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    o2bmayan's Avatar
    o2bmayan Posts: 2, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Feb 15, 2007, 02:01 PM
    3 problems: GFI outlet, ceiling fans, light switches
    This morning, my bathroom gfi outlets in all bathrooms won't work. The one with the black trip button and red reset button won't allow me to push the button in to trip/break. Also, I have tripped/reset my kitchen outlets and tripped/reset ALL the breakers in my outside box. Still won't work, trip or reset. What should I do now?
    I also have a ceiling fan with a wallset "remote" when that switch is on I cannot turn on ANY other ceiling fans in the house! I must turn it off and then I can turn on the others. What needs to be done or replaced?
    My 3rd electrical problem relates to my hallway lights (4) with 3 separate on/off switches. My young strong son hit one of the switches to turn it on and now if that switch is in the "off" position, the other 2 switches will not turn the hall lights on. If I replace that switch with a new 3 way switch, should my problem with the hall lights be solved?
    I have pretty limited electrical experience, but know enough to turn off power before working on items and can work with screwdrivers, wire cutters/strippers, etc.
    tkrussell's Avatar
    tkrussell Posts: 9,659, Reputation: 725
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    Feb 15, 2007, 04:02 PM
    The GFI problem sounds like the feed to it has a loose connection someplace, and may be either the hot or the neutral. You will need to pull this GFI out and test for any power to ground. If none is found you will need to trace the feed back to the next junction box or outlet looking for the loose connection.

    I need to refer your ceiling fan problem to our fan expert, but I think there is a frequency problem with one remote that is causing the problem, and something needs to be set differently. I know not much help, I will re-post your question so that ceilingfanrepair will hopefully see your question.

    Replacing the broken switch should solve the problem, just before you disconnect the old switch, be sure to note which wire is connect to the "common" terminal, which is always the black or dark screw on a three way switch, the other two wires do not matter which goes where.

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