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    missemme's Avatar
    missemme Posts: 13, Reputation: 3
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    Feb 5, 2011, 04:38 PM
    Why are white men not attracted to me?
    Sometimes I find myself occasionally attracted to white men. I do get my fair amount of stares but the interest stops there, they NEVER make a move!! I kind of look like a thinner, younger version of Kim Myles from H.G.T.V. I see white men with black girls all the time... skinny ones, fat ones, dark ones and light ones, the pretty and the not so pretty. My black girlfriends attract white men all the time%u2026is it that my face is too afro-centric to appeal to the Caucasian taste or could it just be something personal. I am not upset just darn curious%u2026nor am I overly sensitive about race or my appearance so please feel free to be frank and honest. I will not take offense!
    ken007nielsen's Avatar
    ken007nielsen Posts: 288, Reputation: 211
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    Feb 5, 2011, 04:48 PM
    Perhaps your not taking the right approach, maybe the white guys you meet, needs a little more than just a stare, you could try to strike up a conversation with one them next time and see how its goes.

    I can't speak for anyone, but I seriously doubt you race/colour has anyhting to do with it.

    I'm thinking it's in the signals :) happy hunting!
    Fr_Chuck's Avatar
    Fr_Chuck Posts: 81,301, Reputation: 7692

    Feb 5, 2011, 05:00 PM

    I see the first issue as you have separated men into white and black, not just men,

    Black or white men don't have same taste, some like tall, some like heavy, some like very dark, some like red tone and so on. Some white men just don't want to date out side of white, ( as many blacks don't want to date white)
    My wife ( black) has been called a traitor to her race in public because she was dating and married me ( white)
    So there is issues on both sides.

    But perhaps
    You need to consider all men as men, and not have personal issues with white or black, and meet a wider group of people if those you meet are not asking you out.
    missemme's Avatar
    missemme Posts: 13, Reputation: 3
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    Feb 5, 2011, 05:18 PM
    Thanks to you both for your responses!!

    To clear this up... I really don't distinguish between races... the reason that I posted this was because I realized that although I get a lot of play from black men I generally don't get much from white men, regardless of the social setting. It's not an ISSUE... that is why I made sure to state that I am comfortable with my race... It is just something that I noticed and thought that I could bring up for feedback!
    I am cool with people dating who they want; I am not offended by those who date "interracially" nor am I offended by those who prefer to stick to their race. I am comfortable talking about race, don't mistake my frankness as my having personal issues. It was an observation and NOT a judgment... I think you may have misunderstood my question...

    Furthermore... Your issue with not wanting me to use descriptive words (I think) is more of an indication that you are the one having an issues with race. Being too politically correct is always a sign of discomfort. The issue that you are having with your wife being called a traitor has absolutely nothing to do with my question. I think you are trying to put a hue on my innocent question...
    Fr_Chuck's Avatar
    Fr_Chuck Posts: 81,301, Reputation: 7692

    Feb 5, 2011, 05:47 PM

    Politically correct, have not read many of my answers I will assume, but not knowing your age, 16 or 60, we do try and start with a nicer tone often, and to let people know that there is no one answer, People like who they do, not everyone eats McDonald's big Macs.

    And yes we are sometimes a little suspect of brand new posters who start with one of their first questions a race issue. We get enough trolls on here to be careful to see where people are going with a post.
    missemme's Avatar
    missemme Posts: 13, Reputation: 3
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    Feb 5, 2011, 06:00 PM
    That is WHY I stated at the end of my question that frankness would be appreciated (and that I will not be offended by any answers)... not your rudeness Mr. Not Everyone Likes McDonald's Big Mac... Why worry about trolls? You're guarding the fort pretty well... Please don't post anything else beneath my question... I know you are a "veteran" and all but your ruining my experience... you are making my question racial and political... when it is not!! Somehow... I don't think you'll be able to understand that though... Thanks.
    jakester's Avatar
    jakester Posts: 582, Reputation: 165
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    Feb 5, 2011, 06:57 PM

    Miss - for me personally, I get hit on from black girls sometimes but I am just not really into black girls. I have dated mixed girls but only twice.

    I have white friends who only date black girls but I am totally different from them. I think it just depends on the guy. Some white guys could be looking at you and thinking the same thing: "why aren't black girls into me?" What you are describing may be more about fear of approach rather than race preference. So the next time you see a white guy who seems to be checking you out, you could try the Minnie Driver approach in Good Will Hunting:

    "You're an idiot. I've been sitting there for 45 minutes, waiting for you to come and talk to me. But I'm tired now and I have to go home. And I couldn't sit there anymore waiting for you."

    Let me just say that nearly every man would melt if some girl came to him with that line... I know I would. Especially if our eyes had met several times and smiles were exchanged throughout the evening. Sometimes us guys can be a little timid, so you'll have to bear that in mind. It could be that guys that check you out are afraid to come and talk to you or maybe if they do like you, they may think you don't like white guys. It couldn't hurt to walk over and say hello.

    Americans are weird that way... we don't just walk across the room and say hello because we're too afraid of what others will think... and that is the result of political correctness.

    In short, do you, boo!
    liongal's Avatar
    liongal Posts: 82, Reputation: 58
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    Feb 5, 2011, 07:37 PM
    Comment on missemme's post
    Breathe a little missemme. You asked a question and instantly get you back up when people give the feedback you asked for :o/

    missemme's Avatar
    missemme Posts: 13, Reputation: 3
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    Feb 5, 2011, 08:58 PM
    You clearly missed the point... have a good one.

    Comment on jakester's post

    :)... thanx
    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Feb 5, 2011, 11:14 PM

    Why are white men not attracted to me?
    Maybe they are, but not enough to take a chance, or you haven't met one that is attracted enough to take a chance. Why are you not attracted enough to them to take a chance?

    It probably has more to do with the attitude you present, than the color of a guys skin. I an sure many white guys may like your afro centric features, but think your attitude is off putting. But there are those that may like that too! You just haven't met them yet.
    Alty's Avatar
    Alty Posts: 28,317, Reputation: 5972
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    Feb 5, 2011, 11:36 PM

    I have a few comments.

    First you asked for honest feedback, and you said you would not take offense, but when Chuck posted something you didn't like, guess who took offense?

    If you want people to be frank and honest, then you have to take all responses you get with a grain of salt, and keep your promise not to get offended. As for Chuck posting here, you don't get to dictate who posts. Once you post on this site your question is open to all the member on this site. If you don't like the answer, ignore it.

    Now for my opinion.

    White men, black men, they're all men, and all men have different tastes. It might be that so far all the white men you've met just aren't into what you're presenting, you don't match their tastes. You don't ring their bell. They're just not that into you.

    If I go to a club with 200 people in it, there's possibly 3 people in that club that I would find interesting, the rest I wouldn't give a second glance. It has nothing to do with looks, it has nothing to do with skin color, it has to do with energy, and a vibe I get. Not that I'd go for it, I'm happily married, but not dead. Looking is free. :)

    My guess is that for all the "white" guys you've met, they just aren't interested in you. Not every guy is going to fall head over heals for you.
    missemme's Avatar
    missemme Posts: 13, Reputation: 3
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    Feb 6, 2011, 08:57 AM
    If Chuck is misunderstanding my post, and is putting a twist on it that is not supposed to be there... then why should I not try to stop him, why should I not get annoyed... Others gave good responses without the racially charged crap... Jakester gave an answer that was excellent... no sugar coating. That's what I want, not someone trying to cloud my post with their negative and overly sensitive view on race... as I have stated in response to liongal... I will now state to you... You clear missed the point, Altenweg.
    talaniman's Avatar
    talaniman Posts: 54,325, Reputation: 10855

    Feb 6, 2011, 10:28 AM

    Why does it have to be Chuck who misunderstands your post, it seems to me that you have misunderstood his response. And chosen to make an issue of it. More so, any response that annoys you, you make an issue of, followed by disparaging remarks, and that makes it very hard, and off putting, when you wear your likes, and dislikes, on your sleeve like that, and expect an honest dialog.

    Further, and this is just me, focusing on the ones that you disagree with, and not the opinions you see the logic of, gets us no where and we don't know where this is going. See my point, nothing is revealed but what you don't like. We need a balance of real facts to even discuss this further.
    Fr_Chuck's Avatar
    Fr_Chuck Posts: 81,301, Reputation: 7692

    Feb 6, 2011, 11:24 AM

    If she is this with men, of any color, can see perhaps part of the issue, she wishes to take things said as offense if it is not what she expects to here.

    And then of course in today's age, why are you waiting for men to ask you out, and not asking out men you know if you want to go out with them.

    Also in what attmosphere are you at, a bar or a church social. Are you with other people, and if so are they all black, if so, honestly most white men may be slower to approach you if there are not other white people in the group. Silly but it is a mental block.

    And I know that most events are more white or more black, wish things were more evenly mixed but from clubs, to bars to churches, to laundry mats, most ( not all) have more of a ethnic trend, So are you hanging out in more black or more white places for social groups.

    And as for as you taking offense, personally I don't care, I tell it the way I see it or feel from your tone in your posts.

    Next if you want advice, take it , or if you attack those posting, others will not post. And they may post what you want to hear.

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