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    secsip's Avatar
    secsip Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
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    Feb 27, 2012, 12:34 PM
    How do I control my Berserk/blind rage syndrome?
    I have Berserk/blind rage syndrome. All I know is that when a person hits me or touches me when I am upset I just snap. When I snap I lose control of myself. I can see, hear, or feel. My strength goes throe the roof and I only attack the person or thing that set me of. How do I control that.
    Stompystomp's Avatar
    Stompystomp Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
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    Jun 17, 2012, 05:53 AM
    Hello my fellow person!

    I know full well what you're describing. For my entire childhood and a long way into my adult life, I experienced the same things. Sometimes I wouldn't remember what I did for a certain amount of time after I snapped and just woke up somewhere else, but as I learned to control it and feel when it was creeping up on me, I started to be able to see what happened, but it was as if my body wasn't controlled by me. Years later, I have now learned not to control it, but to keep it down and I know when I need to go away from a specific situation to not snap completely.

    How did I get where I am today? Well, it all started back when I was 12. The school psychiatrist told me to start counting to 10 whenever I was about to get mad. It was really hard at first, and most times I never got farther than 3 or 4, especially because some of the other kids started making fun of my counting, but soon it got better, and I was able to reach 10. Sometimes I needed to count further or just start walking away whilst I was counting. When I turned 16, I was almost able to control it. I didn't need to count out loud anymore, and I was able to avoid situations where it might happen. However, now that I am almost 21, the counting doesn't seem to work anymore, and it doesn't take much to make me snap. I have managed to walk away from people this far, but I most definitely have to stay away from alcohol. If I get even a little drunk, I really need to have my oldest friends around because only they know how to calm me down, and I love them for it.

    My advice to you: Tell your closest friends about your condition. Let them help you out. Find a way to increase your own patience, and for the love of God learn when to walk away from a sticky situation.

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