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    carrie022023's Avatar
    carrie022023 Posts: 2, Reputation: 1
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    Jan 10, 2007, 09:55 AM
    Am I Helping or Hurting My Dog?
    My husband and I recently adopted a Male Miniature Daschund. Bailey is three months old, and we had had him for two weeks now. He is a lover, and is so sweet.. When we are holding him…

    We bought a crate for him, and have had him sleep in it at night. Day one and two we had him sleep in our room, and he barked like a crazy dog. We had to move him to another room so we can sleep. He still barks when we put him in his crate. He stops eventually, but barks a good 20-30 minutes.

    I was home with him for a week, and things seemed to go well. I was there to let him out when he needed to go to the bathroom every two hours. He has not shown us the signs that he needs to go outside, so when just take him out periodically. He usually goes outside. The last week.. He has been not going outside, and when we let himn in, he goes on the carpet. How can I stop him from doing this? I put him on a leash when we go outside, and try to get him to go.. He goes outside when HE wants to.

    Secondly, my husband and I work all day. We are done for 10 hours. This is something that we should have thought about before we got the dog. We tried leaving him in the bathroom, and he made a mess. We have been putting him in the crate. We come home to a mess. It is hard to train him, because of the fact that we work. We cannot put in a doggie door, because we have 2 cats as well who cannot go outside.

    Is this dog miserable? Should we find a new home for him? Or will he be okay?
    jenni666's Avatar
    jenni666 Posts: 4, Reputation: 1
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    Jan 10, 2007, 10:12 AM
    In My Opinion, i do think he/she is a unhappy dog.
    The main reason is that you dont spend alot of time with him/her when he/she needs you the most, for example when your at work.
    Tuscany's Avatar
    Tuscany Posts: 1,049, Reputation: 229
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    Jan 10, 2007, 10:26 AM
    I have a mini doxie named Tuscany... ironic I know. He is pictured under my name.

    The thing with daschunds is that they need a lot of attention. Especially at that young of an age. Being in a crate for 10 hours is way to long for your puppy. He should be on a schedule for the bathroom of about every two hours. When we first got Tuscany I came home from work 2 times a day to let him out or I had a family member come. Even now that Tuscany is 4 months old I still go home at lunch time to let him out. A small dog = a small bladder, just something to consider.

    As for his crying when you crate him. That is normal. He wants to be with you... however give it time. Soon he will love his crate. Daschunds love small warm places, and his crate will become his safe haven. Tuscany will often search his out when it is loud in our house or if he is tired.

    As for peeing on the rug. Dashunds are known for being tough to house break. A strict schedule, having him "go" in the same place, and always going out the same door helps. Be sure to use a key word like "potty" to prompt him to go outside and then give him a treat. Dashunds work well when given food as a reward (just don't over do). Of and being stubborn and doing things when they want to do it is not unusual for a dashund. It is all about being aware of what they are doing, and making your idea THEIR idea.

    Once you get over those hurdles I can tell you that they are the most loving, caring dogs. I used to say that I would only own a Lab. However, owning Tuscany has made me change my mind. Like all dogs, yours will bring so much to your life. As long as you have the time to put into training them.
    labman's Avatar
    labman Posts: 10,580, Reputation: 551
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    Jan 10, 2007, 11:26 AM
    You must find an alternative to leaving him 10 hours at a time. That is just too long for even an older dog, let alone a 3 month old. Leave him in a crate, and he will have to foul it, and may become conditioned to living in his own filth. You need to find a neighbor or a professional dog walker that can give him at least one break every day. I like doggy day care for older dogs, but I am not sure a 3 month old should be exposed to the older dogs, or they would accept one that wasn't housebroken.

    When you do take him out, keep him moving. Movement stimulates the body. Inside, keep a close eye on him. Learn to read him. It may be subtle, but you should be able to tell when he needs to go out. One clue is approaching past favorite places.
    You must find an alternative to leaving him 10 hours at a time. That is just too long for even an older dog, let alone a 3 month old. Leave him in a crate, and he will have to foul it, and may become conditioned to living in his own filth. You need to find a neighbor or a professional dog walker that can give him at least one break every day. I like doggy day care for older dogs, but I am not sure a 3 month old should be exposed to the older dogs, or they would accept one that wasn't housebroken.

    When you do take him out, keep him moving. Movement stimulates the body. Inside, keep a close eye on him. Learn to read him. It may be subtle, but you should be able to tell when he needs to go out. One clue is approaching past favorite places.

    Read the stickies at the top of the dog forum. There is material there that will help including settling him into the crate at night.
    Read the stickies at the top of the dog forum. There is material there that will help including settling him into the crate at night.

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