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    debbiewake's Avatar
    debbiewake Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Sep 7, 2004, 10:12 AM
    Blood clots after miscarriage
    Last June at 5 months pregnant, I found out my baby had died. I had lost my insurance when I got pregnant and my husband and I were told to go to what turned out to be an abortion clinic for the removal. I had a very hard time during the procedure. It had to be repeated several times during the 6 hours I was at the clinic. Then it was determined that my bleeding was not stopping and an ambulance was called. In the hospital they gave me something to stop the bleeding and it worked. I went back to the clinic several weeks later for my checkup and was told that everything was fine. Since then my periods have been very regular as far as time but they are very heavy. In fact they are mostly extremely large clots! I never had periods like this before. Has anybody else experienced this and should I be worried that something is wrong?
    Dreamer's Avatar
    Dreamer Posts: 76, Reputation: 13
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    Oct 16, 2004, 06:12 PM

    I hope I have not replied to this thread too late. First off let me say that I am terribly sorry about what happened to you.

    As for the clotting & heavy periods. This is not normal. However, there is a somewhat simple procedure called a DNC. I don't know if you have ever heard of it or not, but it is for women who have abnormally heavy bleeding with or without large amounts of clotting. The procedure is relatively painless and is done in the hospital. What has happened is that because of the medication you were on and the procedure that you had done, tissue has built up and the blood is not able to flow properly. Also, there is more than likely lining of the uterus that needs to be shed. This will all be done through the DNC. You would notice a significant difference in the months after. I wish you the best of luck. And again, I am very sorry to hear of what happened to you. *hug*

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