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    speedball1's Avatar
    speedball1 Posts: 29,301, Reputation: 1939
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    Jan 20, 2007, 03:52 PM
    This is Bandit. A 6 year old Shih-Tzu. I adopted Bandit 3 years ago when I lost my Maltese and we have been buds ever since. Tom
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    AKaeTrue's Avatar
    AKaeTrue Posts: 1,599, Reputation: 272
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    Jan 26, 2007, 08:19 AM
    How do you make the wonderful colleagues? I'd like to make one with all my critters instead of posting them all individually (I have lots too) LOL...
    Everyone's pets look so great!!
    Lacey's Avatar
    Lacey Posts: 8, Reputation: 1
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    Jan 26, 2007, 02:22 PM
    Gorgeous and adorable furbies, feathered and finned!!

    Wow this group has a spectacular collection of critters I got to say... congrats everyone!

    Here's my jungle carpet python "Kaa" checking out my fluffy boy "Mickey"...
    Mickey actually became uncomfortable when Kaa wanted to burrow under his tail and he stood up and whapped Kaa on top of his head... I held my breath while Kaa sat still for a moment after getting smacked and then just appeared to say "oh fine! I'm leaving then" and moved slowly away... it was a tense moment and then quite cute...
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    KMSRyana's Avatar
    KMSRyana Posts: 142, Reputation: 26
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    Jan 26, 2007, 09:20 PM
    Lol, cute story Lacey. My cockatoo actually chases the cats around the house, it's funny to see him get all tough with them. Though I'm afraid if he really upset the black one, he'd end up as dinner.
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    Sentra Posts: 385, Reputation: 55
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    Jan 26, 2007, 09:39 PM



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    Lacey Posts: 8, Reputation: 1
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    Jan 27, 2007, 02:38 AM
    KMS... LOL! Years ago... I mean years and years ago ;-) when I lived with my folks, my Dad had a parakeet named Herminey (it was named Herman till they discovered it was a
    Girl)... anyway... she would dive bomb the cats and chase them around the house... it was a crack up too because we knew if they ever caught her it would be all over... but when she was in her cage she'd push her chest against the bars taunting the cats when she first "moved-in"... when they came to check her out she bloodied their noses... they became convinced she was phsyco bird.
    I also had a Chinchilla who'd do something similar but his "talent" was yanking out a kitty whisker if they came too close... they seemed to be unsure how he was hurting their face but they just decided it was less painful to stay way from the furball in the cage... ;-)

    Sentra - I grew up with two siamese kitties... the male used to play hide and seek with me... he would literally go hide and wait for me to find him and then sit while I went and hid then he'd come find me... he lived to 21yrs old his name was Bucu... the female named Ona would hide under my bed during the two weeks I was away at summer camp and refuse to let anyone see her till I got home... strange but she was my girl... she died at 19yrs old... they are wonderful kitties... boy do they have a voice when they want to be heard... your pooches are adorable too!
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    Sentra Posts: 385, Reputation: 55
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    Jan 27, 2007, 07:36 AM
    Thank you Lacey:)

    And I see a trend in exotic names for Siamese cats here! Hehe, our kitty is named Manuki, Nuki for short. He is my hubby's cat, and he DOES have a voice and can be pretty pushy when he wants affection. We affectionately refer to him as the godfather, hahaha:).

    The daschund is Pepper and the mixed breed is named Pagan, and they can be pushy too, they are what I like to call 'blanket dogs', because they like to wake up in the middle of the night and scratch the blankets until they can shuffle underneath them. :)

    I'm sorry to hear about your loss, I tend to think of pets as members of our family and it sounds like you do the same. I had a rottweiller when I was a kid, him and I had the same birthday, got him shortly after my 10th birthday, he was about 9 weeks old and strangely! He fit into my hand:). A few years and 130 pounds later he was the one walking ME around the neighborhood! People were afraid of him because of his breed and the issues with behavior, but he was a rare one. He was never mean, the worst only happened when someone pulled into the driveway because he barked, a lot.
    I remember coming in late for curfew one night, and he saw me through the window. I left the door unlocked but as soon as he started barking when he saw me, he jumped on the door and somehow, locked me out. My mother said he jumped on the bed and dragged the blankets off her, so I was caught.:)

    He passed on a few years ago, but I know that when its our time to go they'll all be there waiting for us.
    J_9's Avatar
    J_9 Posts: 40,298, Reputation: 5646

    Jan 27, 2007, 07:47 AM
    Here are just 2 of my pets.

    Kimmie is a labradobe, she is my smiling gal. I have never heard a peep out of her, but she smiles like crazy when she wants to come in. Lou is Rae's girl. She is full AKC Bassett Hound.

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    Sentra Posts: 385, Reputation: 55
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    Jan 27, 2007, 07:49 AM
    That evil grin and the nail polish pair are SO CUTE! :)
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    J_9 Posts: 40,298, Reputation: 5646

    Jan 27, 2007, 07:58 AM
    Funny thing about the evil grin. She first did it when she was about 6 months old, she was a horse back then even. Scared me to death!

    She tends to do this when she is embarrassed about something. If she has been in the back yard digging a hole and we look at her and say "kimmie, were you digging?" She will look up and wag her tail and smile!

    When it is time to come inside, she won't. Not unless you say "Kimmie, where's the pretty smile." You have to say that every time or she will not come in. She will just sit there while the door is open until you say that.
    s2tp's Avatar
    s2tp Posts: 299, Reputation: 61
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    Jan 27, 2007, 02:25 PM
    Akae, I open the pictures up in Paint, then I choose the crop tool and outline the are of the picture I want. I then open up a new blank Paint document and after cutting the picture I just paste into the new document.

    Sometimes when I open pictures up in paint they are all zoomed in and huge so I will have to downsize them. I do this by right clicking and going to stretch/skew. It will open a pop up window with options to change the picture by stretching it or skewing it. It says 100 % for horizontal and vertical so I adjust the stretch numbers from 100 to either 50's or 25's %, depending on how small I want the picture to go. Then I am able to cut the picture easier.

    I don't know how much sense all that made... lol. If you would like me to try and word it better I can try. I really just played with some of the Paint tools until I figured it out. There may be easier ways to do it, but this is how I figured things out.. hehe.

    So I just cut and paste pictures into the new document. Remember to place them where you want them to be before clicking out of the 'new document' or you will lose the ability to readjust the picture you just pasted... I guess once its moved and you click out its glued to that one spot. I have not figured out how to reselect it.

    Good Luck!
    AKaeTrue's Avatar
    AKaeTrue Posts: 1,599, Reputation: 272
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    Jan 30, 2007, 10:04 AM
    S2tp, Your instructions were perfect. I knew exactly what you were talking about! Thanks!!

    Here is a colleague of all my pets (except the foal in the pic's - she has a new home).


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    s2tp's Avatar
    s2tp Posts: 299, Reputation: 61
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    Jan 31, 2007, 06:19 AM
    Oh AKae I looove it!

    The horses are beautiful, and the doggies and kitties and fishies...

    Thank you so much for sharing, I am just sitting here smiling and staring... I love animals (especially horses and big dogs)

    Your rottweiler is really gorgeous, what is his/her name? The one I have pictured above was Tanja Rose Vonlugar III. I loved her sooo much, but my dad had to put her down last winter cause she got so sick she couldn't walk or eat. She was about 10 years old though, so she pretty mush lived her big-dog life. I can't wait to get another though. I just love rottweilers- so many people are scared of them, and pitbulls, but they don't realize that it's the owners that make them aggressive. Rotties and Pits that I have known are some of THE sweetest dogs I have come . Now those cute little poodles- those are vicious... haha

    Thank You again for sharing! If you have more you would like to add I will love seeing them :)
    AKaeTrue's Avatar
    AKaeTrue Posts: 1,599, Reputation: 272
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    Jan 31, 2007, 11:54 PM
    I know it must have been hard losing your Rottie. I grew up on a farm and have been surrounded by animals my entire life, and for me, each loss along the way has been equally as painful as the first. It's too bad that they can't be with us longer...
    I LOVE horses and big "bad" dogs too! You are SO right! It's irresponsible pet ownership (accidental and purposely) that caused the bad rep for Pits and Rotties - it's a shame really because they are truly remarkable animals...

    My Rottie's name is Hollibear. She was rescued from the home of a terrible back yard breeder where she had spent the first 5 months of her life in a crate - she had never seen grass or the outside of a shed... The man actually served jail time for the conditions that his animals were in. She's almost 4 years old now and living life like a queen. She's great with my kids (god she loves them), she's great with all animals and has never once shown any aggression toward any stranger (people or animals). She greets them all with a big smile on her face.
    My only thing with her is that she LOVES to eat and it's been a real challenge keeping her at a healthy weight.

    The gray dog "Cole - 9 yrs old" and the Chihuahua "Ninny - 10 yrs old" are dogs that my husband and I adopted from the animal shelter 8 years ago.

    The 4 cats were strays. The gray and white one in the pic with Holli was found on the side of the road when he was about 3 weeks old (way too young to be without a mother). He took a real liking to Holli and claimed her as his mother.

    The birds were left behind by a tenant in a rental property. I'm trying to find a good home for them because it's been real scary shuffling cats and birds around. I refuse to leave the birds in their cage all day and cats are sneeky... LOL

    The black mare is a PMU rescue, her name is patience. We think she's about 10 years old. She has a sad, sad story, but is now free from her cruel past. We don't ride her or use her for anything, her only job is to live the rest of her life happily without suffering.

    The Appaloosa "Chase" and the Quarter "Cherry" are horses that I've had for 18 years. The pony is my daughters and we've had him for 5 years.

    And for the fish... I just really adore them.

    This is an awesome post you've started. I just love everyone's animal pic's. Your animals are beautiful and your colleagues are fantastic and very inspiring... I will definitely work on more...

    colbtech's Avatar
    colbtech Posts: 748, Reputation: 66
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    Feb 1, 2007, 07:21 AM
    My neighbours have 2 pit bulls and they are soft as a brush, don't think my cats are keen though! Strangely enough, the only time I have ever been bitten by a dog and it was a Jack Russell. One of those yappy little things and it leapt up about 5ft to nip my arm.
    If I was to have a dog, it would be a big dog. Something like an Irish Wolfhound.
    Great pictures and stories everyone.
    Cat_lover_16's Avatar
    Cat_lover_16 Posts: 5, Reputation: 2
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    Feb 1, 2007, 10:43 AM

    This is my kitten Autumn, we just adopted her Saturday! Isn't she adorable?
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    colbtech Posts: 748, Reputation: 66
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    Feb 1, 2007, 12:27 PM
    Absolutely gorgeous. Obviously going to have a very pampered life, very similar to my own. Spoilt rotten, I even leave the TV on for them when I go down to the pub. They like sports
    s2tp's Avatar
    s2tp Posts: 299, Reputation: 61
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    Feb 2, 2007, 06:18 PM

    Aww I loved getting to read about your pets, puts a smile on my face as I am sure you smile every time you see or get to talk about them.

    I really miss having pets around. Since I was in the Army for 5 years and mostly lived in barracks, I was stuck with having Betas for pets. It was nice, but nothing like having a pet to play and cuddle with. I don't think my fish would have enjoyed me throwing a ball at them or trying to grab their tail.. haha.

    All I know is when I was getting out of the Army I was having such a difficult time making the decision to leave and try the civilian world. I really love the Military, and I am very proud of our soldiers. However I wasn't quite happy having to move around all the time and never being allowed to have a really pet. Goofy as it may sound those two reasons are why I left the Army. I decided my biggest goals I wanted the soonest was to own a house and have a dog, all to my own. LOL. Sounds simple, but its how I had to figure things out.

    Of course now I went and got myself stuck in Afghanistan where I can't even have a pet fish anymore... but I got to spend 5 wonderful months back on the ranch with all the horses and dogs my parents have.

    In my Picture, the top left horse, also the buckskin, his name is Burning Envy- or Mouse as his nick name. I am thinking of buying him from my mom. He was supposed to be a stud stallion for our mares, but something came up with his knee and before having it identified, my mom had him neutered. Now the doc thinks it was just sore from the extensive training he was in, but only time will tell.

    The Australian Shepheards across the top are Boogie, Bailey, Buck then Boogie again.
    Boogie is an Aussie/blue healer mix so he's really intense. He actually had a shattered hip from our mare kicking him. He was almost put down but the vet couldn't stand putting him down so he worked out a deal. It took him over a year to recover with lots of difficulties and pain in between, but he is a great dog and extremely loyal.

    The other 2 Aussies are a breeding pair, and well they have just been bred for the first time a few days ago... so puppies in the summer, whoohoo!

    The Palomino on the ball, in the middle and on the bottom left is Skeeter Chex Out. He was my parents first baby. He was also supposed to be a stud colt, but he didn't 'drop' properly, so he's another gelding. He is in training now as a 3 year old. I think he is going to be a really good reighning or team pinning horse for my dad. Skeeter now has a full brother that is about 10 months old, his name is Swoop, pictured on the bottom right.

    The bay filly is Sky, she was the second baby of the ranch. She will also be going through training as a cart pony. She prances around everywhere and has a really soft eye, so I think she will make some little child very happy someday.

    The bay horse in the middle is Joey. Hes our oldest horse now, but by far the fastest! Hes getting a little arthritis and may be going blind, so he will pretty much live out his days in that big pasture. The Bay below that with the branding is little Joe, or now better known as Little Man. He is a really good reighning horse, but has picked up a habit of randomly bucking. He doesn't seem to do it our of aggression or discomfort, so my parents think he was left out to pasture for too long with his last owners... he will be going through some training too.

    Lets see the fish was my favorite Beta- very pretty and pretty expensive... not much more to say about him... haha

    The rotty of course is Tanja, I miss her dearly!

    Ok I just made a novel of this thread, haha but I don't feel guilty cause I started it hehehe.

    Thank you again to everyone who has posted. Please feel free to add more pics and more stories!
    AKaeTrue's Avatar
    AKaeTrue Posts: 1,599, Reputation: 272
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    Feb 3, 2007, 10:12 PM
    Cat_Lover, I agree with colbtech, your kitten is absolutely gorgeous!!

    I can understand your desire for a home and pets of your own... It's not goofy... I'll tell you, my kids and my pets are what keep me going - they are my life...
    You know, my Appaloosa had the same problem as Skeeter, he didn't fully drop... But boy did he still have all the fire of a stud when he was young. My mother decided to have him gelded (at my request )when I could no longer pick his feet without getting my butt bit - LOL!! (I think I was like 13 years old at the time) He was a bugger! He's an old man now and completely blind. He's been in the same pasture for 18 years and knows his way around, but he stays close and is never out of sight from the barn or house unlike the other 3. It took about 9 years for him to loose all sight. Your horse that's going blind may still have a long time left...
    It's snowing today and we really had a blast!! Holli is pulling the sled for the kids - LOL!!
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    Cat_lover_16 Posts: 5, Reputation: 2
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    Feb 4, 2007, 03:06 PM
    Thank you! We just got back from the vet.. She has an eye infection.. Now she's on some meds.. So at least she'll get better soon.. She had me worried

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