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    destiny1981's Avatar
    destiny1981 Posts: 3, Reputation: 0
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    Jan 29, 2007, 05:29 AM
    Pregnant by a married man
    My name is Destiny and I am 26yrs pregnant by a married man. I’m also engaged to this lovely man... I can't have an abortion due to medical reasons so I don't have any other reason than to keep the baby... I’m going to lose my fiancée due to all this... I love the married man but he’s got a wife and two kids... his wife doesn't know about our affair... the married man and I have been best friends for 10yrs before he even met his wife we’ve been apart due to our work.when we met again he told me he loves me and if its not his wife he I would have been the one.. he tells me he’s in love with me and he doesn’t care if the wife find out about me or the baby he’s ready to lose his family over all this... I know this sounds horrible but I’m also ready to lose my fiancée for him I love him more and he tells me he’s in love with me.. but sometimes I just wonder if all this is real or I will be the one to end up with nothing!! Help
    JoeCanada76's Avatar
    JoeCanada76 Posts: 6,669, Reputation: 1707
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    Jan 29, 2007, 05:50 AM
    First of all, even if this man loses his wife, even if you lose your fiancée. You will have a beautiful baby. So you will have this child which is an amazing gift. No matter what circumstance you are in.

    You do need to let your fiancée know, and if your affair with this guy is not out in the open with his wife then the truth needs to come out and see where the chips fall.

    Goodluck to you and with your new baby.

    valinors_sorrow's Avatar
    valinors_sorrow Posts: 2,927, Reputation: 653
    I regard all beings mostly by their consciousness and little else

    Jan 29, 2007, 06:06 AM
    Step back for a moment Destiny and please see how very dishonest you've been before its too late. Selfish and uncaring of others feelings too, perhaps? Think about how that looks to your child somewhere down the road. Consider for a moment how he or she will learn all that from you and then rack up a bunch of misery in his or her life, just as you have. Its really about how much of your good morals are you willing to toss out the window in an attempt to gain what you want. I don't mean to sound harsh or judgemental but these things really are connected. You've made some poor decisions and now you have the poor results of that. You had nothing to begin with-- not because you can't make people do what you want-- but because of how little you value people, including yourself on a moral basis. Now you have a child to think about and that changes everything. Get your moral act together... live happy, joyous and free! It really does work that way, I know this from firsthand experience racking up a bunch of misery myself and then cleaning it all up. There is a better way to live than this and you can find it!
    Kiddybaby's Avatar
    Kiddybaby Posts: 28, Reputation: 8
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    Jan 29, 2007, 08:08 AM
    Wow... well I would say don't be surprised when he does the same thing to you. You and he both should have had more respect for yourselves and the other people in your lives. What goes around comes around... I guarantee you!
    Synnen's Avatar
    Synnen Posts: 7,927, Reputation: 2443

    Jan 29, 2007, 08:19 AM
    Do you want sympathy for the situation you're in? You're probably not going to get it here. You did something really NOT NICE, and got caught in the most obvious way possible.

    Do you really want to ruin someone else's life with your selfishness? (and yes, you ARE being selfish). Your fiancée, your lover's wife, everyone's family... No matter how you try to work all of this out, you're going to look like a selfish, loose, near-sighted homewrecker.

    My advice is to tell your fiancée what's going on, give him the chance to decide how HE would like to react. THEN, once you have that situation handled, give the ultimatum to your married lover that he has to tell his wife. Regardless how you think he feels, and what he says to you... I'm doubting he'll leave his wife. He hasn't yet, has he?

    THEN... you are going to have to work out visitation and child support. (This is looking less pretty all the time, isn't it?). If his marriage survives this little bombshell (and somehow, I think it will), then your child will have to deal with an antagonistic "stepmom" who will be reminded every time she sees him/her that her husband cheated. If the marriage DOESN'T survive... well, don't hold your breath on him marrying you. He'll have some excuse or another why that can't happen.

    I don't see much happiness for you out of this, really. My REAL advice is to take a deep breath, square your shoulders, and move on with your life, with the promise to your child that you will treat them better than you have treated the other people around you.
    s_cianci's Avatar
    s_cianci Posts: 5,472, Reputation: 760
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    Jan 29, 2007, 10:52 AM
    You'll be the one to end up with nothing, except for a kid with no father. Neither you nor this married man know the meaning of the word "commitment." He may have been your best friend for 10 years before he met his wife but he made his decisions and you made yours. You're being very unfair to his wife, his kids and your fiancée. There's no easy way out of this situation and you're all going to end up burned.
    valinors_sorrow's Avatar
    valinors_sorrow Posts: 2,927, Reputation: 653
    I regard all beings mostly by their consciousness and little else

    Jan 29, 2007, 04:17 PM
    I am heartened to see you taking my post so well. Getting your moral compass back will be worth everything it may "cost" you now tenfold and you'll eventually see that looking back. In order to build self esteem, you must do esteemable things and you have taken a good first step.
    Wildcat21's Avatar
    Wildcat21 Posts: 3,582, Reputation: 435
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    Jan 29, 2007, 04:49 PM
    Ugghhhhhhhhhhhhh another chick screwing around with a married man! Why? WHy do they fall for the married guys lies? Why?

    Every day we get one.

    Lets see - he promised you the world.

    Of course you should lose your fiancé - I'd go running too - you were screwing around with a married man!

    I would go after child support for sure. You must. That's all you will get out of this.

    See married guy cheated on his wife - he'll cheat on you as well. He's liar and cheater.

    "when we met again he told me he loves me and if its not his wife he i would have been the one" - sure he did!! Oldest line in the book. I could have told you he would say that before you met up again. He wanted sex!! That's it nothing more. He won't be leaving his wife - until she finds out about your baby.

    Then no one will lbe married - everyone hating everyone.
    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Jan 29, 2007, 09:51 PM
    but sometimes I just wonder if all this is real or I will be the one to end up with nothing!! Help
    I wish it was that simple,but with a child in the picture he is the one to suffer for the mistakes of his selfish, foolish parents. Would it be too much to ask to put your own needs aside now, and make sure your child is in a healthy, loving, stable environment? Can he have a chance at an honest life that you and your lying friend so casually put aside in your lust for each other at everyone's expense, or will you make him suffer for the self abuse you allowed in your life. The only way you can redeem a wasted stupid life with poor choices is to raise your child and give him the real love he deserves, not the perverted fantasy he was conceived in.
    Christianne's Avatar
    Christianne Posts: 1, Reputation: 1
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    Feb 26, 2007, 11:14 PM
    Morality? Sometimes you are just so nuts about another person that it feels like the right thing to do. I never thought I would ever cheat on my husband, but here I am, 10 years into marriage, lonely for most of my marriage, and fell totally in love with a coworker who was married with 2 kids. During our affair, his wife was pregnant with his 3rd child. I realize this may seem gross to many people reading this, but until you find yourself in our shoes, you would understand. I know he cannot leave his wife; nor do I expect him to. And I would never want him to leave his kids. But I can say that I have been my happiest with him, and my most miserable without him -- and I am without him most of the time. Thus I am miserable. I realize in retrospect I should have just walked away, but we became so close and enjoyed each others company so much, I loved being with him too much to just walk away. And then things happened. So Destiny, I totally understand where you are coming from and I do not judge you. The only thing you can do now is try to do what is best for all involve, mostly thinking about the kids, because they are the victims in the matter. The kids pay for our mistakes. But, for anyone else reading this, please, never, never, never get involved with a married man. No matter how great the temptation. Despite the incredible joy I have felt, I have never felt so miserable. If you are ever met with such temptation, hold your head high and walk away. Don't even start it.
    Teaching's Avatar
    Teaching Posts: 198, Reputation: 28
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    Feb 27, 2007, 12:44 AM
    I think you are in a very difficult situation - one of ethics and values. I think being honest with what happened to every party involved will be the best in the end. This way you have done the right thing and than let the chips fall where they may. I assure you your baby will be very proud to have a wonderful mom who did the right thing.

    My thoughts and prayers are with you for making the right decision. It's still not too late to do the right thing and not hurt anyone. Good luck
    chuff's Avatar
    chuff Posts: 3,397, Reputation: 1235
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    Feb 27, 2007, 02:27 AM
    All I can think of is that poor baby who didn't ask for any of this. Right from the start he/she has an up hill emotional battle and questions of why that may never get answered. Relationships effect more then the two people in them and that seems to be forgotten way too much.
    ghost56's Avatar
    ghost56 Posts: 283, Reputation: 26
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    Feb 27, 2007, 11:31 AM
    You have made your bed as they say, you must now lie in it. At some point in its life, your baby will need to know who its father is, it may be for medical reasons, to see if there is a certain problem medically in the child's family. You need to accept what you have done and take the consequenses. It is just a pity, this married mans innocent family are going to be hurt by all of this.
    Wildcat21's Avatar
    Wildcat21 Posts: 3,582, Reputation: 435
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    Feb 27, 2007, 02:50 PM
    Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhh - I just really hope all the women screwing around with MARRIED guys read this.

    Those married guys 98.9% the time won't leave their wives - EVER!! Hello??

    And then the consequnece of having sex. A bed out of wed lock. Hello??

    Sorry to be so blunt - but hopefully this post wakes up all the women who make 1 million excuses for themselves to be with a married guy.

    So many single guys outthere - that are good guys - and these women end up with married jerks... jerks who lie, cheat and steal to only SLEEP WITH YOU -nothing more. The married guy is in it for the sex. That's it ladies.
    pregnantmama's Avatar
    pregnantmama Posts: 3, Reputation: 2
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    Mar 20, 2007, 10:33 PM
    Dear Destiny:
    I feel for your situation. Unlike some individuals who have posted in response to your question, I do not believe that that anyone should judge your morality. Everyone makes mistakes, and nobody is perfect. I am sure that you really love this man, and probably never intended on causing anyone emotional pain. Often times we let our heart rule our head, and it sounds like he convinced you that he was in love with you and not his wife. In answer to your question--considering the fact that your married lover is still married and with children--it is highly unlikely that he will leave his wife for you and your child. I sincerely doubt if he will even willingly tell his wife about the child. However, you will not lose everything. You will have an innocent and beautiful child to raise--regardless of the circumstances--and as the biological father, he will be obligated to pay child support. Regarding your "fiance", I cannot imagine that he would want to continue in a marriage with you--or even stay with you--once he knows about your pregnancy and the fact that you cheated on him. One thing that I advise you: PLEASE do not tell his wife about the affair and child. She is a victim here. You did not ruin his marriage; HE ruined his marriage when he chose to have sex with another woman while married. If she is meant to know about all of this, either it should come from his mouth or she will find out somehow, someday. This has nothing to do with the wife; this whole situation is between YOU and THE FATHER OF YOUR UNBORN CHILD. I wish you the best in dealing with your situation. Congratulations on your upcoming arrival.
    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Mar 21, 2007, 03:53 AM
    This has nothing to do with the wife;
    As empassioned as your post is, I disagree with this statement whole heartedly. Maybe this could have been avoided if someone had given her consideration in the first place.
    pregnantmama's Avatar
    pregnantmama Posts: 3, Reputation: 2
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    Mar 21, 2007, 09:12 AM
    Dear Talaniman:
    Thank you for your response to my post. Of course I think that the man's infidelity has everything to do with his relationship with his wife, but I feel that the CHILD who is the result of the infidelity has nothing to do with the wife but is between the man's girlfriend and himself. My emphasis on the girlfriend not contacting the wife and telling her about everything is because I don't think that it will help the situation at all. She will only create more stress for her and her unborn child, anger from the man, anger from the wife towards the girlfriend, and pain to the wife who is a victim here. I also don't believe that telling the wife in the beginning would have necessarily avoided the outcome; many woman stay with their husbands regardless of unfaithfulness in the marriage--especially if they share children together--and he likely would have done the same thing with someone else. I still feel that it is the man's place to deal with his wife, and she will eventually find out about it anyway either by accident or when he is ordered by the courts to pay child support. But, this is just one woman's perspective. I respect your opinions.
    Wildcat21's Avatar
    Wildcat21 Posts: 3,582, Reputation: 435
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    Mar 21, 2007, 11:13 AM
    I really hope every woman in the world who is with a married man or thinking about being with a married man reads this thread and can see how HORRIBLE it is.

    Married should mean off limits or you will end up in a huge mess like this.

    You don't have anything to do with a married man until the divorce papers are signed and he moves out.

    The chances of him actually leaving his wife and/or FAMILY are very slim. He just there to use you.

    IT's NOT OK to be with a married man.
    alkalineangel's Avatar
    alkalineangel Posts: 2,391, Reputation: 323
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    Mar 21, 2007, 11:37 AM
    I don't mean to be negative, and I understand how your heart must feel in this situation, but step back and look at it from another persons perspective. This is a married man, he has a wife, who may not have any clue this is going one, and children. Even if he does go through with it and leaves her for you, think of the emotional strife it will cause on those innocent people. Think of yourself in those shoes (the wife, I mean) who's to say in another few years, you aren't her in this same situation. I have always believed, once a cheater, always a cheater. You could be her in a few years losing your husband and your child a father, without any idea of what to do. Do you really want that. As for your fiance', you need to tell him, because he is innocent as well. If you lose him, you lose him, but it is the only right thing to do.
    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Mar 21, 2007, 04:22 PM
    The females who fall for these lyin' cheatin' SOB's have issues and are stupid for listening to these guys, But the main thing is these guy's are selfish and unconcerned as to the consequences of their actions and where I lay most of the blame at. Just my opinion.

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