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    cauin's Avatar
    cauin Posts: 31, Reputation: 1
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    Mar 4, 2011, 01:11 PM
    Comment on cauin's post
    Well slight correction, 10 bucks a week on food/drink.. and a proper meal at a relative every Wednesday, but that's a minor thing
    ISneezeFunny's Avatar
    ISneezeFunny Posts: 4,175, Reputation: 821
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    Mar 4, 2011, 01:15 PM

    This thread's pretty awesome. I didn't know people like this existed in real life.

    Get with it, buddy. You're putting the people on this forum down because... why? Your parents PAID for your life?

    Life sucks, then you die. Learn it now.

    -- med student in $280,000 in loans. Living off ramen and easy mac. Working during my summer and winter breaks to survive.

    Alty's Avatar
    Alty Posts: 28,317, Reputation: 5972
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    Mar 4, 2011, 01:33 PM

    News flash Cauin. I am a college graduate, and my parents did pay for my education, so no, it's not jealousy. Guess what, I finished my degree, and I got a job in my field, and I was very successful at that job. I only quit when I became pregnant, so that I could raise my kids. If I wanted to go back to the career tomorrow, all I'd have to do is make one simple phone call.

    Don't assume to know anything about the people posting here. Yes, many of them had to pay for their own education. Not everyone is as lazy and ungrateful as you.

    I was more then willing to pay for my own education, but I'm an only child, and my parents wanted me to be able to go to school, get a job, and start earning money, and not have to worry about student loans. I am very grateful to them for what they did for me. I am shocked that a child would think of suing their parents when they went out of their way to help them, something they didn't have to do, and in hindsight, I'm sure they wish they hadn't wasted their money.

    My advice to you is counseling. Learn that no one owes you anything. You're not entitled to a great life because your parents have money. A post secondary education is a privilege, not a right. Your parents paying for that education is a gift, not a given.

    I suggest that you grow up and realize that no one is going to hold your hand and pave the road for you. It's up to you to make the most of your life. You're an adult, so start acting like one and take responsibility for your own actions, or lack thereof.
    smoothy's Avatar
    smoothy Posts: 25,490, Reputation: 2853
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    Mar 4, 2011, 01:34 PM

    We find it amusing someone can't grasp the concept they are responsible for their own choices and as an adult their own expenses... and that they actually have the arrogance to consider suing their own parents for not continuing to pay for their every passing fancy rather than get off their butt and get a job to pay for it themselves.

    You have heard of the proverbial poster child for retroactive birth control... haven't you? Bet your dad smacked your mom for letting him sleep with her roughly 20-22 years ago, or the other way around.
    ISneezeFunny's Avatar
    ISneezeFunny Posts: 4,175, Reputation: 821
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    Mar 4, 2011, 01:36 PM

    I used to watch "My super sweet sixteen" on MTV... til this.
    smoothy's Avatar
    smoothy Posts: 25,490, Reputation: 2853
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    Mar 4, 2011, 01:41 PM

    There is dense... but I think we just discovered the densest material in the known universe...

    Makes diamonds seem like Gummibears... warm ones.

    I dub it cauininium. Absolutely impenetrable by any know method or material.
    Synnen's Avatar
    Synnen Posts: 7,927, Reputation: 2443

    Mar 4, 2011, 01:42 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by cauin View Post
    It's amusing to read people saying they could have been donald trump if they'd made the sacrifices.. yeah right. People have limitations. You can't just do anything because you have 2 arms and 2 legs and something on your neck like Donald Trump. You should get real.
    I have a brain, and ideas, and an IQ higher than that of Donald Trump. If being rich were what was important to me, I could have done so. Instead, I sacrficed being rich so that I could be happy.

    Quote Originally Posted by cauin View Post
    "liberal arts".. no. I probably did a better degree , in a better institution, than most of you.. well, 2 years of one anyway. Welcome to the real world. People can be more academic than you, and fail. And guess what. If you think they're stupid and every guess is that they did some rubbish degree, they are a BSer , well, when you're wrong on everything maybe you should look in the mirror. You're just somebody with common sense , a basic ability to make something of yourself, but no depth of thought, no intellect.
    Unfortunately, I lack common sense for basic tasks..but I can reason, which is more than many here.. that jump to the most silly conclusions.
    Seriously--you have NO idea how much like the other "kids" at the college I work at sound like when they're whining and complaining that it's not their fault they couldn't do it. I was probably more academic than you in college, and I failed out an entire year of school. BUT--I blamed myself, not my parents. And I got off my butt and went back and got my degree.

    Quote Originally Posted by cauin View Post
    I am not posting insisting that I do have a case to sue(as somebody seemed to think!!), I wanted to know if I did, and it became clear after the first few posts that apparently I do not, nothing to do with ideals. I'm not going to insist on it if the law doesn't cover it, what's the point? so a small minded person thinks that's what this discussion is about all the pages. Other topics have been discussed.
    Yes, and this is a LEGAL board. If it gets too much further off topic, the thread will be closed.

    Quote Originally Posted by cauin View Post
    The truth is that a lot of you are deeply jealous that I was fortunate enough that my parents paid for me to do 2 years of my degree. When your parents paid for none. So as far as you are concerned, I had it better. And the fact that I am saying I was wronged, makes you bitter and jealous. And scoff at how I failed with all that "help". If you could think more deeply, you'd see things more clearly.
    Am I jealous? Maybe a little. Mostly I feel sorry for you, though. You obviously don't have a clue how much I learned from having to do things for myself, and how much more I value what I have because mommy and daddy didn't give it to me--I earned it myself. I don't feel bitter and jealous that you feel wronged. I feel like you're an idiot that can't see what you DO have because you're too busy crying about what you don't.

    Quote Originally Posted by cauin View Post
    If my parents had done nothing for me, and SAID SO. Then I would have worked first, then done the degree. It'd have taken more time but my life and CV wouldn't be in pieces. In my area people rely on their parents and yes it can mean you get their quicker, and if they hadn't pulled the rug i'd have had a shot at the final year and might've done it as i'd done the previous two. And then if they'd pull the rug then when i'm not relying on them, then fine.

    Or if they'd pulled the rug BEFORE I got onto it. Like before the degree.
    So they pulled the rug on you. Get over it. LIFE has pulled the rug out from underneath me so many times it's not even funny. And it was never when I was getting a free ride when it happened, either. It was more like when everything ELSE had gone wrong, life pulled the rug out from under me. THAT IS WHAT HAPPENS IN LIFE! Unexpected, unwelcome things happen to millions of people every single day. The ones that are successful--those are the ones that say "well, shucks. I guess I have to do this a different way". The ones that fail are the ones that say "WAAAAAAAH!!! That's not fair! You TOLD me you'd do it this other way and I don't like the new way and it's made it IMPOSSIBLE for me to continue and be successful! It's all YOUR fault!"

    Do you see the difference between success and failure?

    Quote Originally Posted by cauin View Post
    This is all beyond the minds of the bitter people here that just see somebody from a more privileged background than them. And if I can say I was wronged, then how much moreso you. In your small-mindedness, you think that. As I said. If they'd pulled the rug before I got onto it, that'd be better than pulling it when I was on it. It's not about -comfort-..
    Seriously? You think I'm bitter because you had two years paid for? No--I'm not bitter about that at all. What I *AM* is angry. Angry at stupid little kids that feel like they are ENTITLED to everything their parents give them rather than being grateful for what you got. It's not about whether I got what you did---it's about the fact that you got something, and are whining and complaining that you didn't get more.

    Quote Originally Posted by cauin View Post
    I lived on about 10 bucks a week, eating very poor, because I was paying all the money they gave me into paying off a debt. They pretty much said once that money is no problem for them, and they could afford a lot, but asking them for money was a big problem for them, so I did live very poor. You probably ate better than I did if you were ever students. It really doesn't work how you think it does. A lot depends on the relationship and understanding that you have with your parents. And problems in that are down to the parents too. And to what extent varies.
    And I worked 60 hours a week at McDonald's, and that barely covered the bills. Most days, the only food I ate was my one free meal at work. Other days, I ate what other people who were sorry for me gave me. My parents couldn't AFFORD to give me anything. And when I went to ask for help from the university, the answer was that my parents made too much for me to get extra aid to have food. $10 a day is $70 a week. I was lucky if I had that left a MONTH. And you weren't even paying RENT! After rent, heat, and electricity, I was lucky if I had 10 CENTS left a day. YOU try to find food to eat on that amount. I lost 40 pounds that year from simply not eating. I don't feel one BIT sorry for you. Poor little rich kid, didn't get what they wanted from mommy and daddy.

    Quote Originally Posted by cauin View Post
    It is possible to -try- to better oneself without saying "IT IS ALL MY FAULT" when it isn't. If you could see a bit deeper, you'd see that.
    It IS all your fault. Or at least it is NOT your parents' fault. You can't grow up until you acknowledge that YOU, and ONLY you, are to blame for your failure in school. If you were a bit wiser, you would understand that.
    cauin's Avatar
    cauin Posts: 31, Reputation: 1
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    Mar 4, 2011, 01:48 PM
    "My advice to you is counseling. Learn that no one owes you anything. You're not entitled to a great life because your parents have money. A post secondary education is a privilege, not a right. Your parents paying for that education is a gift, not a given. "

    I'm not saying I'm "entitled". I said, if they'd pulled the rug before I got on it, then that'd have been fine. So how is that saying I'm entitled?

    It's a "gift" but if pulled suddenly and I can't make sudden plan changes at that point, then it's a "gift" I'd have been better off without.
    smoothy's Avatar
    smoothy Posts: 25,490, Reputation: 2853
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    Mar 4, 2011, 01:54 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by cauin View Post
    "My advice to you is counseling. Learn that no one owes you anything. You're not entitled to a great life because your parents have money. A post secondary education is a privilege, not a right. Your parents paying for that education is a gift, not a given. "

    I'm not saying i'm "entitled". I said, if they'd pulled the rug before I got on it, then that'd have been fine. So how is that saying i'm entitled?

    It's a "gift" but if pulled suddenly and I can't make sudden plan changes at that point, then it's a "gift" i'd have been better off without.
    Its pretty damn clear you are dense as a rock. You haven't actually understood anything anyone has said so far... oh you heard what you wanted to hear... but not what you was being told.

    YOU are claiming they pulled a rug out from under you that you had not legal right to be standing on in the first place.

    Get over it, and get over yourself. No wonder they cut you off... I would have sold my house and moved while you was away without leaving a forwarding address after just what has been said in this thread alone. And I know that's just a drop in the bucket.

    Get over it... get over yourself. Stop whinning... it makes you look like more of a petulant little brat every time you do it. No wonder your father and grandfather won't talk to you.

    Most families would have put you and your stuff out on the street if you acted like that in their house... and they would have been right doing it.

    If you don't like it at home... MOVE out... support yourself, going to love that when the bills start coming in and YOU have to pay them. When you are living on someone else's dime and in someone else's house, and it IS someome else's house, your parents specifically (your name isn't on the deed)... shut up and stop complaining.
    Alty's Avatar
    Alty Posts: 28,317, Reputation: 5972
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    Mar 4, 2011, 01:58 PM

    I'm not saying I'm "entitled". I said, if they'd pulled the rug before I got on it, then that'd have been fine. So how is that saying I'm entitled?

    It's a "gift" but if pulled suddenly and I can't make sudden plan changes at that point, then it's a "gift" I'd have been better off without.
    You still don't get it. You got two years of that "rug" under your feet, that's more then the majority of people get. Once the rug was pulled you had the option to get your arse in gear and finish your education. You didn't. Instead you chose to use this as an excuse to fail.

    Yes they pulled it, and frankly I'm surprised they even offered to help to begin with. I can't imagine you showing any gratitude for what they did, especially in light of the fact that you want to sue them for paying for part of your education. :(

    Do you really not understand what we're saying? Do you really not see why everyone thinks you're spoiled and ungrateful?

    I have to agree with Sneezy, I didn't know people like you existed. You are one of a kind, but not in a good way. At least I hope you're one of a kind. :eek:
    Curlyben's Avatar
    Curlyben Posts: 18,514, Reputation: 1860

    Mar 4, 2011, 01:59 PM
    As the OP clearly has no intention of listening to anything that conflicts with their own blinkered view point, this thread is

    The worst part is that the OP is a fellow Brit, and I find this disgusting in the extreme.
    Overly inflated sense of entitlement along with overdeveloped ego.

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