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    Hunnybee_420's Avatar
    Hunnybee_420 Posts: 43, Reputation: 1
    Junior Member

    Dec 29, 2010, 10:49 PM
    Sounds like water dripping behind walls!!
    PLEASE HELP!! I was in the bathroom tonight shortly after someone had used the it and I keep hearing a noise. I thought it was the usual house creaks but it was repetitive. At first I feared the worst thinking it was the roof. Curious I ran the sink, toliet and shower and after a few realized the dripping increased after running the sink on both temps. So this must be the drain has a leak or something?? and I should call a plumber?? they'd have to dig in my wall?? How much is this going to cost me?? :(
    Please answer all inquiries ASAP!!!

    ~~ Why do bad things always happen on weekends and holidays :(
    adthern's Avatar
    adthern Posts: 282, Reputation: 28
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    Dec 29, 2010, 11:48 PM

    It happened to me too. Don't panic. Look at the ceiling above the wall you hear the sounds in, is it wet/discolored/stained? If it is, then you have a leak. Dry it as best you can and if you have another bathroom have people use that one for now.

    I suggest you wait before doing anything else and see if any of the expert plumbers here answer.

    In my area the plumbers were 30-45/hr. There are some things you can do to decrease the hours they will work, open the wall maybe (if you found there was a leak).

    Trust me, I feel for you.
    Hunnybee_420's Avatar
    Hunnybee_420 Posts: 43, Reputation: 1
    Junior Member

    Dec 29, 2010, 11:50 PM
    Comment on adthern's post
    Thanks I couldn't find anything right away downstairs, I will wait for all help offered and check it out more when I have a chance. Until then out of order lol
    adthern's Avatar
    adthern Posts: 282, Reputation: 28
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    Dec 29, 2010, 11:51 PM

    Good luck
    joypulv's Avatar
    joypulv Posts: 21,591, Reputation: 2941
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    Dec 30, 2010, 03:44 AM
    If it's a drain, no big deal, easy fix with PVC and PVC glue when you find it. Is the bathroom vanity on an outside wall that could have frozen and thawed? Can you look up from the basement to see if any water is dripping down the inside of the wall?
    massplumber2008's Avatar
    massplumber2008 Posts: 12,832, Reputation: 1212
    Senior Plumbing Expert

    Dec 30, 2010, 05:21 AM

    Hi all..

    As suggested, check everything out yourself to start and see what you can find... may still be nothing at all... just contraction/expansion of pipes in the wall if you are lucky!

    If needed you could cut a small hole in the wall inside the vanity base (if present) and see if you can see anything, but don't go much farther as the issue could actually be in the floor... although I don't think you would readily hear this upstairs as you have.

    Keep us posted on what you find...


    PS: Adthern, good advice here, but where in Massachusetts did you find a legitimate plumbing company for $30.00 -$45.00 an hour? Not to be a smartaker, but there could be no way that company was insured, had worker's compensation, paid taxes (unemployment, FICA, state, etc), advertised, had phones, trucks, tools, vacation pay, holiday pay, sick pay, licensing fees, continuing education costs, or any kind of bonus system, etc. huh? Heck, I don't even think handymen charge that anymore in Massachusetts... ;) Ahhh, well, just so hunnybee knows that prices differ dramatically region to region is all! I'm hoping this is just expansion/contraction issues anyway! Thanks!
    adthern's Avatar
    adthern Posts: 282, Reputation: 28
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    Dec 30, 2010, 07:30 AM

    The prices I got were not for plumbing companies and I should have kept that to myself I guess. They were individual "plumbers" who were recommended to me by people I know.
    massplumber2008's Avatar
    massplumber2008 Posts: 12,832, Reputation: 1212
    Senior Plumbing Expert

    Dec 30, 2010, 11:18 AM

    LOL... Thanks for explaining it... ;) I just didn't want hunnybee calling some plumbing company with that range in mind is all.

    Thank you for having a sense of humor about it!~ I appreciate it!


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