I get good grades, I don't steal, and I don't break the law, and I always she respect, and treat people as I want be treated. I'm in college, about to turn 19, and I'm trying to break away from my parents. I don't want to ask them for money anymore. I want to get my own apartment, etc. I try to refrain from asking as much as I can.. I felt that since I wasn't out on my own,that I wouldn't have any issues and that everything would be okay..

    Last October, I had an in-grown hair infection that went array. It was about the size of a golf ball and it caused me immense pain. I originally thought it was a spider bite, so when I went to the clinic and told them they told me to go straight to the ER. I was under my mother's insurance when my parents divorced. But after she quit her job, It was gone. After everything has been done, my father scolded me saying that I should self-diagnose myself and tell the doctors, and I should've waited till I got back to college so the campus doctors could've fixed it. I tried filing a medicaid form but I needed my dad's info, gave it him, and I don't know what happened.. Now, the NA Credit Servies are calling me asking me to pay the 953$ I owe the hospital or they'll send it to a lawfirm. I don't have a job, I've never had a job in my life! I've been trying to get one for months but no luck. I ask my dad if he can help until I can get a job and he's agreed, but he said he's not paying for it all because it's not his problem. I'm so pissed with myself right now. I was also going to go to summer school but I don't know if I can now that I have to pay off my hospital bill. I'm

    I don't feel mature/like an adult at all. Every problem that I've been into I've just cried, asked other people for help, and retract. I just don't know what to do get back on track towards a more happier lifestyle.. What can I do? Should I go to summer school? I'm so clueless...
    Fr_Chuck's Avatar
    Fr_Chuck Posts: 81,301, Reputation: 7692

    Apr 6, 2012, 12:04 PM
    Why are you not on your dads insurance ? Or has mom got new insurance.
    Why are your parents not willing to pay the 100 dollars a month or health insurance for you.

    Have you written to the actual hospital or doctor and discussed the bill, most will write off 1/2 or at times all of the bill if you have no month.
    cdad's Avatar
    cdad Posts: 12,700, Reputation: 1438
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    Apr 6, 2012, 12:08 PM
    First off you need an income source. Once you have that you can deal with the bill by making payments. You have a lot on your plate at this time in your life. But to be independent your going to have to have some form of independent income. Keep trying and good luck.
    toddcandi's Avatar
    toddcandi Posts: 38, Reputation: 0
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    Apr 6, 2012, 12:58 PM
    I don't have the answers your looking for exactly, but I can tell you this; from what I've read here, you sound mature enough to me. Actually it seems like your too hard on yourself. Many people your age aren't trying half as much as you are, and the only reason your having such a hard time actually getting on your feet is because of the economy. Right now so many people are in need of a job that the people hiring have a great amount of people to choose from so they can choose someone with a lot of expirience, which makes it difficult for you because your just beginning- but don't give up, right now you have a chance if you give it you don't.
    As far as the hospital deal I say good for you! You are not a doctor, you shouldn't self diagnose yourself, do you know how many people do that and end up being wrong. You were taking care of yourself-that is mature. What if it had turned out to be a spider bite? Or a tumor? Or something like that and you had ignored it thinking it would take care of itself, you could be very ill or dead now, so its good your taking care of yourself. I'm not saying go to the doctor every time you have a cold or a headache, but I think your smart enough to know that already. By the way, I went to the er because I was having chest pains, turns out I've just got a pinched nerve. The pain was so severe sometimes it brought tears to my eyes. I may owe the damn doctors $900 now, but at least I know that I haven't got something wrong with me. This was 6-9 months ago and I haven't paid a cent of that (for I too haven't got a real job) but they aren't going to do anything more than send bills and ***** on voicemails so I'll worry about it when I can. They know that people don't have money right now.
    So in conclusion I say be yourself, and just worry about yourself. Your parents can worry about whatever they want to but you just worry about you and do what's best for yourself. Your on the right track it sounds like, so stop fretting about other people's opinions and just try your best.
    Good Luck
    VintageHeart93's Avatar
    VintageHeart93 Posts: 66, Reputation: 5
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    Apr 6, 2012, 01:07 PM
    My dad has been trying to. He said something about waiting the next fiscal year. My dad has agreed to paying some of the bill until I can find a job. The bill was 1,000$ but was reduced.
    I wish's Avatar
    I wish Posts: 5,296, Reputation: 2030
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    Apr 11, 2012, 08:50 AM
    How are you able to pay for books and rent, etc. Is it possible to have a part-time job? If you really want to be less dependent on your parents, then you will definitely need at least part-time job to have some sort of income.

    Does your colleage have a student health insurance plan that can help you pay for a part of the fee?
    VintageHeart93's Avatar
    VintageHeart93 Posts: 66, Reputation: 5
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    Apr 11, 2012, 09:07 AM
    No, my college doesn't. If you don't have insurance then we would have to pay the full price here as well. My father was saying that if I waited until I got to college then it probably would've been cheaper. As for trying to do part time, I've been trying to find a job all school year. The closest I've gotten was two interviews (one being my first). It sucked, and the 2nd one was better. I ended up becoming an alternate in case something happens. My dad and so has my mom has been paying for my books and stuff. My dad said he has no problem paying for things I need for school. But, I really want to not rely on them..

    The bill is now 930$ I think. It's been reduced and my father has agreed to pay 90$ a month until I can find a job, he just told this is just a lesson learned.
    Wondergirl's Avatar
    Wondergirl Posts: 39,354, Reputation: 5431
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    Apr 11, 2012, 09:17 AM
    My college posted jobs on a very public bulletin board outside the dean's office -- babysitting jobs, housecleaning jobs, interior and exterior painting jobs, lawn care jobs, dog walking jobs, typing jobs, tutoring jobs. I was able to always have a job doing something. Many of the jobs I took off the board turned into permanent ones. In fact, some of the kids I used to babysit are now in their 40s and stay in touch with me even though they live all over the world. My son's college had a huge jobs binder that was updated several times a day by one of the college secretaries.

    Does your college have a job board?
    VintageHeart93's Avatar
    VintageHeart93 Posts: 66, Reputation: 5
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    Apr 18, 2012, 10:50 AM
    They do, I'm going how in a little over 2 weeks and I think I have a job offer. Thank you so much again :)

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