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    ayomi_how's Avatar
    ayomi_how Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Sep 29, 2011, 11:06 AM
    Difficulties when becoming a muslim
    I'm hoping to become a muslim and I'm studying things related to islam. My parents are bhuddist. Things related to my parents religion and muslim religion are parents don't know anything about to islam. If I became a muslim person,
    1) can't I stay with my parents
    2) can't I attend to my parents funaral or any functions they do according to their religion
    3) if I attend to those functions because of my parents wish and to make my parents happy, what will happen to me..
    TheCompromiser's Avatar
    TheCompromiser Posts: 77, Reputation: 17
    Junior Member

    Sep 29, 2011, 05:57 PM
    Why are you becoming a Muslim? If you think it might exclude you from your parents so much, and you don't know all about the religion in the first place, why would you convert? Is it for marriage? Are you a female or male? Many of the Muslim customs change depending on gender as well. Going from Buddhist to Muslim is a huge change, because these religions are so different. You must know that if you convert, becoming Muslim is more than just a change in belief, but a change in the way you live.
    Fr_Chuck's Avatar
    Fr_Chuck Posts: 81,301, Reputation: 7692

    Sep 29, 2011, 07:59 PM
    You change religion or join one because you believe that the expression of faith and God is the right one. If you truly believe in the faith, nothing, even never seeing your parents again would not matter, If you really want this as your faith, even if it meant packing your bags, on the way to the center to join, since you knew you could not go home if you did.

    I can't speak for your group of Islam, but I know here, Muslims take part in interfaith groups and meetings, I have had Muslims at Christian weddings I have done.

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