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    Stepdancer21's Avatar
    Stepdancer21 Posts: 10, Reputation: 1
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    Oct 17, 2010, 12:52 PM
    Please write me a song...
    I was wondering if someone could write me a song. I am a girl with a high range.
    If it could be possible I would like the song to be about a teenage love.
    You see I have liked this boy ever since I was young, and I am in love with him. The only problem is that I am too shy to tell him. And I want this song to be about the feelings that I have for him that he doesn't know about.

    Can someone write me a song?
    Stepdancer21's Avatar
    Stepdancer21 Posts: 10, Reputation: 1
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    Nov 3, 2010, 06:16 PM
    Comment on x0lex0x's post
    You can? When can we start! That it great!
    ITstudent2006's Avatar
    ITstudent2006 Posts: 2,243, Reputation: 329
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    Nov 3, 2010, 06:27 PM

    Here's a better idea. In order for your "song" to be genuine and straight from the heart you are the one who needs to put words on paper not us.

    I could write you a song all night long but deep down you'd know it wasn't from you and it will not feel the same.

    I can help you but I am not writing a song for you. If you come up with lyrics or at least lines I can help you put them together.

    Think of what makes you like this guy, what he does, doesn't do, says, doesn't say, acts, doesn't act etc...

    The hardest part about writing a song is not writing it and making things rhyme and flow but knowing what you want to say in the song. Once you get this down, putting it on paper will be easy.
    Clough's Avatar
    Clough Posts: 26,677, Reputation: 1649
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    Nov 5, 2010, 03:05 AM
    Hi again, Stepdancer21!

    Okay, you got my attention with your private message! Please just use the answer function on the threads rather than using the comments feature. Not everyone notices the comments all the time. Also, on the skin that I'm using for the site, I can't even see the comments that are made on a thread.

    Below, is a short example of how the music to a song might be written. There are innumerable ways to do that. Different styles, genres... If the original format that's written is for voice and piano, that could be developed later into other working with other instruments. How to do that later, if you should choose to do so, would be up to you because going beyond just writing a song with a basic accompaniment goes beyond the capabilities of what we can do here.

    About the program: It's a new for me, so I'm just getting used to using it. Haven't got it all figured out yet... Have used a different one in three or four other threads on this site. Don't have access to that particular program right now.

    Name:  Sample of a Song Format - Use.jpg
Views: 1286
Size:  80.5 KB

    I was just messing around with using the program to figure out how it works. Wasn't really all that inspired when I wrote the music.

    I've mentioned to you previously about helping you. That I'll be glad to do. It will also take effort on your part. Need at least a start on some lyrics from you in order to get going and helping you to learn how to do this. Lyrics and music for a song can be changed many times before the desired result is achieved.

    Also, if you would like to hear the music that's above, you can do that by clicking on the following link.


    It's faster than what I intended it to be. Doesn't seem to be a way to change the tempo with that particular program. I think that a person will need to download the file in order to listen to it. Although, I could be incorrect about that.

    If you at least provide a start to some lyrics, I'll be able to show you how they can be worded in such a way to fit with a song that, hopefully, you might like.

    Waiting for some beginning ideas for some lyrics from you...

    I'll also need to know some other things. But, that can wait until I have an idea for at least a start to the lyrics. What you write doesn't have to be perfect. Even a rough beginning would be fine. Others here are also really good with coming up with lyrics too.

    But after all, it would be a song that you would want to call your own.

    By the way, even the best performing artists will frequently have a team of people working on songs for and with them.

    Stepdancer21's Avatar
    Stepdancer21 Posts: 10, Reputation: 1
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    Nov 14, 2010, 05:37 PM
    Hi Clough, Thanks again for everything. The files were great. Yes I am familiar with the voice and piano accompianment, I take voice lessons so I know how to read music.
    So I came up with some lines, not good though and I do not even think they rhyme...

    "When I go to bed I think of you,
    I think of what we could be together.
    I just wish that you would know,
    How you make me feel.
    I have loved you for what feels like forever,
    But you just don't know the other side of me.
    I am not so shy as to what it seems,
    I dance, I sing, I laugh.
    I wish that you would love me to."

    So, that is what I have so far... not good though. I will come up with more. Thanks for everything.
    Also I want to include in the song:
    *How I wish that we could be
    *How much I truly love him
    *How I always think of him... every minute of the day

    ITstudent2006's Avatar
    ITstudent2006 Posts: 2,243, Reputation: 329
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    Nov 14, 2010, 06:31 PM

    When I go to bed, I think of you,
    Your face is the only thing that gets me through.
    I dream of the things that we could be,
    I only wish that you could see.

    I've loved you for what feels like forever,
    You just don't know the other side of me.
    Oh... how I wish that we could be.
    I'm not so shy as to what it seems.

    I'm a normal girl who's now in love,
    I dance, I sing, I laugh and hug
    Your face, your voice, your smile and laugh,
    I fell in love.. oh so damn fast!

    My love for you is far above,
    Anything you could dream of.
    On my mind every minute of the day
    I only wish that you would say...

    I love you too!

    Song doesn't need to necessarily rhyme. However, I believe that when a song does rhyme it sounds better! Here is just a few lines I put together real quick! It's a basis to work off from.

    If you pllan on singing this then you have to edit the song to your voice and capabilities, if you can't sing a long paragraphed line without running out of breath than shorter lines or no run-on paragraphs can be included. Things like these are what needed to be a good song writer and singer!
    Stepdancer21's Avatar
    Stepdancer21 Posts: 10, Reputation: 1
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    Nov 15, 2010, 01:00 PM
    Comment on ITstudent2006's post
    Oh my goodness! Thank you so much! It sounds 100x better than what I had. Tonight I am going to add on more and I will keep you posted as to what I have. Thank you so muchITstudent2006!
    Cookieloves12's Avatar
    Cookieloves12 Posts: 5, Reputation: 1
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    Mar 25, 2012, 11:01 AM
    Hey I have the same problem can anyone help me out?

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