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    alimarie17's Avatar
    alimarie17 Posts: 3, Reputation: 1
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    Jul 31, 2011, 12:25 PM
    No period for about 3-4 months?
    Ok so I cannot remember exactly when I last had a "real" period but its been at least 3 maybe 4 months. Ever since my first period I have always been regular and almost always have very heavy periods. But as of probably 5-6 months ago, they started getting lighter and lasting less and less time and now its to the point where I don't really have them anymore. The most I get is just a tiny spot when wiping and then that's it till next month where the same thing happens. I don't think this is normal and I'm kind of worried about it but I really really don't want to go see a doctor for it. I'm 17 and I've never had a female exam before but my mom says its really unpleasant and just the thought of having to get one scares me. I have done some researching on-line and have ruled out every possible reason I can find. I am not pregnant (that one is certain considering I'm a virgin) I haven't lost or gained any weight, I'm not over or under weight, I haven't been overly stressed, I haven't been exercising excessively. I don't get what else there could be. If anyone knows any other possible causes please let me know as soon as possible. Thanks
    HurtScorpio's Avatar
    HurtScorpio Posts: 92, Reputation: 23
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    Jul 31, 2011, 12:49 PM
    No offense to your mother but what the heck is wrong with her? You need to see a gynecologist. No, it is not a pleasant experience but is she going to let her young daughter go on without knowing if there is something wrong with her reproductive system? Talk to her and tell her you are worried and you feel you need to see a gynecologist as you think maybe there is something wrong. Your mom is not a doctor. Maybe you just have irregular periods and that can be fixed by being put on the birth control pill and then you will have your period every month and know when you will get it. It does not mean you have to have sex -just means your hormones will be in balance and NO you will not gain weight. People say that and it irritates me. I have been on it a long time and have not gained weight and if you are concerned ask the gynecologist about that and request to see a female gynecologist. Do you have insurance to cover the visit? If not, often times there are locations called Planned Parenthood or Family Planning that let teens have exams for free. Best of luck.
    georginaR's Avatar
    georginaR Posts: 5, Reputation: 3
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    Jul 31, 2011, 01:21 PM
    Obviously you don't want someone looking at your foufie(my word for vagina).You want to make sure everything's fine,nobody would want to go through that but I think you have to go and get it over with,the more you leave it the worse it may potentially become.better to be safe then sorry.
    alimarie17's Avatar
    alimarie17 Posts: 3, Reputation: 1
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    Jul 31, 2011, 03:59 PM
    @HurtScorpio, Apparently you slightly misunderstood what I was saying. My mom is the one who suggested that I get a female exam and I am the one who doesn't want one. I know it would be a good idea and yes I have health insurance but as georginaR said, I am uncomfortable with the thought of having someone looking, poking and prodding "down there" my mom said she would make me an appointment but I'm trying to get as many answers before she does so that I know if it is really necessary. I do have a family history of endometriosis though which caused my aunt to not be able to bare children. That is the biggest thing I am worried about. I think I will end up going in for an exam but I'm scared about it and I really don't want to. I also am not so sure about getting birth control mainly because I believe in no sex till marriage (for religious reasons). My boyfriend and I have been having enough trouble with that as it is and I am worried that if I get put on birth control, that will make resisting, that much more difficult because I wouldn't have the possibility of getting pregnant looming over my head. Any more thoughts/concerns are appreciated.
    HurtScorpio's Avatar
    HurtScorpio Posts: 92, Reputation: 23
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    Jul 31, 2011, 11:43 PM
    Sorry for the misunderstanding. I was a virgin until I was 18 years old so I do totally understand your concerns but unlike you I was not open with my mother about getting an exam because I decided at almost 19 to have sexual relations and knew I needed protection and knew she did not want me doing that as she had me at an early age so I sought out an exam at Planned Parenthood. Since I was a virgin, the exam was uncomfortable mainly because I did not tell the gynecologist I was a virgin and she became frustrated with me as if I was being uncooperative when in reality I was unable to insert a tampon let alone the speculum she was attempting to insert. I am pretty sure they have speculums in smaller sizes for those reasons and lubrications to get them in so it is not so painful. I feel bad that endometriosis runs in your family. I have had issues with cysts on my ovaries and at one point thought it would cause an issue with fertility. Luckily as far as I know it has not but I have not attempted to get pregnant. I do know a friend of mine that had endometriosis and she had very painful periods with extremely heavy blood flow but not issues with no blood flow as the cells, lining of the uterus were leaving here body as she explained. I don't want to give you incorrect information though. She did end up having a child though even through very painful endometriosis and much difficulty getting pregnant. Usually if they do have to use the speculum inside you it is quick, use a q-tip to get cells, and it is out. They may also do an ultrasound on your belly. Best thing is to do it and find out. Maybe you just need to take vitamin supplements. I understand your religious convictions and will not judge you. I just want you to think one thing outside of your religion. If you get into a serious relationship for let's say a year and have connected emotionally and marry the man, then engage in sexual connection, what if you are not compatible in that area? Sex is a way of bonding for a couple to reproduce but also to connect with love and what if you both are unable to connect in that way? I am not telling you to have sex. I am asking you to think about the fact that if you take this important aspect out previous to marriage and then marry and realize, ugh, this man repulses me and I do not feel attracted to him or want to emotionally connect with him because I am unable to feel good with him and loving with him in a sexually passionate manner? Just something to think about. You are in total control of your body. If you go on birth control your boyfriend does not even need to know so maybe that is with=holding information but if your intent is to not have sex, you may need to do that. At age 17 I think a guy is going to have a real hard time holding out until marriage unless you plan on marrying very early. I think it is only fair if you are with a guy over a year you could snuggle or something. You are teens -marriage does not occur that early usually and I REALLY would not suggest getting married until at LEAST 25 so please be careful. You seem to have great morales.
    alimarie17's Avatar
    alimarie17 Posts: 3, Reputation: 1
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    Aug 1, 2011, 09:17 AM
    I'll probably be going in on Saturday for an exam. Thanks for the advice, I will definitely be sure to let the doc know that I am a virgin so that it will go as easy as possible. I am thinking now that it is very possible that I have endometriosis because I talked to my mom and found out that her and my grandma on my mom's side also have it. The family history combined with my symptoms are making it seem very likely. I am not really all that worried about it though since my mom has had two kids and so has my grandma. The only reason why it caused my aunt to be unable to have children was because her parents refused to take her to the doc. About the no sex before marriage thing, thank you. I appreciate your concern and you have some good points but I am willing to take the risk of possibly not being "compatible" in that area, but I don't think that problem will occur. And I think it is very possible that I will marry at an early age. He is 19, my dad was married with a kid at that age

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