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    middleskewl22's Avatar
    middleskewl22 Posts: 2, Reputation: 1
    New Member

    Aug 28, 2010, 02:42 AM
    Can anybody can help me!!
    I have noo idea what to do in middle skewl I don't know what to even start with! Can you tell me how the first day of middle skewl will be like whre to even go maybe?! :confused:
    J_9's Avatar
    J_9 Posts: 40,298, Reputation: 5646

    Aug 28, 2010, 02:56 AM

    The first thing to expect will be spelling. They will grade you on it, so be sure to spell correctly...

    skewl = school.

    We expect good spelling here as well.

    Now, it won't be much different from elementary school, just the kids will be taller. You will also most likely have to change classes every hour or so. You will have different teachers, no recess, and you more than likely will have lockers.
    rpray2007's Avatar
    rpray2007 Posts: 319, Reputation: 23
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    Sep 14, 2010, 04:43 PM
    My kid is in his second year of middle school and he's loving it. Coming from Elementary, you will find it a big change. The kids are taller and there is a lot more going on. My son had a tough first year because they basically treated you like a grown up and were VERY particular about getting organized. Here are some tips:
    1) Pay close attention to what you are required to do - write it down and don't be shy about asking someone if you don't understand something. Preferably ask the teacher so you don't have any confusion
    2) Plan on spending more time on homework that before. You will get projects in most of your classes so don't sign up for a million other extra-curricular activities... this is something your parents need to understand as well
    3) Enjoy yourself - even though it was hard, it was a lot of fun and he learned a lot in that year.

    Hope this helps and good luck!
    LGs1Fan's Avatar
    LGs1Fan Posts: 9, Reputation: 0
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    Sep 17, 2010, 05:48 PM
    I hope you have a good time in middle school but you are going to HAVE to stop typing in abbreviated words!
    Kitkat22's Avatar
    Kitkat22 Posts: 6,302, Reputation: 1191
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    Sep 17, 2010, 06:49 PM
    Middle School is very different from elementary. You will meet lots of different kids and make new friends. Don't be scared. First you will receive a handbook on the rules. This handbook will inform you of the dress code and being tardy and it will also tell you the zero tolerance rules.

    Always dress neatly and be on time for your classes. ALWAYS respect your teachers and the principal and the rest of the staff.

    Always have your homework done and do it neatly. If you have to be absent always bring a Doctors excuse or a note from your parents according to the reason you're absent.

    There will be a certain amount of time to get to each class when you get out of another class.

    There is a No Contact Rule that all students must follow. This means no holding hands with a boy or girlfriend. No cuddling or kissing. In some schools, even "High Fiving " is considered personal contact.

    Cell phones are forbidden in some schools. Your handbook will inform you if cell phones are allowed. In any case they must be turned off.

    There are anti-bullying laws now in nearly every state. These laws have been enacted and enforced because of the number of kids who commit Bully-Cide. I'll explain Bully -Cide, it happens when a student is picked on or beaten up and they feel they have no other recourse ,so they take their life.

    Here are the things you should know about bullies. They usually run in
    Groups of three or four. They won't bully someone by themselves.
    They feel they have to make themselves feel important by picking on some and they do.

    Bullies taunt others by pushing, shoving, hitting, spitting and finally beating. They call others name such as racial slurs, words like fagot or queer or worse. They intimidate by threats. Gym locker rooms are one of the places they bully.

    Girls bully the same way except they use different name calling. They will tell another girl she is a B**** or W****. They will make another girl or boy feel as bad about themselves as they can.

    Cyber-Bullying is when someone sends hateful or threatening emails, text messages and Face Book is another way to cyber-bully.

    The good news is this, Bullying and Cyber-Bullying is now against the law and the people who do it can be expelled or sent to Alternative School. Students have to be willing to tell their parents what is going on.
    If you are bullied, tell the Principal or a teacher. You or a friend or someone must stand up and tell or it will not stop. The principal is NOT
    Allowed to tell how he found out. That is against the law and your privacy.

    Most kids say they don't want to be a tattle-tale. Those days are gone.
    If you tell, you will be helping someone else. If you fight back you could also be expelled even if they were bullying you. You could get ISS or suspension. Cyber-Bullying and Bullying is a felony.

    If you should have to face bullies.. walk away. If they persist you tell.
    Keep documentation of emails and text messages and cell phone calls or pictures. Your parents will help you take care of that.

    I don't mean to frighten you, but I want you to know what to do. I don't think you'll be bullied but just in case you are you'll know what to do.

    Be a friend to those who may need friends. Don't get into the wrong crowd and remember... Telling to keep you or someone else from being
    Hurt or anything that hinders your learning is good telling.

    You have a great year.:)

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