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    ladylove25's Avatar
    ladylove25 Posts: 100, Reputation: 0
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    Nov 21, 2011, 08:59 PM
    Best friend supports my religion?
    My best friend likes me and I've known him for 5 yrs. One time we were having a conversation and he asks if there's a possibility of us ever happening and I said yes but with uncertainty.or I would say yes and no. and he knew how indecisive I was but not the reasons so I told him. I told him that I'm christian and I was looking for a guy of my similar faith because it's a big part of who I am and I know that if I am in a serious relationship with someone with a different religious background than it would cause problems in the relationship. He says that he's catholic but that he's willing to support me and my religion. Thing is I feel that he's just doing it because he likes me and wants me happy but if you are going to follow a religion just for me then isn't that wrong? Shouldn't you follow a religion for yourself and because you want to? Its great that he's supportive but I want to be in a long term relationship and I know that eventually its going to bother me and there's going to be conflicts. What can you guys suggest?
    Wondergirl's Avatar
    Wondergirl Posts: 39,354, Reputation: 5431
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    Nov 21, 2011, 09:14 PM
    Catholic is Christian, in fact, was the first organized Christian church body.

    You are Protestant? Which denomination?
    solidzane's Avatar
    solidzane Posts: 111, Reputation: 8
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    Nov 21, 2011, 09:39 PM
    Personally, I think you might find that your fears may be misguided... I have an Aunt and Uncle, well, my mom's Aunt and Uncle really... They are of different faiths as well... He is some denomination of Christianity, and she is Catholic. They've been happily married for over 50 years now...

    Whatever the differences are, remember that both Christianity and Catholicism have a universal belief in the one true God. Catholicism was created basically at the want of Jesus in order to educate people about God and the path to salvation. Christianity centers a little more on what Jesus did and is still doing for the world, but still has the same purpose of educating people in Christ, God, and salvation.

    There are different customs of course, but there are the same customs as well... Like communion...

    One of the things I recall from one of my high school classes (probably history) is that Christianity and Catholicism are sort of "Universal Religions" willing to accept anyone and everyone into "the family"... That's why there are people who convert from other faiths into different faiths. My own father was raised Catholic, but today we attend a Christian church. He says that the main difference he sees is in the customs like confession and reciting prayers. Catholicism, he says, is very robotic... The same thing over and over again every week. Whereas in Christianity there are the things that get done every week, like Worship through song, but it is different. Different songs, no monotony, faster paced messages, etc...

    The point I'm trying to make is that you should consider the similarities between you and your friend more than the difference in Religion. You have the same belief, just different ways of showing it. And look at more than that. Do you two have the same sort of personality? Do you have fun together and understand each other and care for each other like you are family? Besides your religious preference, could you see yourself with him for the rest of your life?

    If you are best friends and do all sorts of stuff together outside of school or work and have no problems with religion at those times then why not give it a shot and make yourself an official couple and see where life takes you?

    Food for thought. Remember that you are both believers one way or another. :) Good luck. :D
    ladylove25's Avatar
    ladylove25 Posts: 100, Reputation: 0
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    Nov 21, 2011, 09:42 PM
    Christians don't pray to mary or bow down to saints. "you shall not have no other gods before me". We don't follow the sacraments or any of those man made traditions. Catholicism is actually very different from christianity when comparing the two.
    solidzane's Avatar
    solidzane Posts: 111, Reputation: 8
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    Nov 21, 2011, 09:51 PM
    True, but Catholic people don't see them as God's. They are the people who were the closest to God. Perhaps they have the ear of God and can pass on my message and get it listened to...

    The main idea is that they believe in Jesus and God.

    The other post said that Catholicism is Christianity... It's true... It's a denomination.

    Like me... I'm an Evangelical Free Christian...
    Your friend is a Catholic Christian
    My Grand Father is a Pentecostal Christian

    They all go about things in different ways, but they all hold the same beliefs.

    Even Mormons... They are Mormon or "Modern Day" Christians of Latter day Saints...
    There are Jehovah's Witness Christians and Lutheran Christians and so on and so forth...

    The one thing that they all have in common is Jesus Christ and the one true God.
    ladylove25's Avatar
    ladylove25 Posts: 100, Reputation: 0
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    Nov 21, 2011, 09:52 PM
    Actually I read the bible so I do not think I'm "misguided". Catholics believe in the one true god like we do but they prey to saints and statues of mary when she is not the one true god our lord jesus christ. You have to remember also that in the 10 commandments it says "thou shall not have no other gods before me". I am happy that your aunt and uncle have been married for 50yrs and I wish them many more but not everyone is the same and we as christians have to take a stand against evil.
    Wondergirl's Avatar
    Wondergirl Posts: 39,354, Reputation: 5431
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    Nov 21, 2011, 09:57 PM
    Catholics don't pray to Mary or the saints.

    Catholics were the original organized Christian church.
    ladylove25's Avatar
    ladylove25 Posts: 100, Reputation: 0
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    Nov 21, 2011, 09:57 PM
    My friend the fact that you don't see them as gods but bow down to them is pretty disturbing. Jesus strictly forbids this as this is an abomination unto the lord. None of these traditions will save you only the blood of christ. Beware the wolf in sheeps clothing which are these false religions. God bless you friend
    Wondergirl's Avatar
    Wondergirl Posts: 39,354, Reputation: 5431
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    Nov 21, 2011, 10:00 PM
    Which denomination do you belong to, ladylove?
    solidzane's Avatar
    solidzane Posts: 111, Reputation: 8
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    Nov 21, 2011, 10:12 PM
    I didn't mean that your knowledge is misguided. I meant your fear of conflict. You said it in your title and in the question itself. This is about your best friend. If he is your best friend then what is there to be afraid of? He already accepts you for who you are and you accept him for who he is.

    I'm assuming that you didn't get to my second post before replying, and I'm probably missing out on something you are typing as I type this, but let me re state my theory about who they pray to.

    Catholics view the Pope as the modern person that is closest to God. Perhaps they see Mary and St. Christopher and all the other Saints as the past people who were closest to God. It was Mary who birthed Jesus after all so what made her special? Why did God pick Mary? Maybe the Catholics believe he picked her because she was/is special to God and thus, she is closer to God... They might pray to her on a certain subject so that she may pass the message along to God and get them some attention... As to the statues... I don't know how to explain that except that maybe it makes them feel closer to the person...

    Even in other Christian churches it is not uncommon to see a statue depicting Jesus on the cross... What do many people do when they pray? They either fold their hands and close their eyes with their head down, or they look to the heavens and in many cases, directly at the statue of Jesus...

    Why pray to Jesus? Jesus himself says to pray to God and not to him... Just another thought... We see Jesus either as the human form of God, or as God's son and thus, the person closest to God. We pray to him and he gets his dad, God, to listen and respond...

    Another thought... People ask others to pray for them... Example, I might ask you to pray for me to lose weight... Maybe I think that you are closer to God than I am and that's why I ask this of you...

    So when a Catholic person prays to Mary, maybe it's because Mary is no longer with us for us to ask her in person so we have to ask her to pray for us by praying to her... Again, this is just my own theory...

    Now... I've probably missed a post or 2 since starting to write this... Keep that in mind in case I said something that someone else said or that you said or whatever... I'm replying specifically to the post you made at 8:52PM...
    solidzane's Avatar
    solidzane Posts: 111, Reputation: 8
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    Nov 21, 2011, 10:18 PM
    I just refreshed and no response to my last post... I have to go to work right now, but I'll look at this again in the morning... Good luck in finding the answers you need in the meantime... Oh... and when I said 8:52 PM I meant in California time (PST)...
    ladylove25's Avatar
    ladylove25 Posts: 100, Reputation: 0
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    Nov 22, 2011, 08:29 AM
    Please read the two links I posted to fully understand what I'm saying. That born again christians do not bow down to any idols of any kind while they pray. Even if its an idol of jesus and you are simply looking up to him. Remember that god is a spirit. This is why my best friend and I will have complications.
    NeedKarma's Avatar
    NeedKarma Posts: 10,635, Reputation: 1706
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    Nov 22, 2011, 08:44 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by ladylove25 View Post
    Please read the two links i posted to fully understand what im saying. the fact of the matter is that born again christians do not bow down to any idols of any kind while they pray. even if its an idol of jesus and you are simply looking up to him. remeber that god is a spirit. this is why my best friend and i will have complications.
    The links you posted clearly put you in the "fanatics" camp. You will not find a suitable mate outside of your specific denomination.
    solidzane's Avatar
    solidzane Posts: 111, Reputation: 8
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    Nov 22, 2011, 01:39 PM
    Well... After all of the posts and suggestions you don't seem to want to look at things any other ways... I ask this simple question. Why ask for advice if all you are going to do is disregard it and not even consider the advice of others? Again, putting aside the religion aspect, he is your best friend... There has to be a reason he is such a good friend. You must trust him in some way... He obviously wants to try to make things work on a deeper level with you...

    My last piece of advice is to give the 2 of you a chance... If the religion is such a big deal for you, then perhaps you can convert him... Take him to a few services at your church and see what he thinks... He may like it and attend with you regularly...

    You are refusing to give things a try with someone who may possibly be the person that God meant for you... Dating people is how we find the person that we love and who loves us in return... Love is unstoppable, if he has been trying to be more than a friend with you for an extended period, then it may be real... Just give it a try... What do you have to lose? Time with someone else, maybe...

    Give our advice some thought, or don't... It's your choice... :)
    ladylove25's Avatar
    ladylove25 Posts: 100, Reputation: 0
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    Nov 22, 2011, 02:21 PM
    I am a christian plain and simple. I am not part of a denomination or a religious camp.
    Wondergirl's Avatar
    Wondergirl Posts: 39,354, Reputation: 5431
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    Nov 22, 2011, 02:51 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by ladylove25 View Post
    i know that eventually its going to bother me and there's going to be conflicts. what can you guys suggest?
    After reading all that you've written, my advice is to keep him as your friend but find a life partner within your church. You are already expecting emotional upsets and conflicts if you get marry him, so don't go there. Keep your religious life uncluttered.

    That will unclutter his life too.
    NeedKarma's Avatar
    NeedKarma Posts: 10,635, Reputation: 1706
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    Nov 22, 2011, 04:20 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by ladylove25 View Post
    iam a christian plain and simple. iam not part of a denomination or a religious camp.
    Actually you are. Anyone who would use as their reasoning a URl with "False Religions/Roman Catholicism/catholicism_is_of_the_devil" clearly has some very specific views of people who do not engage in religion the same that you do. Most christians are much more tolerant than that.
    paraclete's Avatar
    paraclete Posts: 2,706, Reputation: 173
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    Nov 22, 2011, 07:03 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by ladylove25 View Post
    actually i read the bible so i do not think im "misguided". catholics believe in the one true god like we do but they prey to saints and statues of mary when she is not the one true god our lord jesus christ. you have to remember also that in the 10 commandments it says "thou shall not have no other gods before me". iam happy that your aunt and uncle have been married for 50yrs and i wish them many more but not everyone is the same and we as christians have to take a stand against evil.
    Ladylove keep on with your beliefs I was once a Catholic now I am a Pentecostal, you never know your friend might also find Christ and one day believe as you do. The way I see it is Catholics are sometimes misguided by a religious mindset and they fail to examine the whole Bible and ask questions. They have no revelation of christ being the head of every man. As a Christian statues hold no interest for me, nor does the use of intercessors. Unfortunately, this message hasn't gotten through to many Catholics. Substance over form, this is what we are really talking about. This things were originated when the population was uneducated and could not read the Scriptures for themselves.
    hauntinghelper's Avatar
    hauntinghelper Posts: 2,854, Reputation: 290
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    Nov 24, 2011, 06:19 PM
    Good Lord... it's ALL Christianity... NO denomination has a full revelation. The main point is if someone believes in Jesus Christ as the son of God. To get down to your question... yes, some denominations will make it more difficult to be with someone from another... i.e. the catholic who lives with a pentecostal. Focus on Jesus and all that other stuff might begin to fade into the background. Focus on Jesus and you two might actually begin to compromise on the denominational stuff. This Catholic vs. protestant bickering is worthless, gets nowhere, and really builds nobody up. If somebody knows Jesus as their savior, they are my brother or sister.

    Ladylove, the fact is you are being wise in your hesitancy of this relationship. If you don't see a relationship between Him and Jesus, he probably isn't taking it seriously... a "non-practicing" type if you know what I mean. I say hold out for someone that will challenge you and help you grow. A relationship like this will only drag you down, I've seen that over and over. There is a reason the bible tells us not to be yoked with an unbeliever, it most likely will compromise your relationship with God.

    2 Corinthians 6:14
    Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness?
    ladylove25's Avatar
    ladylove25 Posts: 100, Reputation: 0
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    Nov 25, 2011, 01:42 PM
    Needkarma-Actually many born again would agree with what I say because they consider more the scriptures and know that we are not part of any denomination. To lable me a "fanatic" and say that I won't find a suitable mate is ridiculous. Also saying this: "Most christians are much more tolerant than that" is sinful thinking.Mark 7:6-13 and Romans 10:3-4 condemn the Catholic religion to Hell.

    Solidzane-im not disregarding I just don't agree with what you are saying because I really have to consider the scriptures in this and according to the bible it is forbidden to worship any false idols even if its mary. Mary was a sinner like everyone else. Jesus is the only one we should worship in spirit as our holy savior. :) I understand that he wants to have a depper relationship with me but I also need to be careful as I am dating for the purpose of marriage and I posted this thread because I wanted and was looking for opinions on the matter from a biblical perpective. Many religious claim to follow god and be christian but we must be vigilant and aware what religions are truly christian.

    paraclete- yes I do agree with what you are saying most catholics have a religious mindset and therefore disregard or don't consider biblical scriptures.

    hauntinghelper-its better to just have a relationshp with christ so that there wouldn't be any religious catholic teachings holding us down since like paraclete said catholics have this religious mindset and they get misguided. Born again christians need to focus on god and only god. I think it would be better if I be with someone who will like you say help me grow instead of bring me down in my faith and that have a similar mindset as I do. Good example with 2 corinthians. Also he is not the practicing type which can damage my relationship with god in the long run.

    I am not trying to debate or argue I am simply providing my reasons and taking a biblical stand on the matter. :)

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