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    softballchica02's Avatar
    softballchica02 Posts: 22, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Apr 11, 2011, 06:17 PM
    I've been having these weird dreams about me dying
    Over the past month, I've been having weird dreams and I guess visions during the day that invovles me getting killed or hurt really bad. In one of the dreams, I saw a car coming and I pushed my friend out of the way and it hit me head on and killed me. In another some people were at my house and a guy came in with a gun and shot at one of them and I instently jumped in front of her and it hit me and killed me. In the last example in going to give, I was in the car with a friend and another car hit us head on and put us both in the hospital.
    The weirdest part about these dreams, is that they would actually happen. Its always been my natural instinct to put myself in harms way to save someone. I've already doneit a few times and I'm scared that I'm going to die and not finish high school. I've also been having weird feelings,like in my gut, that something bad is about to happen. I just don't know when. None of this probably makes sense but it is really worrying me and I want some help. I really want to understand what's going on with all of this.
    If any of these situations happened, I would most likely do whati did in my dreams so I can't just not do it. All right? So please help me. I'm just 15 and this is really freaky...

    martinizing2's Avatar
    martinizing2 Posts: 1,868, Reputation: 819

    Apr 12, 2011, 07:15 AM

    The way our brains function is still mostly a mystery.

    Science is beginning to understand some of it , but
    Only a fraction.

    You are at a time in your life that your body and mind
    Are going through a lot of changes that can have "side effects"
    Like the thoughts you are having.
    It could be your brain sorting out how you might react to
    And since you state that your nature is to help others first , this is the pictures your mind creates and you may be getting the "flashes" as your mind churns this over.

    I am sure it is not a premonition your are going to die , but it can be the cause of the uneasiness you feel.

    I suggest you talk to one of your parents about this or maybe a school counselor or an aunt or uncle you are comfortable with.

    It is all part of being human and growing up.
    softballchica02's Avatar
    softballchica02 Posts: 22, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Apr 12, 2011, 09:15 PM
    I did ask my mom and she said to look it up on the internet so I tried and failed then came here
    martinizing2's Avatar
    martinizing2 Posts: 1,868, Reputation: 819

    Apr 12, 2011, 10:01 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by softballchica02 View Post
    i did ask my mom and she said to look it up on the internet so i tried and failed then came here
    Like I said , nobody really understands how the brain works , and that includes parents .

    No matter where you look these kind of things can be speculated over,
    But not really explained
    Because we do not understand how the brain works.

    It is so complex in make up and function that it may never be fully understood.
    And why we dream what we do or get the thoughts we get
    Is a mystery.

    What is happening in your thoughts and dreams ,
    Are not premonitions of bad things to come ,
    It is your brain learning to function in it's own way.

    As we grow and learn we are destined to run into many freaky things.

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