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Painful pale tissue bulging at the vaginal opening
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My partner has pale spongy tissue that is slightly bulging, around the opening of her vagina. She was raped as a child and more recently too. I was wondering if this could be scar tissue caused by the traumas? I've done lots of research but can't find anything that sounds likely. We're...
Painful lum on underarm
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I recently discovered I have a small lump on my underarm and it is extremely painful. So painful that I can barely touch it. It feels like there is a small ball inside my under arm. I have no idea what it is and I am concerned it could be cancer! Please help!:(
SCROTUM red pimple on it
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My friend has a red pimple on his scrotum that burns him is there anything to be concernd about and is there anything to do to relieve the pain?
Red pimple on Scrotum
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My friend has a red pimple on his scrotum and it burns him is it something that he has to be worried about, and is there anything he could do to heal it and make it stop hurting?
Getting red out, back to pale yellow
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Hello. About a month and a half ago, I got a front section bleached out to a nice pale yellow shade. Then, I made a dumb mistake and dyed it dark red. Now, the red is fading horribly, and I just want to go back to pale yellow! Is there any semi-safe way to get most of this red out so I can be... View more questions Search